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(Lost kids) It started as a dream I had and now this? Enjoy my CampFire story!

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This is a short story about three kids, Constance whom is nine, Fiona who is thirteen, and Nicky being the only boy in the group, is fourteen. As they woke they found themselves in a sticky situation.

Capter (1) Escape

I grone, and my neighbor Constance shakes my shoulder and Nicky cough's. I turn over on my side and I sit up, as Constance unties Nicky I realise we where taken hostage. As I feel the bindings on my wrist lossen I thank Constance and Nicky extends his hand out too help me up.
As I stand, and look around for the first time and too the looks of it we are locked up inside a old house...but why is the question.

I look at Nicky and I remember that he's the most popular boy in my grade, and all the girls gawking over him being handsome, hot and charming all the time, witch makes me sigh and he starts looking around the house.

Suddenly he rushes back into the room, eyes wide with fear and I hear the sound of vehicles driving up too the house, Constance calls too us.

"Quickly, the back door isn't locked. The kidnapers must have forgotten too, and they have starving puppys back here!" As we get too the back door, I see what Constence is talking about.

There are three little puppys tied up, a baby pug, chawa, and a half breed havanese and half poodle I think.

I smile as Nicky begins too untie them, and we earth pick one up as the front door slams open and we hear a man shouting. "FIND THEM, YOU WORTHLESS HAGS! THOSE KIDS MUSN'T ESCAPE!"

Chapter (2) Water

We open the back door and sneak out as stuff inside is thrown around, and we find some bikes on the side of the house. Nicky takes the biggest bike witch he can barely ride but manages it, Constance finds the perfect bike for her and it even has a side car too, we put the puppy's in it and I zip it shut.
I get on my bike as I realise I'm too tall but I manage it, as we start too peddle I see Constance and Nicky get farther, and farther ahead of me as they peddle out of sight I hit a large stone and broke my bikes front tire.

I grone and start running after them and I pass a deep pond that is more then half way empty, I round a corner of a house and see them but I realise Constance is saying something but I'm too far too hear her.

And suddenly I realise Nicky is racing towards me on his bike as if too run me over, I move out of his way and suddenly he screams and I look behind me too see him and the bike vanish over the edge on the pond.

Chapter (3) dead?

Constance is screaming and all I can do is go after him, I run too the edge of the pond and leap down into the water and I start feeling around till I feel a soft wet fur coat.

I start pulling on it hard and as I pull I see his shaggy dark brown hair and his tan skin, and suddenly he goes under again as his coat rips, coming off his body.

I reach into the water and wrap my arms around his waist and pull him above the murky water, I drag him out of the water and accidently drag him through the mud too get him out of this death pit of nasty water.

I lay him on the rim of the pond and he isn't breathing, I start too panic and I begin too cry. A few seconds later he starts coughing up water and his eyes flutter open weakly, I choke back tears and he looks at me and whispers so softly.

"What...what's wrong, why are you crying Fo?" I laugh at him and I hug him tightly thanking god he's still alive, and he calls me by that ridiculous nick name again and I look at his face and his eyes devour my own and suddenly I'm breathless.

Chaptetr (4) Eww!

His face is inches from mine, and he breaths softly in my face. He leans so close and whispers in my ear, and his breath on ear and neck makes me shiver. "Thank you...Fo."

I squeak as his lips brush my neck slightly, and his lips trace my jaw and his lips find mine and next I know his lips are fermly agenst my own and his hand cradles the back of my head, his fingers get tangled in my mahogany hair.

After a few seconds later I hear Constance, making gaging sounds. "Eww, you guys serious right now? That's just wow..." She starts speaking too the puppy's as Nicky pulls his lips from mine, and he chuckles and stands and helps me out of the muddy pit of death.

Chapter (5) Brilliant Idea

As he pulls me up I struggle too get a footing and as I step over the rim I stumble into him and he holds me tightly until I've steady myself, I hear Constance clear her throat. I look over Nicky's shoulder at her and she has her hands on her hips, an eyebrow raised and the puppy's are kind of copying her and staring right at us.

"If you two are done being cuddly we need a plan, they will follow us...Wait, I have an idea throw you're jackets into the water and the bikes."
I take off my black jacket that's already soaking wet and I throw it in, and so does Constence. After that we drag the bikes over and I get mine and we throw them in, and suddenly the ground starts vibrating and we look at each other and I hear a engine sound comes closer and closer, and I whisper too them.

