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Mission: Steal the Book

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Demidiant_'s Avatar Demidiant_
Level 34 : Artisan Artist Explorer
So guys. Before we begin, let's discuss the rules.
No distracting thoughts or noises in our minds, and for the love of God, keep your head down!


That's good... End, look after them...

Fine. Good luck with your mission...

Thank you... Luck will definitely come in handy...

Mission: Steal the Book

Well, let's go...

Mission: Steal the Book

So... Dark oak... Purple and magenta wool...
Yeah! Here is our client!

Mission: Steal the Book

Okay... Now I just need to go, distract him and quietly steal the book... Sounds sim...


What? Ahhh!!!

Ocean, what the hell are you doing?! We will fail the mission because of you!

*drowned noises*

What? I don't understand! Nobody understands!

Fish? Are you serious now?! You want fish! We almost failed the mission because of your fish!!!

*agressive drowned noises*

Fine, I'll buy you some fish! Just let go of my hand...

Are you happy, you rotten mug?
Okay... Let's get to work...

Good evening sir.

Hello. Interested in magical goods?

Yes a little. I've been looking for a long time for something, you know, unusual, something that can surprise anyone. Is there something like that?

Hmmm... Perhaps there might be something suitable... Give me a minute...

Do not hurry...

Hey, you!


Hey, you! Stay where you are!

Damn it guys! Not now!

Shut up!

Get ready, Ronald! Now one of them will come out!

Let me kill them, Dem!

If you kill them, it will only get worse! We must run! Nether, how fast can you run?

Let's see...





Hey! My book!

Aren't you tired of this, Dem?

Tired of what?

We are thieves, and this is our only job!

This wouldn't be our job if Illager hadn't stolen that thing from the royal treasure room!

That "thing" had belonged to the Illagers for centuries! And I...

Nobody cares, Illager!

Dem, it's really time for us to change something in our lives...

As long as these two are chasing us, we can't change anything...

What if we can?

What are you talking about?



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10/31/2023 12:54 am
He/Him • Level 36 : Artisan Mlem Mlem Bat Procrastinator
PotatoWolfie's Avatar
Okay, this is unlocking so many things in my mind right now.
Wandering Blaze
10/30/2023 9:58 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Collective
Wandering Blaze's Avatar
Really cool blog! I loved the story and the image was awesome
Planet Minecraft


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