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Mikufan06's Interview With Billoxiiboy

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Mikufan06's Avatar Mikufan06
Level 42 : Master System
Hello Everyone It's Mikufan06 and I am back for another long overdue interview and this time we have a very special friend of mine whose PMC name is Billoxiiboy. I am pleased and privileged to have the chance to publish this extraordinary interview and to have had the chance to interview this awesome guy. Without further ado let's get started.
What is your Hometown?
Hi! I'm billoxiiboy....but my Mum calls me Andrew. I was born and currently live in Melbourne, Australia.
A comfortable city in a beautiful country.... with the worlds most expensive, lowest ranking Internet... I've lived in a few countries, Indonesia, Malaysia, England and Papua New Guinea. All have better internet than we. I Also speak the languages of these countries, as well as German & Italian.

Image result for australian flag
What is your dream Minecraft build?
My dream build in Minecraft, huh? ...that would be a build that I actually finish!
Lately my Favourite type of builds are landscapes. My love of gardening and bonsai has influenced the type of terrain I create. Rugged and Windswept; I seem to gravitate toward the Wild Woodland kinda' look. I love the unpredictability of nature and the way it shapes the world we live in. Keeping true to nature; I am just as random and carefree with my brushes, when painting in Worldpainter. I generally have a big picture idea when designing a build for PMC. But, I rarely ever have a well thought out plan. I think that's what I like about landscapes. There are no lines to have to paint with in. They end up just as they are.
Do You like Vocaloids?
Vocaloids are not really my thing. I love all types of Music; just browse through my playlists on SoundCloud, and you'll find a complete Mish-Mash of genres and artists. Check out my playlist called - Cleaning before Mum Arrives
I also play musical instruments, woodwind mostly. If it whistles, then I can usually workout how to play it. I have a few flutes and tin whistles collected from my travels. They're not as cool as a guitar & you can't sing whilst playing them. But they are very portable :P
Who are your favorite music artists?
There are really too many to mention. My very favourite Musician at the moment is another PMC member Aspirin60. Her Genius musical talents featured in a recent build of mine called Island Beneath the Mist.

Checkout Aspirin's work on Soundcloud. It's a shameless Plug, but I Love her Tunes & think many more will too :D

I really love Acapella groups; as seen in Pitch Perfect. Songs where there are no instruments at all. Only the Human Voice. The songs maybe modern, but the arrangements are so much fun and rely on the musician, not their software.
is my favourite Acapella Group. My two favourite Pentatonix tracks are Cheerleader

& O' Come all Ye Faithful. (Yes I know it's a Christmas Carol) P They do a brilliant Calypso/Tribal arrangement.....all with the human voice.
What Hardware is in Your PC?
Oooh .........you wanna know what's in my big black Box? Well...Size really does Mean Everything when it comes to computers and graphics. Although Minecraft came from humble origins (8bit), it now sports some of the worlds most complex codecs. Take a look at any of the Shader and Texture Mod's used to fool us into forgetting that we are actually looking at 8bit blocks. Simplistically.....These Mod's require a fast Graphics Processing Unit, and usually these are handled by a dedicated microprocessor - commonly called a Graphics Card.

To most people this sort of computer talk is utterly boring, me included. However, To build the large maps I create, have music playing and often video footage in the background ~ all while playing Minecraft in full shaders mode....takes a pretty damned special little machine. I had to do some learning and research into the Gaming industry's latest directions in Gaming Graphics. I didn't want to spend money on crap. So, I asked an Awesome Gamer friend of mine build one for me. Soto - also known as ~ Hey it's BBG on Twitch. (He did me a special favour as a friend, so no requests!)

I have a a desktop DeepCool Tower operating a Corsair Gaming Motherboard with a GeForce GTX 1060 6GB NVIDIA Graphics card. Basically a Big Black Box with pretty pretty red internal lighting that makes my computer look like it's from Mustafar :P )
Inside that expensive, liquid cooled big black box is an intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7600k CPU @ 3.80GHz 3.79 16GB RAM with a 64bit operating system, that talks really well to my fancily named graphics card. Bored Sensless....Yet???? I am.

