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Finding Lewis: A Half Real Half Minecraft Story [Based on True Events]

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cakeface's Avatar cakeface
Level 39 : Artisan Cake
Hello. I'm Alex. Storys almost always start at the beginning, but I don''t know the beginning. So I'll have to tell this story from where I can first remember. I'm going to sit here, on the sofa, for as long as it takes to type it out on my Laptop.

I was an orphan. My dad, Steve, had left the game before I was born and my mother, Steve-et, died at birth and respawned chunks away. I was left on my own. Until I was 4 years. I don't know how I survived that long in Minecraftia, but I somehow did. When I was 4 I was taken to sea. The second World War had out braked, and I was told I was being sent to a new country, called Australia.
On the day, I was sent to a big boat, my hunger bar roaring in my face. There were lots of other children on the ship, too, but they were all older than me. Here's a screen-shot I took, before we all got on, when it was coming to the shore:
We were going to Australia, I was excited, but very scared. Our ship was white and it had blood-red strikes across the sides. We could get blown up just like that. The screen-shot doesn't really look much like World War 2, but wait 'till midnight, and you'll be changing your mind.
Everyone was losing health bars, because of the bumps, but at least we got fed. Everyone was about 10+, and I was 6. I got bullied allot, but a ten year old guy was really nice and backed off the bullies. We had a friendship. He was called Noah. He slept in the bunk above me and we chatted when everyone else was asleep.
The day finally arrived. We were all called out from our bunks at 7.30AM and everyone was moaning because they wanted to sleep. There was a huge plant of wood placed between our ship and the beach. We all rushed down the wood.
"We'll be allright, Alex," said Noah.
"I know, but, well I'm a bit nervous, I don't want to leave you!" I weeped.
"I'll make sure we stay together. I promise" he promised. "We're together, Sir," he said to the Captain.
We were taken to a big bus, where there was a chatty-sort-of-guy bus-driver. He said that we were going 5,000 chuncks and that we should go to sleep. Most of us on the bus didn't sleep, but a few people did, they were snorers as well.

We had finally got there. We saw a verandah were a chubby man was standing with a wicked-looking sword.
"Don't you worry, Alex," Noah spoke, barely audible.
The man stepped down onto the dark road. His gamer-tag said "NickBoss2000". I'm guessing his name was Nick (but then again, could be Boss or 2000). 
"Right!" he shouted, as the bus flew off, "There are a few rules here! Number 1: We are prayers of God. 2: No idling or swearing, you won't have time for that! Number 3: We are following Gods instructions, "Make little children suffer". Now, FOLLOW me!"
He had scared us out of our skin. We followed him looking very frightened. He took us to a little stable-like place.
"THIS! Is were you will sleep," he barked, without another word.
He trotted us over to a wooden table. "You will eat here. This is also were the punishment parade will be. On Sundays you will get cakes, the rest of the days you will get bread and soup," he barked, "The punishment parade is when you stop working, I will sword you. You will not have cakes, and will not have anything if that carries on. Consider yourself lucky you've been chosen to stay with me!" He gave a wicked look, which rung a bell telling us that we should start feeding the animals.
The farm was about 3 acres of grassy, muddy land. There were horses, cows, sheep, sheep dogs, crocodiles (yes, nobody wanted to feed them), and a couple more unnamable animals.
Noah and I, obviously, try our hardest to find the jobs where we are as close together as possible, so we could talk. But if he caught us, there'd be trouble!
Everyone secretly loved a horse called Jack. He was very pretty; he was jet black, except for a white streak going from his tail, to his nose. His fur was fluffy and he felt a cat. His neigh was cute as well.
It was the end of the day. Nickboss2000 said that everyday, if he thought we'd worked enough, he'd give us 15 minutes to play outside. Me and Noah would usually play footy and did keepy-uppys and shoot-outs. Everyone else would probably play Tag or Mob or whatever children did in those days. Our dormitory (or prison sell, we called it)was a miniscule building with hay in it. There was a tiny window where I slept. Now it's time to tell something else. My long lost brother, who I call Lewis, gave me a Computer USB Stick before I got on the ship. He told me to look after it and keep it safe. So that's what I've done, I've still got it on my mantle-piece right now, as I write this story. Anyway, back to the story. I kept that USB Stick in a hole in the windowsill. I wondered what would be on it, but I didn't have access to a computer. So I kept it safe, so if in the future I got a computer, I could see what is on it. Maybe a video, maybe a message, maybe a game, maybe the answer to everything. I don't know.
Everyone tryed to escape Nick/Boss/2000 (whatever his name is), as you would, if you were forced to do hard labour for food, drink and shelter. When we escaped, he always found us, and sworded us too. He said that we'd die if we ran off, we'd starve. Which was probably true, hense the scolding sun. Everyone hoped that they'd get a nice family to live with, and not have to work. They hoped for a big plot of land to build on, and lots of trees and ice-lollies and treats and day-trips. Sadly, this didn't happen to us. Last night I had a strange dream, I was around 14 maybe 15. The dream was a StarWars trype of space intro, with the yellow text and the galaxy background. 
The text read: Escape now. Go to the village.
I reluctantly decided I'd go tommorrow. I went to bed, thinking someone had magically implemented something into my mind.
I woke up the next day, smuthered from head to toe in hay. I pushed away all of the hay and I saw nobody.
"Noah! NOAH!". I sprinted out of the door, only to be stopped clear by a huge fire. This fire had spread all oer the farm and I really, really needed to get out. I pushed myself through the fire fire and heaved myself over the fense and ran down the road, towards the village. Then I realised something, as I reached it, the police station was bound to have a computer... and I've got my USB. I sprinted down the gravel path towards the Police Station. I gave a knock. The Police Station was a new modern one; the walls were all stone and the door was iron.
"Hello?" I heard a voice.
"Hi, I've got a USB and I don't know what it's for. Please can I use your computer to see what is on it?"
"Okay, I'll open the door"
He did. His flashy name'tag on his shirt stated that his name was Brian. He walked me up the stairs and into his office.
"There you go, buddy, there's a slot for your USB in the side."
I plugged it in and turned on the computer. It was pretty slow but I got onto the homescreen soon enough. A screen poped up saying that it's a work document and if I wanted to open it. I clicked "OK".
I started reading the note from my brother.

