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Meaningful Minecraft Changes.

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Anomaly's Avatar Anomaly
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Artist
Let's keep it simple. My idea for changes goes as follows.

1.) Make Mushrooms that you find eatable not just part of a recipe.

2.) Make fruit trees and have them actually have a visible block when they're ready to harvest.

3.) Make more seeds for more farming.

4.) Change how tools, weapons, armor is made. Require the anvil in the process that works like a furnace for blacksmithing your items. This would include the removal of diamond armor. It makes no sense that diamond armor is even a thing. Just make different grades of iron ore or other metals you can mine, which would make copper ore a useful addition. This would also make achieving armor, weapons, tools etc... more rewarding instead of just mining for less than 1 hour and getting diamond everything. easily.

5.) Change how your character levels up. Maybe add stats to each thing you want to work on. Farming, Mining, Cooking, etc...As you level up in a certain stats you would be able to use different tools to help limit just a flat out noob going straight to diamond armor and saying he is a pro at Minecraft now. Require the player to actually play and learn the game and reward them for their time.

6.) If you're going to have villages in the game, make the worlds more accomadating or seem fit for them. The random villages that Minecraft spawns in a world are just bland and dated. Make them look more appealing and established. Something that gives the player the aww, wow! effect when they travel and find a village that might have a tavern to sleep and eat at.

7.) Change how Creepers work. Instead of them blowing up and destroying your hard work. Remove the grief and have them sneak up freeze the player if touched and blow up doing more damage than now. Kinda like holding you and blowing up. This way you keep them and make them more creepy.

Well, those are my ideas! Thanks for reading and take care!

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07/31/2017 11:02 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
Jnaejnae's Avatar
1,2,3) The only thing these changes mean is easier survival, hence just makes hunger even more arbitrary.
4) Anvil completely messes with the balance of tier progression, and "it doesnt make realistic sense" is never a reason to change anything, especially since the replacement would just be steel or bronze armor, which is the same as diamond armor but more annoying because it would be harder to distinguish from iron armor.

5) This again ruins the difficulty curve, it just makes Minecraft EASIER the farther you get in, which overall makes it more boring. You should never add a stat progression system unless you are simutaneously adding more challenge. To get diamonds fast you cant be a simple noob, if anything you are implementing a system that RESTRICTS good Minecraft players from being good.

6) Its a sandbox game, makes no sense to include really good looking buildings in random generation, because then noobs will either have no intention to make great looking houses if they are just given one, or noobs will feel bad because they cant make something as pretty as whats already in the game. In a weird way its important that the default generations are bland.

7) Make it harder for skilled players to react to creeper attacks, and make it less punishing for the noobs who let their base get griefed by one? Seriously? I hate being critical, but every single one of your ideas are really bad for the reasons I mentioned.

I am not trying to be mean. However I'm sorry if these additions were implemented I would quit Minecraft. I understand you have no bad intentions, Im just simply giving very critical feedback.
08/01/2017 2:20 am
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Artist
Anomaly's Avatar
Well, thanks for your opinion! No hard feelings. You stated that 1,2, and 3 for my ideas were making the game easier. This is clearly not true and I will explain.

It's much easier to find animals and mine cobble to make a furnace to cook than it is to forage for mushrooms and wait for seeds to grow. Yes, you can use bone meal, but that is riskier than killing a passive animal which therefore making it still harder. That is a FACT.

Using an anvil to pound shape and mold your tools, weapons, and armor is nothing new and is how it's done. The purpose for the anvil now makes no logical sense even in a game. It requires no heat for repairing and allows you to rename items... Pretty lame and not anvil like at all. As far as a different type of medals, it would not be hard to distinguish because of it being different textured and make more sense because you can harden steel to make it stronger.

You state that adding a stats system would make Minecraft easier too... is false. How Minecraft is right now, anyone new player can join punch a tree to get wood build a craft table, make tools begin to mine and sure enough within about 15 mins achieve at least iron armor or a piece of diamond. A stats system would require more thought on which you want to level up first and more future planning disallowing you to fist a tree or any block to obtain it.

You also stated to keep the villages lame how they're now because if you add nice built villages in the world gen, it wouldn't inspire players to build better? This is false by all means. Most new players already build a box house now and always have. Most great artist or anyone great at anything usually have some sort of inspiration from something that was good or great. So if anything it would just inspire them to make something greater.

