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Minecraft Town Ideas

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MimerzGamez's Avatar MimerzGamez
Level 11 : Journeyman Artist
So, recently I posted this and it got taken down. I learned why and I've decided to repost it, but better.
Here is what I think should be in a town.
First of all, a town hall. No town is town hall-less. It's where you, the mayor, works. You have to have a conference room, mayor's office, and receptionist desk. If you don't have a town hall, it's not a town. Also, I'm making a town, not a city.
Next make a dock. If you aren't around water AT ALL, you don't need this. I just think docks are nice to have. But, who knows, you might not be a fish person
This connects to the previous one. If you don't have water, skip this. It's a fish shop. It doesn't have to be big. Just make it look like a little hut. If you want to make it look different, go ahead. I just think a fish shop would be great. You can sell, buy, rent gear, and compete in competitions. That's what I did.
(Add more in the comments and I'll add it with an explanation!)

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