Minecraft Blogs / Other

Media-fire an other changes

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Level 23 : Expert Dragonborn
I was wanting to upload my world save for my Flatland Survival Bunker (located on my page), when I discovered media-fire decided to change their layout. Naturally, I wanted an account but I can't for the time being. Poor me. No more uploading world saves until i get my account. I checked out the account creator page and discovered the three new buttons: Free account, Plus(or whatever it's called) account, and Bussiness account. I was thinking, Wtf is up with this stuff??? I was thinking that for nearly half an hour. Then I realised that media-fire is lying. They said FREE file uploading for EVERYONE. Lies. It's not free (under some circumstances) and it is not for everyone because not everyone has a media-fire account. So the thought that lead me to making this blog is Why did media-fire change? Why are all other websites exept PMC changing?
Creditmost websites for changing adn inspiring this blog.

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