Hello, Alex.
I remember giving this stick to you just before I caught the plane to North Caroliner. I should be at 125 Knocking Street by the time you read this. I just want you to know that I'm okay, and you can come and see me in North Caroliner at 125 Nocking St. Please don't worry, I'm absolutely fine. I've got a wife, now I'm 36. Please come and see me,

That was all it was, but it was enough to tell me that I need to catch the Mine-Plane to North Caroliner. I'd just gone on Miner's Maps, and 125 Nocking Street was in the heart of it. Then I went on Mine-Plane's website. The nearest time to get to Lewis was 10.35PM tomorrow.
When I arrived at the Mine-Plane Airport, I felt a little shaken inside. I wondered how us meeting again would turn out. Would he like me or not? My thoughts whirred through my head. I had 20 minutes untill my plane arrived so I went to a Subway station. My roll was delicious and I had nearly eaten it in a mere 5 minutes!
I quickly checked my watch: the time was 10.25. I put my cookie in it's bag and into my rucsac. I sprinted over to the desk, where I showed them my passport and my ticket, then I visited Security and they checked my bag and frisked me. Then they let me pass outside and I got on the little bus to the steps. The noise of the plane was so loud, my ears had popped already! I looked for my seat and sat down.
"Bah. Wa-Woah!" I got woked up by a lady with a trolley offering me a plane of food, "Yes, please." I said, "Thank you," she passed me the plate. I ate it. As all plane food is, it was boiling hot, but I had my bottle of water with me, just in case I caught fire.
"Wah-Woa! Wuzzgoinon?" I got woken by the person behind me poking me. 
"Sorry, I had to wake you," She said, "We're getting off now."
"Oh. Thank you for waking me up! I would've been left here!"
"Oh, it's OK. You would'nt want to be back in England when you woke up!" 
We laughed and walked down the steps together.
"So what are you here for?" she asked me, "A lovely holiday?".
"No, no," I replied, then I explained the story of how I found my brother, Lewis, and the USB and all that.
"Oh wow," she said, "You must be excited seeing a long lost brother!"
And boy I was. But a little scared too. I knew little about him. Then one thing came to my mind. I had had a biological mother and father. I wondered what happened. Maybe my mother died giving birth and my dad ran off. I hadn't a clue. 
I had reached the road. I bought a map of the whole of North Caroliner, specifically because it named roads and places. I traced my finger over streets, clubs, bars, theatres and loads more. The view was beautiful, with mountains and big beaches and signs and forests.
There. That was it; Knocking St. 70-130 were the house numbers. As blood surged around my body, adrenaline pumping fast I phoned MineCabs Co. 
"Hey, have you got a free Taxi near me?" I asked? 
"Lemme check," a deep male voice replied, "Doo de doo de dahhh.. Yep, I got a driver right round the corner," he told me. (GTA V Taxi Reference=D) 
"Thanks, bye!" I said gleefully.
Beep beep beep - the sound of a phone hanging up.

