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[Mob Theory] Iron Doors are Good

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mouse36's Avatar mouse36
Level 30 : Artisan Toast
Once upon a time, before creepers, there was a player. It stood in a flat world of bright green grass, dirt, and cobblestones. The player decided to dig down far, and before long, it fell into the deep extent known as the void.

After many updates, creepers emerged into the lush world that was no longer flat. Seeking sand, the creepers roamed the place as passive mobs began to pop up, like the familiar pig. When winter came, the creepers nested themselves in the dark caves of the complex world, where they stored their sand. But something odd was in there.

A soul? The curious creeper scampered deeper, hoping to see something. A dark green fleshy body crept out from under the stone. It was seeking revenge - revenge on whoever drove it into the deep, dark trauma of the void.

And thus the zombie came to be. Its mind was so focused on consuming and destroying other humanoids that it lost all of its intellect. But since the creeper had no arms and was not identifiable by humanoid appearance, the zombies became friends with the creepers. And the skeletons, and the spiders.

But since the zombie had been living so long in that dark place of doom, its eyes and flesh were very sensitive to sunlight. As soon as it came across a tasty player, the zombie stumbled out from the cave, only to burn up, and instead of eating, the rotting red flesh of it would be eaten by the player it was seeking, as the player was just as curious as the creeper that was friends with the zombie.

The player ate the rotten flesh, and soon became hungry. It collapsed into the depths of the zombie’s original cave. This cycle kept happening, with the zombies repeatedly being produced as players died. Occasionally, the zombie kept an item from its player state.

When there were no players around, baby zombies rode on chickens and practiced controlling the chicken. Sometimes, when players are still around, baby zombies are still riding on their chickens.

Being undead, zombies united with the wither. Death reverses the effects of the player, and the zombie takes damage from healing potions, giving an advantage to the player.

Zombies, being the nemesis of other fleshy humanoids, love the taste of villagers. Many will come out from their caves at night to chase and eat the villagers. The villagers, however, are smart enough to go inside at night, while the zombies stay outside, knocking at the doors, hoping for a bite.

To all players,

Craft iron doors.


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01/31/2019 11:39 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
PandaFlowwarrior's Avatar
Good advice on the iron doors.
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