"Grab a puppy and climb that tree!"

Chapter (6) Close call

As the engine comes near we each grab a puppy and climb a massive Banyan Tree, and as we get high enough a truck drives by and squeals too a halt. I big burly man and two elderly lady's step out and start looking around.

The man swears and the lady calls too them. "Over here!" The man walks over too her and he starts chuckling and he speaks in a gruff scary voice.
"Good ridence, now I woun't have too kill them myself. Little brats drowned, Good. Lets go, hags." I lean into Nicky breathing in deeply as the truck engine starts up and fades the farther they drive away.

We stay up in the tree for maybe over an hour then we climb down, and I put the puppy I was holding down and I hug Nicky, and he holds me close as I feel smaller arms hug me and we hug each other.

After are dear friends couldn't find there way home, they decided too live together in a large bayan tree. After seven months alone they have built a nice cozy tree house too live in.

Chapter (7) Happy birthday!
I dig around in the garden Constance made for the home, and I take some sweet potato's, blue berrys and some strawberry's and put them all in the basket, and I check the melons and other stuff too.

I put the basket on a hook and I climb into the tree as Nicky comes back covered in sweat and dirt, he puts a few things into the basket. I pull the basket up as he climbs up besides me and he kisses my cheek and I laugh as he smells strongly of sweat, tree sap and ashes. He whispers, and I take stuff out of the basket and he follow me into are mini kitchen. I take out some flower, eggs, and a bowl.

I start measuring stuff and cracking the eggs and putting in a pinch of salt, and I put blue berrys in too make it sweeter. As I finish the batter Nicky calls too me.

"I have the fire ready, the pan is nice and warm with some grape oil." I put the batter into the basket and lower it down too him with the hook, and he takes it out and walks over too the fire pit. I pour some into the pan and the smell is heavenly.

Chapter (8) A guest

As I get the first pancake off and on too a plate, I look next too me too find a baby deer snacking on the extra blue berrys. I pat its head and Nicky whispers too me and I giggle as the young fawn licks my cheek.

"I have an idea! Why not give Constence the fawn as a birthday gift well more of a pet, but you get what I mean. Right love?" I nod in agreement and as if the fawn did agree with it made a cute burping sound and we both laugh.

As I finish cooking the pancakes Constance comes back arms full of apples, pears, charrys, oranges, even a few mangos! She drops the stuff into the basket and Nicky cuts a mango and two apples.

We sit silently as we eat are pancakes and fruits as the deerling rades the last of the berries in the basket. We clean up and me and Nicky, start digging into the side of a mountain out cropping too create a stables for the cow, two goats and the new deerling we have.

Chapter (9) Dug out stable

As he chips away at the stone hard dirt and rocks, I take baskets full and dups them into a pile away from home and I go too the river too get clay.
As I fill the basket full of clay, I drag it back too Nicky. As I get back I see he collected alot of sticks and rope, and finished the large hole that will act as a cave too make a decent stable in.

As I make the fence Constence leads the animals inside and she ties them too a stake in the dirt wall and they start nibbling on the grass we put inside. Nicky applys the clay too make the ciling and walls fermer, and Constence helps me put the fence up when I'm done making it.

We step back and look at a weeks worth job done in four days, and we climb up into are home and I flip a switch too turn on the dim red christmas lights hanging in are tree, and Constance snuggles in my lap as she holds Snowflake in her lap.

I feel Nicky's arms circles around me and Constance and he whispers in my ear. "Sleep, you will need it love. You work so hard...we all do." I kiss his cheek and I don't remember falling asleep but I did.

Chapter (10) Supplies

I wake up too the smell of eggs, and too Snowflake who is licking my cheek as Nicky reads an old book we found called My Side Of The Mountain by Jean Craighead George.

Nicky puts the book down and helps me up and he kisses me good morning and I breath in deeply, giggling at the fact he still smells like sweat, tree sap and ashes.

As we eat fried eggs from the hens Constance found yesterday, Nicky speaks up. "By the way, we need too make another raide for more supplies today."
Constance speaks up, in excitement.

