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Storm_Inc's Avatar Storm_Inc
Level 21 : Expert Engineer
Hello everyone (Mostly my subs)

So every now and then I get asked "Why don't you post your projects anymore?"

Well thing is I decided to start modding and learn about coding before continuing my computer. This will make it easier for me to understand not only how the hardware works but also the software! And also I am learning how to code because it is something I do want to do when I am older as job.

So I am guessing you may be asking "How can he learn Java without college classes?"
Well here is the answer:
Basic Java tutorials on youtube:
This guy is amazing and the tutorials are easy to follow for anyone who is willing to give it time!
And also there are many modding tutorials on youtube and many forums just google it!

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11/01/2012 1:41 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pirate
RevolutionalRedStone's Avatar
Wow, awesome !

Nice to hear your learning to code ! it will really, really, help with ISA design.

I have to agree with Monkeysaucer, you should start with an easy and fun language like python or Lua... although you will probably do just fine starting with Java : )

It's also really cool you've decided to do programming as a career, i can tell you it's a great way to make money !

If you even have a difficult programming question or if you just need some general programming help, please don't hesitate because i am always ready and willing to help bright, nice, people, like, you.
11/01/2012 7:24 pm
Level 25 : Expert Zombie
Monkeysaucer's Avatar
Is Lua very different/better than python? I've heard you talk about it, but besides that I haven't heard of it, so I guess it's fairly new.

Programming is a great way to make money? Awesome.
11/01/2012 11:12 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pirate
RevolutionalRedStone's Avatar
Yeah I'm working at two programming jobs right now; its easy and the moneys good : )

Lua and Python are extremely similar, there often referred to as being
sisters as they both fill the exact same niche as; fast, easy, dynamic
scripting languages.

They both also have the same major components: First class functions, Just in time compilation.

Python is slightly more task driven. ( models programs as a series of tasks )
Lua is slightly more data driven. ( models programs as interactions between data )

Lua has a very clean data structure format ( tables ), as well as very
clear and concise support for meta-programming like object inheritance (
meta tables ), plus Lua is closer to lambda calculus ( 'end' instead of
end of white space ).

Lua is also quite a bit smaller ( the compiler itself and the runtime )
and every so slightly faster ( especially with wide-address tertiary
access ), so i usually go with Lua. ( but once again, pythons practical
capabilities are so similar to Luas that it barely makes a difference
which one you pick )

As some back-story, Lua started in practice at a shipping company and was always much less popular.

Python was started by a community backed project and has always been
very popular, both languages have seriously evolved since then.
11/02/2012 8:59 pm
Level 25 : Expert Zombie
Monkeysaucer's Avatar
Thanks, sounds like Lua's better for neural nets, so I'll check it out.
I just bought Jeff Hawkins' book on intelligence, and I'm starting to understand how his neural network works and how it could be built on, and it's an awesome method.
11/01/2012 6:00 am
Level 21 : Expert Engineer
Storm_Inc's Avatar
Thank you for offering your help and the support ^.^ Makes me feel like I can do things!
10/31/2012 9:52 pm
Level 25 : Expert Zombie
Monkeysaucer's Avatar
I have no idea if you've already gone through this, but python is a good begining language. If you've already gone through that, you don't have much left to be learned from software applicable to Minecraft.

I started learning about python this year, and it could be useful for testing things in software before building them.

I promise I'll get around to taking a good look at your decoder sometime soon. Sorry about that.

Good luck.
11/01/2012 5:58 am
Level 21 : Expert Engineer
Storm_Inc's Avatar
About the decoder its no problem. And I think I will go and check out python and see how it works! Thanks for the suggestion!
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