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Minecraft mountains with real data

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Proudbucket's Avatar Proudbucket
Level 18 : Journeyman Narwhal
As realistic as the real thing

In the server in which I play terrain is not precedurally generated, instead each world is custom made with world paint and other tools and then carefully filled with BO2's. The goal is to create realistic and beautiful terrain.

Spoiler - A video with beautiful terrain

That lead me to think about using actual real data to create realistic structures. There is a dataset from Auckland's Maunga Whau Volcano that I always regarded as a curiosity and just something to display but today I decided to play a bit with it.

Minecraft mountains with real data
^ A plot of Maunga Whau volcano (Mt Eden) with data digitized from a topographic map by Ross Ihaka.

The experiment
I loaded the dataset in R and quickly wrote a script that would generate the commands to generate blocks at the appropriate location. This was surprisingly easy and I was able to do it in half an hour although passing the data from R to python resulted in a very ugly script with 10 000+ lines of code (if it looks stupid but it works, it is not stupid).

The result is quite nice, it presents some hard terrain that factions may use for create an impregnable fortress. I especially like the small platforms that provide a bit of space to start the construction . Each block represents ten square meters so we could say that the structure has been scaled 10:1.

Minecraft mountains with real data
^The result of my experiment

All in all I'm quite happy with the experiment. It was quite easy to do and produced a beautiful structure. These kind of structures could be easily divided to be exported and then re-assembled into a new world. If the scale is increased it would need a bit of "softening" with boxel sniper to correct for pixelation (boxelation?).

So, which are your thoughts on this experiment? Do you know of any other interesting topological dataset? I have been toying with the idea of exporting structures from stl files into minecraft but I'll have to check how feasible is that. I'll keep you updated.

Small update
People in the comment section mentioned that a height map may be useful to create the volcano with world painter.
Creating the height map is a piece of cake, making it in world pain might not be that easy... I have no idea. If I manage to open a bit of time I'll check that, in the meanwhile here is the height map.

Minecraft mountains with real data
^ The plot shows the data that I used to make the volcano.
It is a filled contour map, I don't know if this counts as a height map...

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11/06/2016 7:13 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Zacatero's Avatar
Love this!!
11/03/2016 8:19 am
Level 84 : Elite Programmer
Arcaniax's Avatar
reminds me of my plugin called goBrush it's basically and ingame worldpainter :)
11/03/2016 6:34 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Terraformer
WorldCreations's Avatar
Yo stop sharing our secrets
11/03/2016 12:27 am
Level 46 : Master Baconator
this is awesome! c: glad to see players pushing the envelopes a bit :)
11/03/2016 12:13 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Robot
LoNDev's Avatar
That's awesome. Could be used to make some very beautiful terrain as well.
11/01/2016 11:55 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Mage
Stomno's Avatar
You know what is good, Minecraft needs more people like you. But no, the world is on fire.
I'll keep seeying your profile, bye
11/01/2016 3:16 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Artist
Batlestar98's Avatar
Dude looks nice. Would you try a mc map build after a real height map?
11/01/2016 5:39 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Narwhal
Proudbucket's Avatar
I might try, I can produce a kind of height map with the data so I may use it to recreate the volcano.
In theory producing the volcano with the raw data and with the height map should produce identical results but information is always lost when plotting something in a non vectorized format.
I updated the blog with a height map of the volcano.
11/01/2016 11:35 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Barbarian's Avatar
Nice idea, if you get your hands on heightmaps you can use worldpainter for that aswell.
11/01/2016 5:19 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Narwhal
Proudbucket's Avatar
I had no idea that world painter could do that... then again I have only been using world paint for a week and minecraft for a few months.

Producing a height map from the data is a piece of cake.

I have a lot of work but if I manage to get a bit of time I might try to create the volcano with world painter. I'm curious to see if the results differ.
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