"I saw a fairly nice looking abandon house near the fruit trees, I bet it has very useful stuff in there. I even saw a radio in the window! Oh how wonderful would it be too have music again, wouldn't it be wonderful Fiona?" I nod and Nicky clears his throat, and starts speaking.

"Okay we can raide that house but no matter what we are not staying if something goes wrong, deal?" We nod and we finish are eggs and we get are bags for carrying stuff and Biscuit insists on following us so we let him or else he would bark the whole time we are gone.

Chapter (11) Stranger

As we make are way through the thicket and into an opening about twenty minutes from are home, we find the house she was talking about. It was a small cabin next too a babbling brook and a run down barbed wire fence, as we get closer Nicky starts clipping the barbed wire off the fence and raping it into a ball too take it with us and as he does that I see Constance staring into a window.

I walk beside her and look into the window too see a figure shorter then me, rummaging inside and the figure turns around suddenly and I'm looking into the face of familiar face, a boy. Maybe a little older then Constance, but defiantly younger then me.

He touches the glass window as does Constance does and, and suddenly he's nocked on to the floor as a red hand print is left on the glass. And he Screams as a large animal drags him by the leg out the back door, and Nicky runs too the other side of the house with the stone knife he made in his hand. We follow the screaming, and as we round the house we see a huge wolf and then it hits me...We are looking at a DireWolf.

Chapter (12) DireWolf

As the boy screams from the wolves teeth ripping into his leg Nicky takes his knife and drives it into the wolves neck killing it, and the boy priys open the monsters jaws and pulls his wounded leg out of its jaw.

He groans as I look at his wound and Constance shushes him and she holds his hand as she tosses me a packet of coagulant, and I breath deeply and dump it into the gaping wound on his thigh, and leg.

He screams at the pain and his screaming abruptly stops and his body begins too tremble, Nicky picks the boy up and he carrys him on his back as we rope up the dead wolf and drag it back too camp.

As we enter camp the boy starts waking up and, Nicky drags the wolf body away from camp taking fresh trash bags with him. And he comes back about three hours later all the edible meat in the bags, and we cook it up for dinner.

As the boy wakes Constance asks him a few questions one being his name and what school he when to school. "M-M-My name is Ethan... I went too Dark Oak Elementary School..."

I look at the others as we all nod and something in my brain screamed recognition at his name but I couldn't place it.

(As are kiddos found a friend, and made a pleasant living. Winter comes faster then they hoped and they aren't prepared for the cold.
Three months later, december 4, year of 2003.)

Chapter (13) Snow!

I wake up too Nicky at my side still asleep, I lean over his body and kiss his cheek and he mutters in his sleep. "no...its too early..." I nudge his shoulder and his eyes flutter open and his eyes find mine and he grins at me pulls me down too his body and kisses my forhead, as a cold breez hits my skin.
I sit up and he stands and walks over too the window, and he swears under his breath and I get intrigued and I go and stand by him and I didn't expect too see what he saw.

I stare out the window too see Constance and Ethan are playing in the snow with the dogs and I smile as Constance makes a snow angel.
I watch as Constence throws a snowball at Ethan and he look sat her wide eyed and as she bends down too make another he tackles her, too stop her and he looks at her for a few seconds and then he kisses her and her eyes widden.

Me and Nicky laugh and Ethan brakes away at the sound of are laughter, and he fidgets looking embressed about it. I climb down the ladder Nicky made and he follows behind me, and he clears his troat.

"We aren't ready for winter, so I've made a list too get ready. Ethan you will help me chop wood, luckily I have two axe's. Constance you take what stuff is in the garden that's ready and take it inside, and then milk the cow and goats. Fo will be extremely carful and scavenge some stuff around the the safe abandon homes and gather blakeys and ect, everyone know what to do?"

We all nod and I hug Nicky and Ethan hugs Constance and they head into the woods and Constance goes too do her thing, and I pack an apple and three bags for the stuff we left behind.

Chapter (14) Danger!

I walk in the woods too the house we found Ethan in and, I get too the house and find the house the way we left it. I go too the back of the house too find the blood trail and my stumic turns, I go inside and make my way too a bed room and open it slightly.

A cloud of dust settles and I see a few quilts folded on the bed, and I shove them into a bag, I open the drawers and find cloths like sheets, pillows, pillow cases, even some slippers, and six packs of triple AAA batteries.

