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Mk. 2 | Chapter 3

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Abdera Associate's Avatar Abdera Associate
Level 28 : Expert Button Pusher
"Well, well, well, the ASTRRLAP is getting an upgrade, interesting,"

A mysterious figure drifted in an unusual space, watching as the Mk. 2 undergoes the final checks. His voice was light, with random pitch changes, spontaneous repeats of the last syllable or two, and stutters. To sum it up, his voice was glitchy.

"Hmmm, well, this could just be another experiment, or an opportunity. I think I'll keep a close eye on these humans. And if 'they' come, I'll be ready."

It was today; the Mk. 2 was scheduled to go online in a couple of hours! I couldn't let this happen.

I raced to the Abdera facility, and snuck in. I knocked out a few guards and stole their ID badges. I weaved through the halls, trying to avoid notice. They should really step up their security measures. Well, I guess you can't blame them completely; they seem to spend more money on keeping themselves off the map than on security protocols. However, this is a highly advanced scientific institution, so why don’t they make their own potentially unstoppable security systems? I don't know, and right now, I don't care. I could hear the ASTRRLAP powering up! I knew I had to stop them; I had to destroy the portal.

I threw open the door to the control room, and there he was, standing at the control panel: Myster Mentiri!

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Apologies that this chapter is shorter than the rest; but, the next chapter (and probably the ones to follow) will be longer than these first three. I hope you enjoy, and have a blessed day. <><

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