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Minecraft Theory: Is Minecraft Using Our Nostalgia Against Us?

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Endure_Slayer's Avatar Endure_Slayer
Level 40 : Master Nerd
Okay, before I start with the theory, let me just point out, and set some rules. First of all, this is a theory. It's just my personal idea that I would like to share. Feel free to debunk this, and I'll greatly appreciate you putting in your opinion. Also, If you aren't someone who hasn't played the early stages of minecraft, and think it's not a big deal, then just, know, it's a big deal (Or maybe I'm the only one who misses the old mc ._.).

Sorry for wasting your time, and let me get straight into the theory!

So I think we can all agree that mc has gone through plenty of changes. Just look back in the alpha stage, with no auto regen, or food bar, or sprinting. If you look into certain features of the 1.8 update, certain changes such as the color of the wolfs default collar. This may seem like a normal change, but in 1.9, it was changed back to red.

Just think about it, doesn't it seem odd that they would change something, then go and change it right after?

We can look into more on this, in certain other places of the 1.9 update. In 1.9, the door, trapdoor, and all other opening and closing machines were changed to another sound, that is very similar to the first sound of the door. We can see another example is the old nether portal sound. They claimed the sound hasn't been used because of a "glitch" that has been happening for the longest time. I'm sure there are much more examples, and those are just the ones on the top of my head.

But there's one more thing I'd like to add to this. Minecraft was bought by Microsoft before the 1.8 update. The update that started this. And what has Microsoft been known for? That's right! Gaining $$$.

And if you're asking, "But how is this being used against us???" Well, allow me to explain.

A lot of the early people of minecraft love the old version. But now they see such features such as "Dual Wielding", and think it's not minecraft right. So, they stop playing minecraft, or as least don't play as much. Microsoft is changing features to bring back those people, but not too much of the important ones so the newer people play.

In conclusion everyone, Microsoft has been using our old minecraft feelings against us.

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06/17/2016 6:33 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Mage
Arcees's Avatar
Yeah Monjang went overboard with tiped arrows. It feels like an arrow mod.
Sunshine Cruise Line
07/11/2016 4:40 pm
Level 48 : Master Sailor
Sunshine Cruise Line's Avatar
yes! the shield, the bigger end, the arrows, the 1.10 polar bears and that stuff can be found much more better in loads of mods. that with the trapdoor, too. i NEVER play 1.9/1.10. okay, 1.8 but not the newer versions. lots of players asked me"when will your server become updated to 1.9/1.10?" i only say then "never." I hate that new versions, they arent minecraft anymore, and lots of the features can be found in mods, which are much better then the "vanilla"
06/17/2016 7:37 pm
Level 40 : Master Nerd
Endure_Slayer's Avatar
Histor the Noob
06/15/2016 10:59 pm
Level 28 : Expert Geek
Histor the Noob's Avatar
Technically, Microsoft isn't making the updates. Mojang still is. Microsoft bought Mojang, not Minecraft. But still, really good theory!
06/16/2016 12:27 pm
Level 40 : Master Nerd
Endure_Slayer's Avatar
Yeah, well, I bet they look at the updates, I mean, it was a big deal when they bought one of the best games of all time.
06/08/2016 10:08 am
Level 24 : Expert Nerd
Hazlf's Avatar
I haven't been playing for that long, but I was in love with 1.8. Everything was awesome. But then 1.9 came in and added all of those new potions, tipped arrows, elytra, and a completely new dimension (kinda.) I kinda wish they didn't do ad much in 1.9..
06/08/2016 8:23 pm
Level 40 : Master Nerd
Endure_Slayer's Avatar
Whenever I play 1.9, it feels like a mod.
06/03/2016 3:33 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Ranger
madmax3004's Avatar
I do miss the old Alpha days... *sigh*
06/03/2016 3:34 pm
Level 40 : Master Nerd
Endure_Slayer's Avatar
06/02/2016 4:12 pm
Level 40 : Master Nerd
Endure_Slayer's Avatar
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