I digg farther back and I find nothing else useful, I check the others and I find more quilts and batteries. I check the closet too find a silenced shot gun, Glock, AK 47, Dragunov SVD, M2A2 Heavy duty Machine Gun. I look some more and find night vision goggles, first aid kit and I take that as well.

I put all the guns into a bag and I notice a small hidden compartment under neath them, I pull the latch and the lid rips off. I gape at all the ammo, then I put it all in the bag and I go too the window and take the radio for Constence.

As I get out side I cheak the shed and find a 2FComposite Bow fantasy weapon steampunk Compond bow, and a few quivers and I take the quivers and drape them over my shoulder. And hold the steampunk bow in my hand, the bow feels so right in my hand and suddenly I feel mighty powerful.

I begin too go home happy with my score and I head on home as its getting dark, hmm I hadn't relized how long I've been gone. As I get into the clearing I find Constence at the door looking worried and I ask her whats wrong, as she helps me take the stuff inside.

"The boys still haven't come back...I'm scared Fiona.." I hug her and take the Steampunk bow and a quiver off arrows and before I go after the boys I take the night vision goggles and tell her too stay put.

Chapter (15) Lost boys

As I climb down the latter I put the goggles on and turn them on, and I look back too see Constance through the walls holding the dogs close too her. I look too the stables and see the animals and I look too the woods and Head out, as I traveled a little, I see small critters heat signatures and a few foxes a wolf or two.

But no boys, I look too my left and find a tall figure maybe twenty feet away and I lock a arrow into place and I ame in the direction of the figure as I inch my way closer and closer.

The closer I got, the faster my heart rate sped up. As I got within ear shot I called out too the figure from my hiding place. "Who are you, and don't step any closer I am armed I will shoot. Turn around slowly, now!" The person turns around slowly, and they clear their throat.

"I am lost, I mean no harm nor do I mean too trespass, please...I'm just looking for my little sister, shes ten now and shes been lost for maybe seven months! Please tell me you have seen her, my neighbors daughter is missing too."

I take a little fake canddle and toss it too him and it hits his foo and he picks it up, and I tell him too turn it on. He does and I see a face I didn't think I'd ever see again and I start too cry, and I hug him and he stumbles back and speaks.

"No please don't ki....wait I recognize that crying...Fiona?!" He hugs me and I start speaking between sobs.

"Constance is with me, not here tho. I'm looking for Ethan and Nicky have you seen two boys? They haven't come back and I'm scared something has happened." Suddenly a light comes from the tree house, and blinks on and off six times.

I sigh relived as Constance remembered the light code for safe, I begin too lead us back too camp.

Chapter (16) Found

As I lead Sebastian back too home, and too yell at Ethan and Nicky for scaring me so badly. We make are way through the brush and I see home just the way I left it, I turn on the night vision goggles and suddenly my heart stops. As there is three figures in the tree house, and I call out too them.

"Constance if its you in there come out, I see you're not alone..." As I spoke I lock an arrow and lift my bow aiming at the figures as they come out and a familiar voice calls out, as the other one hugs onto Constance as they see my bow aimed at the tallests heart.

"Wow, put the bow down would you really shoot me Fo? Missed you too, come here beautiful." I growls as Nicky finds this funny and I climb up the ladder as he lets it down, as I stand I punch his arm hard angrly. He just laughs it off and he hugs me, as Sebastian hugs Constance and she's crying.

I look at Nicky and Ethan and nip at them, and Nicky frowns at the bitterness in my voice. "Where have you been!" I start too sob and Nicky grones and speaks softly, as he hugs me. "I'm so, so sorry Fo. I didn't mean too make you worrie...P-p-please look at me Fo.." I look at him and he smiles and I can't help but smile.

"Thats better, Fo. You know I love you, I really didn't mean too...You know right?" I nod and he kisses my fouhead gently, I turn too see Constence and Sebastian talking and Sebastion keeps glanceing back at Ethan.

I look at Sebastian and he speaks softly, whispering too Constance. "Constance we have too go home...You can't stay here. Non of us can..." Constance shakes her head and speaks up boldly.

"I want too stay, I've had so much fun here. More fun then at home, and besides I want mama and papa too live with us! Fiona, Nicky and Ethan's family too! We could start a small town."