The inside of my computer
Mikufan06's Interview With Billoxiiboy
Do you have any cool talents
.Do I have any cool talents? No, not Really. I speak several languages, yet I can't remember a phone number. I make beautiful bonsai, but wont live long enough to see their true value. I have two French Bulldogs. They have much more talent than me. They are called Dutch & Pinot.
This is Dutch - He didn't come out looking quite like a Frenchie. More like a British bulldog.
He was given back to the breeder by the family that bought him as a puppy, Coz apparently he looked wrong :(
So, I took him and loved him. Now he looks super handsome and gets more attention than me and his sister.
Image may contain: dog, plant, outdoor and nature
What is your favorite sport?
I played a lot of sport when i was at school. I was a swimmer with the local swimming club and played Lacrosse and Hockey at school. I like watching non-group sports, like swimming, tennis, skiing etc. Ball sports bore the B'Geezes out of me.
What other games besides minecraft do you play?
I don't play any other games other than Minecraft anymore. My two dogs and my job take up most of my time sadly. Technically I don't even play minecraft...I just Do it??? But every now and then, I'll pull out the Nintendo 64 with friends, and we'll hit Koopa Trooper Beach's Secret Tunnel...............with a vengeance!
Who are your favorite star wars characters and what are your favorite ships?
Star Wars is a phenomenon all of its own. Its World impact has been equaled in notoriety to that of Europe's great playwrights. It has a following larger than the population of many countries. And the baddest bad guy only fires a gun once. To pick a favourite character is not easy. They are all my favourites at different times. Even Grand Moff Tarkin is my favourite old school bad guy. As a kid, I loved Yoda, Han solo and Jabba the Hut and I also love the characters in Clone Wars and Rebels. My favorite star wars ship is always gonna be the Millennium Falcon. Every kid wanted to fly the Falcon. It's like an old Chevy. The Huge Star Destroyers are my favourite Republic ships........all those tiny little blue lights. I can still remember the first time we saw them fly ever so terrifyingly slow across the large screen......with millions of tiny little blue lights. The Tie Fighter is an all time #1 Icon. I like the Nubian Royal Starship....so shiny.
What advice would you give to new builders and PMC members?
Mmmnmmmnnn..... For people new to Minecraft; my advice on building? There is always an easier way to do something. Believe me when I say, Someone else has already been through what you're going through and worked out a solution. You have to be smart enough to look it up. I didn't work that out until late. I was building block by block for so long; I still get shudders when I open certain maps.By becoming a member of the PMC Community, you have all hours access to everything their is to learn about Minecraft. Journey through the site & Look at what other members are doing. Leave comments on projects, ask Questions to members. It's what it's designed for. I have never experienced negativity from any member on PMC for liking a build or giving compliments. I find everyone to be extremely helpful and humble. It's a cultural observation I have made about PMC, in comparison to many other hosted game sites. Enjoy the support that subscribers give you and never be tight with the diamonds! Don't be afraid to subscribe to an artist you like. They are happy for more supporters.
This was an extraordinary interview and I tried something new as to formatting it as I got word that I needed to try something new as the old format was getting boring and it was time for an upgrade. Please check this guy out as he definitely could use some new subscribers and also I hope you have enjoyed the interview and more content will be coming soon.
Creditbilloxiiboy for some of the images

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05/28/2018 4:59 pm
He/Him • Level 71 : Legendary Dragon Artist
Roman_95's Avatar
Quite interesting and qualitative interview. Nice to read because it is well decorated. Keep it up :)
05/25/2018 6:28 pm
Level 84 : Elite Jarl
Aspirin60's Avatar
Great! really great my friend...Wow!
05/25/2018 7:14 pm
Level 42 : Master System
Mikufan06's Avatar
Your welcome
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