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Low Self-esteem Is Not Cool

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MurpsIV's Avatar MurpsIV
Level 29 : Expert Blockhead
Alright, I'm not trying to make this sound like a rant but have more faith in yourself if you don't. Regardless your gender, how old you are, and physical appearance, be proud of who you are and what you do! This "I suck" or "I'm not good at *insert activity* at all!" is all over minecraft and reality. You don't have to listen to my loud mouth, but this is unhealthy for your mentallity. I'm sure of this if you repeat something negative in your head. Eventually it will become true. 

There's a difference between asking for help or saying something like "please take care of me, I'm a newbie to this game" and "h;lkjhbgfcdvhbjuygfd I'm so dead, I'm terrible at this". You could be teribble at some activity but as long as you work at it and try to get better. You will improve. If you mope about it. Pity will come your way but nothing else will get better. 

If you're doing this for attention from others. You should get another hobby, lol. You should have something better to do with your life. Someone reading this now has probably seen a scene when someone says something negative about themselves and it backfires. Not everyone will give you pretty weightless words.

What happened to the old times where everyone was so full of themselves? I never thought I would miss those days. Is this a matter of pride anymore? I'm not saying that everyone is talking down about themselves. If you are confident and content with oneself. Kudos to you. If you're not, I hope this chunk of writing has given you some thought about being positive for a change. If anyone writes a comment here talking bad about themselves, IMA SLAP YOU! For you didn't get the point of this long butt blog. Okay, cya! Be Happy!

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Enemy of the State
06/01/2015 8:47 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Enemy of the State's Avatar
"Alright, I'm not trying to make this sound like a rant but have more faith in yourself if you don't. "

You should probably revize that sentence. Great blog by the way, although I see lots of writing on this topic.
06/02/2015 7:58 pm
Level 29 : Expert Blockhead
MurpsIV's Avatar
Alright thanks for the advice and comment
05/31/2015 3:50 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc1665509's Avatar
05/31/2015 5:18 pm
Level 29 : Expert Blockhead
MurpsIV's Avatar
Oh dank you~
05/31/2015 5:22 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
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