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Minecraft.cp (Creepypasta)

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Stormy's Avatar Stormy
Level 35 : Artisan Narwhal
so here's some random minecraft creepypasta i wrote a couple of years ago (ignore the bad grammer)

Christmas recently passed. Being the good father that I am, I wanted to get my son a gift. He wanted, just like any other kid, he wanted Minecraft. He just got a new computer for his birthday back in October, and he wanted Minecraft for it. Now, something you need to know, Minecraft, being the awesome game it is (His words, not mine) cost a lot of money. I don’t know how much it cost where you live, but here it cost a whopping $90. I couldn’t afford this, not with the other gifts he was getting. I decided I should go look on eBay for a gently used Minecraft disc for his console. I found one. It was only $25. It was suspiciously weird. It had no description, not even how much it had been used, just the price and name. I was desperate, though, so I bought it. I knew that it would take a couple days to ship, so I was patient.

Later I was looking at my email inbox for a work form later, and I saw a Suspicious email. It only had a link inside. I know I should have contained myself, but I clicked the link. It downloaded a file called Minecraft.cp. Huh? It must have been the link to the minecraft game. Weird how he got my email. Also, the file extension was one that I had not heard of before. I work in IT, so I know most of the extensions. Must be a new one. I burned the file to a disk and wrapped it. He was SO happy when he opened it on Christmas. When he first played it, he asked me if I wanted to play with him. I happily said yes and helped him install the program on the computer. The computer did recognize the extension and installed the program. Maybe it is a new file extension. We opened the program, and instead of showing the Normal Minecraft Start screen. (I don’t know what it looked like, but he did.) Instead, it looked like a Sonic the Hedgehog startup, except with Steve. (The main character, I think)

When we pressed play, the background scenery faded to black, Steve’s eyes turned white. Then, a devilish laugh. The screen turned to black and the world selection screen opened.

“Did… Did you see that?” My son asked.

“Yeah…” I whispered. My son’s face looked like someone who’s house just blew up. I moved the mouse and clicked back. A voice that sounded like an eleven year-old named Stormy who likes working with computers said,

“Sorry, no can do!” I freaked out. I clicked the button again

“Are you deaf? No!” The screen turned black. Then, a Minecraft world opened. The music, according to my son, wasn’t the normal music. It sounded like the trailer for Legend Of Zelda: Breath of The Wild 2, except slower. I pressed the power button on the computer. Another devilish laugh, and that voice said

“Nice try.”

“That’s it, I’m unplugging this wretched machine.” My son unplugged the computer, or at least he tried to. It wouldn’t budge. I tried, it wouldn’t budge.

“How dumb are you, There is NO way out.” That voice got deeper. We decided, we might as well just play. We ran along. We were in the middle of the forest, in the game, mind you. We went and tried to mine trees, we couldn’t. So we just ran, we ran and ran and ran. The forest started to turn dark red. Somehow, at one point, we fell into a pit. The game over screen blared in our face. When we pressed respawn, we were teleported into a Maze. We decided to split up, we went along the maze. Then, we saw zombies. They started slowly shambling toward us. We cut through the zombies. It was like we had super strength or something. According to my son, in the normal game, the zombies drop items, usually Rotten Flesh (A most gross item) and some XP. But here they dropped the best of swords, Diamond and Netherite.

“You’ll need these.” That voice, even deeper. Then, the screen went black. The Game over screen showed up, except written in what looked like blood. When we pressed the respawn button, the screen went black.

“Want to play?” the voice said, normal again. The home screen for the computer opened up.

“Yes!” I high-fived my son. “The game crashed” I was SO happy.

“Oh no it didn’t...” The voice said. Steve appeared on the screen. All the fear came back. I clicked Steve. Steve turned to me. Suddenly, the File Explorer opened. It switched through all the tabs, and all of my son’s files started disappearing.

“WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!?” My son yelled at the screen.

“Be careful what you say.”

“That’s it, I’m purging this thing” I said. I opened settings and saw the erase button. I was about to click the button when it disappeared.

“Not so fast.” He said. The screen went black. A picture of him growing larger showed up. His grin grew bigger than ever.

“Ready for round two?” He said.

Instead of showing minecraft, it showed me a Mario game at the character selection. Mario, Luigi, Toad, and Princess Luna. My son picked Mario.

“This is too weird.” I said “Play.” “I will try to take the hard drive out.”

“Dad? I’m scared.” My son looked worried.

“Me too. Just play his game.” I sighed, and opened the computer. I saw the hard drive and the cable.

“Dad. Dad. Dad, look here.” He looked ghastly. I looked, and saw Mario looking puzzled, and jumping on a goomba. He wouldn't die.

“Well son, this is about to all end.” I took a deep breath and unplugged the hard drive. The screen went black.

“Thanks for playing!” The voice said.

I threw the hard drive on the ground and smashed the HDD.

“That’s it. I’m never buying anything from eBay ever again.” Just in case you were wondering, that’s the moral of this. (No, not really.)

Creditmyself, minecraft, gostorm plays, idk anymore

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07/01/2023 2:46 am
She/Her • Level 43 : Master Artist Enchanter
WhisperOfTheWild's Avatar

eBay does suck. that's why, you use Gumtree when you live in Australia instead :D
07/01/2023 9:19 am
Level 35 : Artisan Narwhal
Stormy's Avatar
06/30/2023 12:48 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc4226404's Avatar
06/29/2023 10:37 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Sweetheart Mountaineer
TheMountaineer's Avatar
Ooo ! Nice !
Yes... more content finally
06/29/2023 8:36 pm
He/Him • Level 58 : Grandmaster Meme Theorist
illager's Avatar
moral of the story: never get your son ANYTHING that he ever wants. ever.
06/29/2023 9:22 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Narwhal
Stormy's Avatar
06/29/2023 7:20 pm
Level 42 : Master Wolf Wolf
ItzOrangey's Avatar
See, that's why you never buy anything from ebay.
06/29/2023 7:25 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Narwhal
Stormy's Avatar
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