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Mini Carl's MEGA Tales *8-13 + 1*

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Team UNNAMED's Avatar Team UNNAMED
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Creeper
Ep. 8: Magic

*Spooky Scary Skeletons theme plays*
When you hear- *Music stops*
Skeleton #1: Nooooooo, the radio died.
Skeleton #4: Woaaaaaaaaaah, it's undead now, like us.
Mr. Clock: Yes, but all things have time to be undead.
Skeleton #2: Oh no, it's Mr. Clock.
Skeleton #3: And he's doing... SOMETHING!
*Mr. Clock turns into Creeptress*
Skeleton #4: Creeptress? Isn't that the wife of Creepy's good friend, Mr. Wrink?
Skeleton #1: And why is she so realistic? So, human???
Skeleton #3: And isn't THAT Creepy's favorite orange juice brand, Alcy-Chalky?
Skeleton #1: And isn't THAT Creepy's favorite flavor, Blueberry Vine-Grind?
Crepp: Did some-
Skeleton #3: NO!
*Crepp whines like a doge as he exits the scene*
Skeleton #2: What's Creeptress doing now?
*Creeptress turns the smoothies into gallons and gallons water, and drinks it as she changes into a swimsuit*
Skeleton #4: She's in a swimsuit.
Skeleton #3: Maybe she wants to go swimming at that nearby lake.
*Skeleton #3 points to Skull Lake*
Skeleton #1: What's she doin' now?
*Creeptress puts on diving mask and snorkel*
Skeleton #2: Looks like she's headed for Skull Lake.
*Creeptress runs in her diving fins and dives into Skull lake*

*Creeptress swims around, looking for something*

*She finds a cave; she heads in*

*She feels a shock, sensing it was coming from directly southwest from her; the same direction she was facing*

*She swims to investigate, and finds batteries - the ones included in the radio pack the Spooky Scary Skeletons bought!*

*Creeptress comes out of water*
Creeptress, with snorkel on: Ih thiz wat you've were loowin vor?
Skeletons: The batteries!
Skeleton #1: We've been searching for that for ages.
*Creeptress smiles, still with the snorkel in her mouth* Thaz hanasic,I lay I coul helf.

*Creeptress turns back into Mr. Clock*
So long now, I'm LATE for my meeting.
Skeletons: See you.
Skeleton #3: Lol I totally get it.

Skeleton #1: Lol me too, what shall we do now?
Skeleton #4: We kick this radio back up and PAR-TAY!!! Everybody!!!
*Skeleton #4 turned on radio*
*Lots of mobs join in as the Spooky Scary Skeletons do the 'Spooky Scary Skeleton' dance, and they ALL LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER THE END.*


Ep. 9: Desmond, the Moon Bear, RETURNS

Desmond: I'm ALIVE?!

Ep. 10: Wassuuuuuuuuup???

Creeptress the CREEPER NOW: What IS up?
Mr. Wrink: Wassuuuuuup
Creeptress: Wassuuuuuup
*All the creepers near and far wassuuuuuuuuuup*

Ep. 11: You're under arrest!

Police officer: No, really.
Carl the Creeper: Awwwwwww.

Ep. 12: When life gives you lemons

Girl #1: First, you take the lemons.
Girl #2: You squeeze the juice into the pitcher.
Girl #3: Add ice, sugar, a straw, and a lemon to top to finish it!
Girls: EEEEEEE~!
Girl #2: Dig in, girls!
*Girls giggle as they drink the lemonade*
Girl #1: Soblobloblowbwbwberbrbrbrbr, bublublublutt swbwbweebleblebleeet!
Girls: Ibliblibliblebleblebleee tobobotablablablablallyybybybybyyy agreebebebebe, EEBEEBEEBEEBEE~!
Creeptress: Hey don't serve the juice without me!
Crepp: AND ME oh we're having a goof fight now luckily I have EMPLOYEES
everyone throughs food and lemons and melons at each other until Creeptress throws lemonade into everyone else's eyes; they run around screaming in IMENSE pain*
Creeptress: Why can't we all be friends?
Crepp: Because if we're friends... and. If. WE'RE. ALL. TO. GETH. THERRRRRR.
*A cat appears and meows; thousands of creepers appear behind the other creepers and the employees; they all run away, screaming*

Girls: Peace lemonade stand, EEEEEEE~!

Ep 13: Happy Meals

Creepy: Look look look look it's Tasty and That's It!
Creeptress: WHOOOOOOOOO, happy meals, here we come!
*Time skip*


THEY'VE RUN OUT OF HAAAAPPY MEEEEALS!!! BOOOO, hoo hoo hoo hooooooooooo.
Drive-through girl who has a male voice for 57,974,947,690,834 reasons: HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY! *Yeets 100s of happy meals into the car*
Crepp: Come on, everybody. WHOOOOOO'S HUNGRYYYYYYY?
*Creepers shout 'I AM' over and over again until they reach the food; all 70,912,763 creepers in the scene eat chicky nuggies*
Drive-through girl: Don't forget to pay!
*Creepers hand the girl QUADRILLIONS of MINECOINS*
Girl: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I'm rich today!!!
All the creepers, the girl, and the nearby employees: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Crepp: And here's another 99 trillion MINECOINS for all your APPLE SLICES!!!
All the creepers, the girl, and the nearby employees: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Ep. 13 + 1 = 14: Cliff!!!

Carl: NO, CLIFF!
All the creepers, the girl, and the nearby employees: Huh? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH.
CreditZillyZombieGaming forthemostpart

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Team UNNAMED 10/30/2022 10:40:37 pmOct 30th, 2022


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10/27/2022 8:00 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Crab
TheTomm's Avatar
Sure a lot of time was put into this.
10/27/2022 9:11 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Creeper
Team UNNAMED's Avatar
only took me 29 minutes.
Planet Minecraft


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