Minecraft Blogs / Let's Play

Minecraft is da shat (comment your most random ideas)

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Toothpick's Avatar Toothpick
Level 17 : Journeyman Skinner
One thing Minecraft could use is beer and a way to brew it yourself in the game js, and the ability to make flags of country's by laying different colored wools in the way they r on the flag (ex. red white red across for Canada)

This blog shale be for any ideas about wht ppl think should b in the game even if they think its something dumb like pot or booze or even fluffy kittens, cause these aren't bad ideas in the end it just makes it all fun. so ppl comment the most random ideas u got, id love to hear them and who knows some of em might become reality.

Hey guys this is one of my favorite mods for minecraft and i think tht itd actually make an improvement in the game
www.minecraftdl.com/millenaire-npc-village-0-7-2/ thts a link to it, its called Millenaire NPC Village and pretty much u get to have villages your can trade with or brutal kill and burn down if you choose.

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11/21/2011 3:51 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Meiogordo's Avatar
nyan nyan nyan nyan nyaaaaaaaaan nyan nyan

Translation: Trololololololololololololo

Best Regards,

P.S. - You wanted ranom comments? :D
06/30/2011 10:54 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Skinner
Toothpick's Avatar
hey ppl this works if u comment better so come on whts your random idea?
06/29/2011 9:57 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
dediodude's Avatar
they game is still in beta so notch might put more items in the game to add more interest
06/30/2011 12:37 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Skinner
Toothpick's Avatar
True enough, maybe we should suggest it to him eh
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