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Movie Review: Zootopia

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Spoookss's Avatar Spoookss
Level 33 : Artisan Lava Rider
Warning: Spoilers. Duh.

Yuy. My very first movie review. Beware, this includes some spoilers about the movie Zootopia. You have been warned.. Twice.

Please avoid hate, this is my opinion, because everyone has their own. Feel free to comment yours though!

To start off, the soundtrack was absolutely amazing. I loved all the songs in it, including Shakira's Try Everything. Although I'm not usually one to judge music very well, considering I love all types, I just thought it was stunning. The music was very upbeat and live, having me humming along to it in the back of my mind.

Next, I thought the animation was beautiful. I'm an absolute art critic, and if I see something I don't like, I'll be sure to point it out. I thought this animation was flawless, and honestly loved every second of the movie. It was easy on the eyes, along with the color. Nothing too bright, nothing too dull. The sound was also very beautiful and neat, but that kinda goes along with what I was saying about the music. Way to go Disney!

The humor in this was good, I love a good comedy. But I have to admit, it was a little more serious rather than funny. It had it's moments, but not exactly in the comedy category. Yes, I know, this wasn't their goal. I just thought I'd touch on the subject. AND YES DISNEY THANK YOU FOR THE AMAZING FROZEN "LET IT GO" REFERENCE!

Oh my god, the storyline. Don't even get me started. It was original, nothing like ever seen.. be-fur. HAHA PUN yeah I'm sorry. The whole idea of savages, mystery and crime had to have been rather hard to come up with. But I get that some people can come up with blockbuster ideas in the snap of a finger. I can't imagine having to plot out two hours worth of genius storyline. You have to entwine backstories and more into just one simple, yet amazing, movie. I loved Nick's backstory, along with the ideas that anyone can be anything. It gives out hope and more.

I'm not usually one for a sappy love story. Which is why I loved the fact that Nick and Judy just kind stayed friends throughout the whole thing. YES I STILL SHIP IT BUT I'D HAVE DIFFERENT THOUGHTS IF THEY ACTUALLY GOT TOGETHER IN THE MOVIE. I loved the ending, when Nick became Judy's partner. And I can't believe I'm actually going to say this, but if there's a sequel, I may just go and see it. Usually sequels suck. But I think I'd still go and see it just for the sake of it.

Yep, that's pretty much it. Like usual, I'll update it if I feel there's anything else to rant about. You can remind me of something in the movie if you feel. I might not add it in, though. If you liked this, subscribe for more, including skins and stories!

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