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Minecraft making a comeback

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Dinkleberg64's Avatar Dinkleberg64
Level 51 : Grandmaster Architect
2012 was the year I first started Minecraft. It's been a long journey since then and it's really surreal to see what's been happening

lately. Now before I get into the arguments here (and a few items to sneak in at the end) I'd like to start by saying in no way am I

any different than other Minecraft players. I'm sure most of you on here have been playing this game since it's release date, but

as someone who has seen the gaming community shift and turn from Battlefield to Fortnite to Call of Duty to Apex Legends and

now Minecraft. As I said earlier, it's a surreal experience seeing friends who haven't spoken about Minecraft in ages all the

sudden come back to it. If I may get personal for a moment, and I'm sure many of you feel the same, revealing that you enjoy

playing Minecraft or that you "make things on Minecraft" has always been a daunting task, especially around friends. I

took on Minecraft as a way to express my desire to build and create things and I did that for years but I kept it closeted from the

majority of people I knew because of their perception of it as a nerdy kids game. It just makes me wonder about the validity of

popularity and other's perceptions on things. Overall Minecraft's comeback as a popular title has done great things for the

community, but this game doesn't deserve to fade from memory as other popular titles have. It just makes my heart happy that a

game that I have held so beloved for all these years is finally being recognized for what it truly is a masterpiece, and all I could

ask is that it stay that way for years to come.

Now on to a quick announcement. I know some of you have been waiting for this and unfortuntately I still don't have pictures of

the process because at this point it is just a rough draft, but the next major project will be a 1:20 scale....

Supremacy Star Destroyer

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