Minecraft Blogs / Review

Mafiacraft 1.7.2 Mc.mafia-craft.com

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Bobreviewsminecraft's Avatar Bobreviewsminecraft
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
I have Recently Started toREVIEW SERVERS And this is my first Review

When You first come on You Are usually Greeted by One of the staff members or regular players.
Then You think what is the Theme of this server? The answer is: Factions,PvP and drugs.
Though the server Could Be better, Its one of the Best Ive seen

The Staff are Very Helpful and You can ask Any Question You want That is related to The Server.
The Staff are 8/10 And is nearly Perfect.

The Rewards for voting are Very Good indeed. They are 2000 In Game Cash 4 diamonds 20 xp bottles and 15 enjin Points

I hope to see you on sometime soon!
Thank You For Reading this Review and More will come Soon
Till then, See ya

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11/01/2013 8:06 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
TehGamerz's Avatar
This review wasnt that good. You should work on the details and play on the server for a hour or so just so you can see the Gameplay!
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