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Minecraft Facts Applied to the Real World

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Alfhildur's Avatar Alfhildur
Level 9 : Apprentice Dragon
Hello everyone! Today I am here with a series of facts about Minecraft that, when applied to the real world, put our favorite video game stats into perspective. A lot of this can be considered fantasy, since Minecraft isn’t real. However, it just may change the way you perceive this simple game. If this doesn’t make any sense, reading the facts themselves will make things clearer.

1. 17,870,655 people have bought the PC game. That is more than the populations of the smallest 74 countries in the world combined. On a single country scale, that is three times more than the population of Denmark and twice as big as that of Austria. And all this is on PC alone. Factor in the rest and we’re at a whopping 55 million copies sold.

2. At an average price of 22$ (factoring in the beta sales, currency conversions, platform differences) per copy, that is 1.21 billion in sales. That is enough money to provide over 2400 people lifetime medical treatment for the AIDS virus. Let’s do that again. For all the people in the world suffering from hunger, 1.21 billion could buy over 1.3 million food packages which could last a family of 8 up to a year. By the way, that’s also 1.21 billion bean and cheese burritos from the dollar menu. Or anything from the dollar menu. xD

Now let’s move onto the more fun stuff shall we?

3. The average sword blade is 45 cm. Most of us use diamond swords in Minecraft. The average diamond is .25 carats in weight. That would take about 540 of those diamonds to meet the average sword size. (Complicated math, won’t explain) At 380.25$ per diamond, that’s 205,335$ per diamond sword!

4. Golden Notch apples. 8 blocks of gold. At a total of 72 gold bars, and at modern day high gold prices, that’s 487,437.20 per bar. We’ve got a grand total of over 35 million dollars for a single Notch apple. But them potion effects though!

5. One inventory full of any block is equal to 36 stacks of 64 whatever. (Let’s say stone.) If each block is 1 square meter, that’s 20,736 (roughly) square feet of stone. That’s enough to build the first 25 floors of the Empire State Building, all in your back pocket!

6. When completely hungry, Steve can eat 3 pieces of steak at once to be full again. That’s 2556 calories and 267% of the daily amount of cholesterol an average person eats in a whole day. Don’t have a heart attack Steve!

Well, there you have it. A series of Minecraft facts that when applied to the real world, turn out to be very interesting. Hope you guys enjoyed!


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04/02/2015 9:51 pm
Level 27 : Expert Button Pusher
awesomeman29's Avatar
Mojang: What's on the dollar menu?
Guy in stall: Some fish tacos, fruit salads and bean and cheese burritos
Mojang: I'll take 1.21 billion bean and cheese burritos!
Guy in stall: ...
Ok another fact:
One block is 1 meter in width and lenght, and Steve is 2 blocks, so 2 meters, wich is about 6 feet 6 inches, so Steve is 6 feet 6 inches tall, and an Enderman is almost 10 feet tall!
12/31/2014 9:09 pm
Level 26 : Expert Archer
MTsteel's Avatar
Cool compairisons, love it!
Mail Order Cowboy
12/30/2014 5:22 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Scribe
Mail Order Cowboy's Avatar
I don't even see what's being applied to the real world.

1: You're just telling me how many copies have been sold.

2: This one's a mess. You list things that could be done with the amount from the sales, but let's take a closer look.

"2400 people lifetime medical treatment for the AIDS virus."

In 2010, over 34 million people had AIDS. Hm. What percentage is being treated? 2? 3? It's not that significant.

"food packages which could last a family of 8 up to a year." 

Cool, a whole 1 family. (How is 1.21 billion only enough to buy 1 family food for a year?)

3: You've given an estimate value of a fictional sword. How does that apply to reality?

4: This one's similar to my point above.

5: Again, you're telling me how FICTION works, not how it's being "applied to the real world".

6: Again, you're telling me how FICTION works, not how it's being "applied to the real world".

"Well, there you have it. A series of Minecraft facts that when NOT applied to the real world turn out to be nonsense. Why does this blog exist under its current title?"
Craftable Danny
01/01/2015 8:01 am
Level 42 : Master Batman
Craftable Danny's Avatar
It's about facts that are interesting.  The title can be confusing but don't be rude.  He put time and effort into his blog and that's what counts.
The Silver Paladin
12/31/2014 1:38 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
The Silver Paladin's Avatar
Actually, 2% of people is actually quite a lot, considering it's an uncurable disease, and every person we help moves Science forward. 

The Sword value applies in Real life, because lets say a Jeweler was able to make it In real life. (REALLY hard due to the makeup of diamonds.) And wanted to sell it, This is how much it would go for if the Jeweler tried to sell it. Same with the Golden Apple. 

I have nothing on number 5.

Number 6: Well, If Steve was a real Person, he would be dead from eating all that Steak, It is not reccomended (Or healthy.) to eat that much steak as a regular person. The cholesterol would cause Heart Attack, unless it was Lean Beef.
Mail Order Cowboy
12/31/2014 3:12 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Scribe
Mail Order Cowboy's Avatar
2% might be helpful, but nothing has been applied to real life. That's what would happen if a MInecraft fact WAS applied to real life.

Same for the sword and apple: Nothing has been applied to the real world yet.

Nuber 6 actually kind of fits under the current title, but that's 1/6 of the blog.
The Silver Paladin
12/31/2014 3:41 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
The Silver Paladin's Avatar
Nothing HAS been applied, but they CAN be applied. Just because something hasn't been applied, doesn't mean they can't be!
Mail Order Cowboy
12/31/2014 6:02 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Scribe
Mail Order Cowboy's Avatar
That's been my argument so far. "Nothing HAS been applied...". Well, if it hasn't, then why is the blog titled "...Facts Applied to the Real World"?
12/31/2014 6:52 pm
Level 42 : Master Slime Tamer
flyer4life's Avatar
If I may ask, why are we making such a big deal out of this?
The Silver Paladin
12/31/2014 6:16 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
The Silver Paladin's Avatar
My head hurts now,
12/30/2014 5:53 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Dragon
Alfhildur's Avatar
First off, please think before you comment not just here but anywhere. I said it could buy 1.3 million food packages which would equal 1.3 million families of 8. Secondly, I am not saying a significant percent will be treated, all I am saying is how many we could treat. For the rest, the whole point is IF Minecraft items were real, what they would cost, etc. I'm not saying they are real.

Next time try to understand what one is saying before you go ahead and try to list one's errors.
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