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Minecraft vs Roblox, an overview of both games

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MaximusPrime23's Avatar MaximusPrime23
Level 39 : Artisan Archer Droid
Both roblox and MC are great games, although, which is better for what? This article explains it. I mean no offense to any of the games.


Advantages: Coding, custom games, great skin making, stable economy, less expensive creator-side, way bigger, has great games. Creator money making without requiring many expensive platforms

Disadvantages: Expensive client-side(most games but not all, there are great games which have no microtransactions), some games are copyrighted, which means that they can be deleted at any moment, most "popular" games are usually click bait, although there are very good ones there. Has no singleplayer.

Neutral(means that it is not fully good but not fully bad): Voice chat, less available text chat, however, it prevents spamming. The moderation(the same goes for some MC servers, though.), quantity of content which makes it very hard to find something you want and not 500 games with the exactly same idea, it is great because if one goes down the others are there but if you want exactly one of them...


Advantages: Singleplayer, easy build, redstone, survival, promotes respectful communication on non-3rd party servers, education edition, not requiring wifi unless you need multiplayer, more "exact" building. Items editable in more ways, but cannot be created from scratch.

Disadvantages: Moderation on some servers(same goes for Roblox), loneliness, the insane complexity, constant sensory overload. Lots of ratting clients are there, there is something like that for Roblox, although in Roblox it is present in less ways, which makes it easy to avoid scams, in Minecraft there are over 900 ways to hack someone by using the same hack.

Neutral: Text chat is the only option. Less players than Roblox.

Graphics of both games:

Roblox has more variability of shapes and colors, however, it is limited, and more complex. also it does not join up the same way as in MC.
MC is often discarded because of its blocky graphics, however, they are iconic of the game. They made the game unique, through simplicity.

Now let's compare 2 pictures on each of the games:
Roblox's picture:
[img]blob:www.planetminecraft.com/88926601-b78c-4d53-b918-62cea421354f[/img]Image credit: IFunny

Minecraft's picture, taken on Cubecraft:

Both games have decent graphics, but I am not here to judge those pictures.

This is my overview on both games
CreditThe image credits are on the images. Only of the credits: IFunny for the Detroit picture

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