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Minecraft, My Father, and His World

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IrresoluteArkia's Avatar IrresoluteArkia
Level 49 : Master Enderdragon
So, here's the story of my father's world to date.

First off, originally it was one of my sisters using his computer who started the world. She and I wanted to play together after not playing for a while.

So, after she created the world, she set it to peaceful mode and we spawned in an acacia tree biome right next to a desert. We got wood and walked into the desert to set up our bases next to a lava pool.

For one reason or another, we decided to have separate bases, so I dug a gradual staircase going underground into my house, while she dug a two-block-wide staircase nearby. She fell into a ravine, but didn't die, since water was at the bottom. So she decided to dig out a house in it.

Later, after I finished my house, I decided to check hers out, so I jumped down into the water still flowing over the bottom of the ravine.

I blocked up all of the water, and explored the ravine, eventually finding diamonds.

Fast-forward a few weeks. My sister hadn't played in the world since then, and neither had I.

Apparently, at some point, my father found the world in his saves and decided to continue in it. He asked me to join, and I look at the world and realize that that world was the same one I played in a few weeks ago.

I start in my house and look around. He expanded my sister's mine and connected it to a room adjacent to my house, and made several floors along the mine with different colored stained glass for each floor.

Before I go any further, I think I should explain a bit about how my father plays Minecraft. He prefers peaceful mode, and likes large construction projects. However, these projects usually don't involve building a structure, instead they are things like flattening terrain, hollowing out large areas, laying long minecart tracks, etc.

So, back to the story. Along the floors in my sister's mine, he laid minecart tracks to a few different bases around the world, made an underground tree farm, and mined large networks of tunnels through many nearby areas.

Even with all this, he doesn't usually construct things for automation. So, I built two automatic furnaces, and he seemed impressed with them, so I decided to look at his cactus farm.

The cacti were already arranged in the proper grid formation, so all I had to do was dig the water channels, place the blocks, and set up some droppers and hoppers to transport the items.

Now, he uses the cacti and furnaces to semi-automate green stained glass production, and expanded the green stained glass layer in his mine by quite a bit, making it the most extensive layer of his mines.

Yesterday, I noticed that the desert which we lived in seemed... somewhat lacking in desert-type structures, so I built a pyramid about thirty blocks high.

The pyramid was right on top of a river, so I cut a channel for the river right through it, and made a dock under it. I built a piston door as best I could without sticky pistons, and it seemed to work pretty well. (a 2x1 door)

Anyway, today I felt the need to begin exploration, and crafted some maps. Now, I don't know when this happened, but since one of the updates, you can craft multiple biggest-tier maps without them overlapping. Once I noticed this, I crafted five different maps for the areas near our base, and partially explored each of them.

I found a mesa biome, which took up almost all of one map; a jungle, in which I tamed a parrot and gathered some cocoa beans and melons; and a whole lot of ocean, desert, and acacia tree biomes.

And now that brings me to the picture above. I obtained a few name tags and named my parrot Grumm. I knew that it would flip the parrot, but I wasn't at all expecting that he would sit on the top side of the block while resting.

Taking advantage of this hilarious effect, I brought him into my pyramid and made him sit on the bottom of my window.

That's all of the story for now. If anyone's interested in a world download, ask and I'll see if I can obtain it. If you have any ideas of what to do in this world, tell me in the comments, because I'll likely post updates every so often.

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01/29/2018 7:41 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Artist
ParadoxMM's Avatar
Neat story.
01/29/2018 12:33 am
Level 6 : Apprentice System
MabelPevensie's Avatar
This is pretty interesting! I think it's really cool that you play Minecraft with your sister and your dad. I play it with my mother, and the way you described how your father plays the game really reminds me of the way she plays. I'd really like to see a world download. Thanks for sharing your story. :)
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