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Minecraft Theroy (just mine at least)

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andytsai2001's Avatar andytsai2001
Level 1 : New Crafter
Hi everyone this is andy. I'm writing about my theroy on how micraft came to be so listen plz. LOL its like a fan fic
ok so lets say there are 4 worlds ruled by different people Steve,Notch,Herobrine, and Jeb.
They have a war using mobs and weapons but steve uses buildings. Lets say Notch Jeb and Steve team up to kill Herobrine. So after this war the worlds get destroyed killing everyone execpt steve.steve is transported to a different world,your world. So Before you exit out of bordem just listen. So Nether is hell and the End is the endless Limbo, did nothing good nothing bad, and the never in game Aether is heaven. Since Notch is good he gets heaven. Herobrine gets hell. And Jeb get Limbo. To get out of limbo u must find emotion or the meaning of life. only endermen and enderdragon is in the end so the endermen are HUMANS SOULS.killing them gets the ender pearl and placing them with blaze powder from the Nether gets you the EYE of ender. Now remeber to go to end u need the EYE of ender, or nether fire, and heaven water (holy water). The fire in nether is the fire lighting HELL. So to go to the end u must place the EYE of an enderman on the end portal. there might be a chance that the end portal is a living thing with emotion but you fill it with rage because of the rageing fire from the nehter. Creating this portal made the enderdragon live because the flames in the eyes are from the nether. so u created the enderdragon. So when u defeat it u go to the fountain thing. It says u wake up. but you just discovered Hell,Limbo, and Heaven in a dream. this might be a vision and YOU are really dying in your bed. when they bring up the people talking about you they might be at your funeral but they feel your presence listening. So the meaning of minecraft is to have the vision of the afterlife in store for your. only you can decide if your going to heaven,hell,or limbo.

Answers to some questions:
Looking in the enderman eyes u look into their soul, their shame

Thanks for Reading it means alot
Tell me what to correct,find,or add
Probly sucked anyways but im working on it still

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05/31/2013 9:10 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Dick_Stallion's Avatar
06/01/2013 4:48 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
andytsai2001's Avatar
lol ok
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