Sebastian smiles and nods and takes out a phone!? And starts typing away and then puts it away again, and we all settle down for the night.
Constance snuggles with Ethen and her brother raises an eyebrow and I shrug, I leave the room too go too my and Nicky follows me and we fall asleep.

Chapter (17) Go Home...Or Stay?

I wake too the sound of Constance laughing, I look too my side too find Nicky gone and I stand and look out the window and see Sebastian chasseing after a chicken witch makes me laugh.

I call out too Sebastian and he stops and he looks at me. "Can't you simply catch a chicken, Sebastian ?" He frowns as Constence easly catches the chicken and puts Brownie away. I look too the forest and find Ethan and Nicky dragging a Christmas tree behind them and Nicky looks up too me and smiles.

I get some of the wolf meat and bring it with me as I climb the ladder don too meet them by the fire pit, I smile happy we made it two years out here by are selves. I look at Nicky as him and Ethan sit the tree up and make it too where it will stand on its own, Constance comes out carrying a box of the solar powered christmas lights we found a year ago.

After we put them on Sebastian clears his throat, and addresses us. "I got something I want too tell you guys, are parents want too come see what you have been up too...Their coming some time this week, and so will the cousins." Constance squeals happly and hugs Ethan and he kisses her cheek and then she hugs Sebastian thanking her brother, and he smiles.

Chapter (18) Christmas Morning

I wake too the sound of music and laughter and I see Nicky still asleep next too me and I breath in his face and his eyes flutter open and look sat me and smiles, I sit up and nicky stretches' and mutters.

"Merry Christmas love, come here. Daddy wants a hug, good morning." I laugh and hug him and he gently kisses my cheek, and his fingers brush the skin below my pants waist line.

Suddenly Constence bursts in and speaks exitedly, and then she rushes out again. Nicky looks at me and raises an eye brow and I stand pulling a shirt over my head, I look out the window too see four trucks.

The truck beds open and stuff lined out such as food, drinks, sweets, presents. I gasp at the amount of people talking too each other and Constance running around with the other kids.

I look arund too see Ethan giveing smaller kids a ride on Buckley, the older kids pet him and he just loves the attention. I turn around and see Nicky still shirtless and raise an eyebrow and speak softly.

"Better but a shirt on, I'll meet you out there I'm gonna go say hi...Too are family's." I leave Nicky too change, I go out side and so many Brilliant smells are in the air. I jump as Nicky's hands touch my bare skin on my waist, he kisses my neck and someone calls are names and I see Sebastian waving and Nicky waves back.

I take hold of the tree root acting as a pole and slide down and Nicky follows behind me and I see my Nanna and Papa, I rub my eyes and run over hudding them.


This is sadly the end, Fiona, Nicky, Constance, Ethan, and Sebastian. Decide too stay, and Fiona's bestie from school stays as well. Nicky soon merrys Fiona, and Constance Embraces the fact Ethan loves her.

Nickys dad and some other men come too help build more tree houses in the other Bayan trees next too them, and their families come by on the holidays and visit.

Soon a few years later Fiona bares a son named Darton, and Ethan Prepossess too Constance and you get the idea.

It ended happily for them, and I thank you for reading my CampFire story.

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07/16/2023 4:18 pm
Level 25 : Expert Architect
Burgas11's Avatar
ohhh, add like another chapter when they like wake up but there still in the woods, and then they realise one of them isnt the same and its like a possesian
07/17/2023 3:37 pm
Level 28 : Expert Artist
VarifiedBrawlhallaAddict's Avatar
maybe you could Privet message it to me,I'd love too read it.
07/16/2023 4:24 pm
Level 28 : Expert Artist
VarifiedBrawlhallaAddict's Avatar
what idea do you have? Because I don't understand what you mean.
07/17/2023 2:23 am
Level 25 : Expert Architect
Burgas11's Avatar
So like the kids wake up; but the still in the forest and one of them is possessed but they don't know that; then they slowly realise somthing isn't right
07/17/2023 1:37 pm
Level 28 : Expert Artist
VarifiedBrawlhallaAddict's Avatar
Okay, thats a really plot twisting idea. Thanks XD
07/17/2023 3:34 pm
Level 25 : Expert Architect
Burgas11's Avatar
thanks alot thats based of one of my campfire stories (tho thats to gory to put on pmc XD)
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