20 minutes later...

I saw the sillouette of a taxi and wet myself a little bit... 

I sprinted and opened the back door of the Taxi.

"Hey, so where you wanna go?" spoke a lady in the front.

"125 Knocking Street, please," I replied.

"You got it," she replied glissfully, searching it in her SatNav.

An hour away. Not too bad, I thought, starring at the SatNav's screen.

I sat down comfortably, as the Taxi drove down the beautifully colourful street...

I vaguely remeber a dream about NickBoss2000 and his horrible place. I seriously hate that guy...


"Um, hello?" the taxi driver states.
I had fallen asleep properly and not woken up.
"Oh! I'm so sorry! How long have you been waiting for me?" I ask.
"Don't worry. Only a minute or too. We're here now," he replies, fondly.

I pay the fair for the drive and walk down the road.

Hmmmm... 120 122 124. I looked across the road 125! 125 Knocking Street. I took a deep breath ("HUUUUUUH") and pressed the door bell. Wait, were they in? The door opened, and I was only to be comfronted by a tall, attractive girl. 
"Hello," she says .
"Hi, I'm Alex. Do you know Lewis?" I ask, my face going slight pink asking such a weird question.
She laughed for a second, "I'm his wife, Ella, silly! You must be his brother. He's upstairs, come on in!"
As I walked in I felt a nice walm feeling hit me.

"Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?" politely asked Ella.

"Oh, no thanks, I'm fine," I replied, tapping up the stairs, slowly, like a cat exploring a new house.

I could see Lewis before I'd even reached the top of the white, bright staircase. His silouette directed towards the landing and I was excited, I must say. 
I could see a computer inside a duck-egg blue room where he was sitting at a desk.

"Lewis..."  I spoke.

"Alex! Oh, there is a god," He shrieked, excited as anything.

Lewis raised and looked up at the ceiling, as if an angel would apear and float above them.

"Er, yeah, the chances of something appearing up there is not that high," I smirked.

It looked like Lewis did not choose to answer that one.

"So, what do you do these days, after we were separated?" I asked.

"Erm, well, I've moved here, of course, got married, of course, and now I make internet blogs," replied Lewis.

                                                                                 MORE COMING SOON!!!

7 Update Logs

Update #7 : by cakeface 10/31/2014 5:02:14 amOct 31st, 2014

More story.

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10/30/2014 5:51 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Grump
+snakeonthebus+'s Avatar
Awesome story! Just one thing I gotta ask, man. Why did Lewis write that he had a wife and where he lived before he got there?
10/31/2014 4:44 am
Level 39 : Artisan Cake
cakeface's Avatar

Also, I was thinking about that. Maybe he had a USB in which he could update it? Maybe I'll edit that sometime soon.

And I really need to get this finished. So many edits. I like to write 10 minutes a day so there is quite a short chunk of writing I add when I get the time to.
11/01/2014 5:30 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Grump
+snakeonthebus+'s Avatar
Yeah, that's a good idea! Also, keep up the writing ten minutes a day thing; its a relly good practice, if you can keep it up!
11/02/2014 3:20 am
Level 39 : Artisan Cake
cakeface's Avatar
Thanks, I will try!
08/19/2014 1:03 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Warrior
oolliiee123's Avatar
Great story! This is interesting also cause I'm from Australia. Anyway's australia isn't a bad country at all, we have a higher living standard than the US.
08/19/2014 12:27 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Cake
cakeface's Avatar
Thanks dude!
01/01/2015 2:22 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Cake
cakeface's Avatar
Oh no, my story does put a bad impression on Australia which was not meant to happen!
06/02/2014 6:41 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Dogperson234's Avatar
I love it
08/16/2014 2:05 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Cake
cakeface's Avatar
Thanks, you're awesome!
04/11/2014 12:42 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
alan's Avatar
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