This Blog is an entry in the completed "Minedeas 2" - Blog Contest #10.

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Minedeas: Balancing armor.

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FyronFD's Avatar FyronFD
Level 12 : Journeyman Modder
Everybody that plays Minecraft knows that diamond armor is the best way to defend yourself. Everyone also knows that leather armor is the worst armor for defense. It’s a basic system that causes players to focus only on diamonds. Diamond armor is really overpowered when fighting a player without it. Unless you are really good at PvP, you probably can’t defeat a player with diamond armor unless you also have diamond armor. Enchantments make this system even more broken. For these reasons, it is necessary to implement the following systems.

The first system that I thought of involves adding another aspect to each piece of armor. Armor needs weight. It does not make logical sense that a player without armor can move just as fast as a player with armor covering them. To easily measure the amount of weight on a player, a side bar would be added to measure their armor weight (see picture 1). The more filled the bar, the slower the player will move. Currently a player can walk 4.3 blocks per second, sprint 5.6 blocks per second, and sneak 1.3 blocks per second. This system would change depending on the armor (see picture 2 and 3). The total amount of weight is 56 points, which is the same as full gold armor.

The weight system can change more than just speed. It could also change hunger. The real-life reasoning behind this is that people will use more energy to support the armor, so they need to have more energy supplied to them. The new hunger system would directly correlate to the weight of the armor; more weight causes more hunger. If the bar is empty, then hunger will be normal. A half-full bar will cause hunger to deplete 1.5 times the current speed. A full bar causes hunger to deplete 2 times the current speed.

The second system combats enchantment over usage. The system will be known as the backfire system. Each enchantment will add 1 point per level. For example, protection 3 and unbreaking 2 will add 5 points. Whichever tool you are using will also be factored in, but any tool in your inventory not being used will not count to the total. The chance of being affected by the system is low. If you have 5 points, then you have a 5/1000000000 chance of being effected by the backfire system. In other words, you have an x in 1 billion chance, where x equals the number of points acquired.

The backfire system will only roll for a chance to activate when an enchantment is used. This may mean that it is activated when an enchanted pick is used, or someone is hit with a sword. If you have an enchanted sword and enchanted armor, then you will activate the system twice; when you are hit, and when you are hitting. If the system rolls and the backfire system is activated, you will automatically die. It doesn’t matter how good your enchants are, you will be hit with the loss of all your health.

Server owners may dislike these systems and wish to disable them. A command may be implemented which disables each system. To disable the weight system, the owner can do “/gamerule weightSystem false”. The backfire system can be disable with the command “/gamerule backFireSystem false”. The systems can be turned back on by replacing “false” with “true”.

These systems can overall enhance Minecraft and add more strategy to the game. People will no longer rush for diamonds. They may find it better to use different armors depending on what kind of attack they want. A tanker could use diamond, or a speed attacker could use nothing. The enchantment system will cause players to be more cautious with their enchantments. Minecraft will be more balanced and interesting.
Picture 1
Minedeas: Balancing armor.​ This is an example of what the weight bar would look like. It would display on the left side of the screen. The more red in the bar, the more weight on the player's shoulders and other body parts.

Picture 2
Minedeas: Balancing armor.​ The speed at which the player moves is dependent on how full their weight bar is. The less full, the quicker the player can move.

Picture 3
Minedeas: Balancing armor.​ Each piece of armor has a different weight. Gold weighs more than diamond, which is more than iron, which is more than leather, which is more than chain mail.

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07/31/2017 10:41 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
Jnaejnae's Avatar
The way I would fix armor is by completely improving Minecraft's hitboxes, this way helmets would only protect your head region, chestplate only your body and arms, and leggings your legs. This firstly would include the addition of headshot crits. So my way of making Gold Armor useful is by making gold armor immune to crits, which in the case of Golden Helmet makes you immune to headshots. Then I would give Leather armor a mobility buff particularily in water and up ladders and reducing fall damage, much like your suggestion. Then I would give Chainmail armor resistance to swords, and Iron armor resistance to enchanments.

This way not only is every armor type has some use as a sidegrade, but every piece of armor matters too.
08/03/2017 2:29 am
Level 42 : Master Dragon
Wyvern's Avatar
those ideas should be put in a blog and entered into a contest, really like em.
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