As you stated that you were being critical and I respect the feedback. But I too have just critically examined your argument against my ideas and shown your response to be not so valid as far as you stating that it would "make things easier"

It was as fun discussion and again I thank you for your feedback. Have a great day!
08/01/2017 3:28 am
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
Jnaejnae's Avatar
I appreciate the response.

To address your points, firstly your logic is extremely faulty if you believe that adding more food sources doesnt make the game easier. I is not harder to break fruit tree leaf blocks than it is to hunt passive mobs. No it is not harder to pick up mushrooms off the ground. More seeds meaning more chance of getting a seed hence farming is easier than it was before. If you keep the net chance of getting seeds the same you just make wheat rarer and keep difficulty the same. Whatever the case your addition is a net increase in amount of food, which only makes chance of starving less. Hence, the game is factually easier with more sources of food.

Anvil costs 30 iron. You suggest not being able to make any metal tools until you harvest 30 iron. You do realize how this is just nothing more than massive road block to progress. Its artificial difficulty, (like an easy boss with lots of health) and drags out progression. Plus steel armor would just be a recolor of diamond armor, the difference is now diamonds are not as useful hence less reason to MINE. Your ideas do not make sense. Realism =/= sense. DIamond armor is more distinguishable than iron is from steel.

Stats system would make Minecraft easy, it would also make it more slow than boring. Have you ever played Runescape? Runescape is not hard, you just click and the game plays itself, but it takes forever because it has the same stupid stat lock that you are suggesting. Get to level 50 in Runescape before you think stat restrictions is a good idea. Again you are only slowing good players down, and making it easier for bad players who just put in more time. It doesnt work in theory or practice.

Your only good point in your response is about the villages. So sure I guess I dont see harm in making villages more pretty. Except for the fact that Villages fit Minecrafts artstyle and palette really well already, and if you add different materials / uses to the villages the game becomes easier because you could get those materials earlier than you normally would. So you have to stick to the current pallette.

I do really appreciate a constructed response. However your idea of difficulty is almost hilariously bad. More time spent grinding =/= a fun challenging game. Again. Please get to level 50 in Runescape, just so you can actually experience how awful your stat idea is.
08/01/2017 12:10 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Artist
Anomaly's Avatar
Well, thanks again for your response and I rebuttal to're one person with 1 opinion. Most people that play Minecraft aren't playing regular Minecraft, why? Because it's too dull as is. When a game is created like you say Runescape it's players are playing how the game was created (I'm not a player of that game mind you) However, when a game like Minecraft has most of its players changing the entire game or adding in things that feel odd or left out then there must be problem. This is a fact because Minecraft is one of the top modded games out there if not the top. We have even seen ideas come from the modding community into Minecraft recent example is the Parrot.

Adding in the ability to forage for food is a more natural survival. You should naturally be able to find fruit trees that grow fruit just as you can find a cow/pig, chicken etc.... You act as if my idea has instant growing crops or an endless amount of fruit trees, which sure that is unrealistic and not natural. All my idea adding in more variety which is never bad.

If you want to get technical about things. Really killing the animals and eating them like a zombie does to a corpse is not a natural or healthy approach to eating. It's FACT that eating meat is carcinogenic and toxic for you. So it would make more sense to add in REAL food and obtainable by foraging and growing it.

As far as the stats system, you contradicted yourself by agreeing to the restrictions. The stats system would not be like you say RuneScape or any other MMO style game. But more of a learning stats that your player does through a progression that allows you learn things like, Blacksmithing, cooking, farming, etc.... to get better results with the task you're doing. Such as if you're a noob farmer your farm would produce less food due to poor farming skills and dead plants. As you learn more you have more success with farming. Blacksmithing would be the same. You can pound metal better as you progress and create better armor., again if you need to have visually for different armor types then, sure just add more textures. But really it would only need lore.

I don't agree with you about the villages. They look very out of place and like someone just dropped them from the sky. They do not transition to the environment very well. Therefore the random palette is dull and repetitive. All villages are the same, again not realistic to a true survival.

That is my rebuttal and again I appreciate your response.
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