Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

Major Skinnage

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toffee icecream's Avatar toffee icecream
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
Very lately ive been uploading skins because ive found out how so for all you noobs heres how to make and upload a skin

1.Go to http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/571250

2.Make a skin with custom or pre-made

3.save as a my_skin__________.png

(png wont be there so just add it on)

4.upload to planet minecraft

and thats how to make and upload a skin in seconds

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12/31/2011 7:48 pm
Level 28 : Expert Engineer
Banane9's Avatar
wow youre firing out the blogposts in a high rate. may you should be more on quality and not on on quantity
12/31/2011 7:53 pm
Level 28 : Expert Engineer
Banane9's Avatar
also i tested the skin editor program and you cant make high quality and good skins with it, they will all look same. If you just look in the description at the user created ones, there are atleas 3 one with a black leather jacket.
toffee icecream
12/31/2011 8:21 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
toffee icecream's Avatar
You can make anything apart from invisible pixels and the black leather is the choice ofthe people who use this program
01/01/2012 6:34 am
Level 28 : Expert Engineer
Banane9's Avatar
it still leads the users to create same-looking-skins with the premade parts
toffee icecream
01/01/2012 2:41 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
toffee icecream's Avatar
about what you said before im making statues on all the mobs and i only have the zombie pigman done and im working on the enderman.Also atleast gimme some credit s im new to skin making.I dont even know how to get a world save or make a mod yet
01/01/2012 3:08 pm
Level 28 : Expert Engineer
Banane9's Avatar
still you got 10 skins at your profile. Also getting a world save is just archiveing a folder in your .minecraft/saves/ folder. About mods, you dont need to know how to make mods to have good skins or texturepacks, etc. as you can see at most people here ;)
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