This Blog is an entry in the completed Animal Whisperer Blog Contest.

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Pigichu's Avatar Pigichu
Level 25 : Expert Miner

This story is not about a dog or cat, or a pet, but it is about a fox, that was once loved and now alone looking for somewhere to live. She is a female fox with a long tail with black on the very end and a bit of white, she has a white stomach and sparkly blue eyes, and is ready for some adventure.

⌊Chapter one.⌉
Wet I thought as rain trickled down my body dripping slowly onto the concrete side walk. Cold, I thought wishing I had one of those things that the humans had, that they held over there heads, I wanted one and I would get one one day. I had been traveling for two days now, I dont know where I started, but I hear the humans say 'Indiana' so that must be where I am now. It was cold, and raining and dark though the light in the buildings around me where still on so the humans must still be awake. But I hate humans I reminded myself, Mine abandoned me and I will never love one again.

Two days later
I escaped the terrible place called city, full of lights and moving boxes with wheels that ran over anything in its path. I never had a name, but I call myself Lost, lost in this world forever. I had made it away from that terrible place but I didn't make it home yet. Where is home? I wondered stopping in my tracks. I was int he woods now Minnesota I think, thats where I came from thats where I lived when I was little I hope. All I want to do is get home, get home and be able to live happy again. I kept walking for about an hour, thinking about what home would look like, I closed my eyes and ignored everything else, still walking forward, north. I heard something and opend my eyes stopping looking behind me before in front, I was standing on concrete again but it was rougher harder and terrible on my paws I saw trees behind me. The sound I heard was like those boxes those terrible moving boxes. I looked to my right and saw a black one coming my way. I started to panic and so I ran as fast as I could across the path, looking back to see if the box would have smashed me, it kept going faster and faster. Savage, I thought. How savage is this world?

It was getting dark, I should find a log to stay under, to stay warm. The leaves were turning bright orange and red, they were falling off of the trees gracefully it was all peacful maybe I should just live here in the buteful bright colours and never leave. I blended in well, all but my black and while tail and stomach. My stomach growled as I remembered I have not eaten in about a day and a half. I looked around for a squirrel, or a rabbit. But nothing, The humans threw food at me in that thing they called 'park' they either liked me, or hated me but I could try to get food from one. Theres no humans around I reminded myself. Nothing, nobody but me.

⌈Chapter two⌋
I opened my eyes it was still dark but getting brighter, I was under a pile of leaves. I must have burrowed myself I thought. I remember eating some berries before I burrowed myself, and that was it. I continued on right away going back to the strange bush I found sucking a berries into my mouth, the berries were extremly high almost to high for me to reach. The bush has bright red soft berries with tiny seeds, they were shaped like cones with a hole in the middle, they were amazingly sweet and squishy, they were juicy to wich helped with my thirst. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever find my way out of this forest. I started heading north after eating those berries which were more east then I wanted to be. Will I ever find my way away? I asked myself again. I dont think i'll ever find an awnser. But I hope I will, I hope I will soon.

Two days later.

Its the middle of the day I was walking more north-east now, was home north? I shook my head and looked up. I will find home one day. I sniffed around smelling something strange, I stopped sniffing some more, straight up. Smoke! Its smoke! That could be bad or good. And if there are humans there could be food, meat. I can and have gotten away from forest fires before, I have to figure it out. I sniffed my way to the smoke, it was a completely horrid smell, but it didn't smile like much fire, just a small one that humans make to cook there meat over. When I was close enough I could see the smoke I stopped sniffing taking shorter breaths trying not to take too much of the smoke in. I crouched down and slowed down when I got close. I peaked threw a few trees so I could see if there were humans or not. There was two of the larger ones and three pups. Two of them where hiding behind a tree and one of them was looking around for the other. The two larger ones where sitting by the fire feeding it wood and it got bigger every time they fed it. It was larger then me at this point, though I was skinny of about a week of traveling, a week. A week since my owner kicked me out. A week since my owner told me I was terribole though I did nothing, maybe I did, I dont know. I shook my head and looked over at the humans again, one of the pups, the smallest one got found and that largest pup was trying not to laugh. The larger ones went inside there large box, but this one wasn't moving. I had to be cautious anyways though. The large humans were carrying long meat, I could smell it. I had to get to it before they cooked it though. But how?

⊂Chapter three⊃
.I started approaching the small fire, though I did not have a plan. I just pranced up quietly behind the humans, they didnt seam to notice me yet. The pups where still playing, but they were chasing each other around this time. The oldest stopped staring at me, and gasped. I didnt really mind her though, and I kept going. The other pups just kept running. As I got closer the oldest pup did to, step by step we both got closer to the fire. The girl had dark brown hair, almost as dark as the end of my tail. and it was about as long as my tail. I crept closer and closer, but she took bigger steps than me and got to the fire first. She looked at me like she was nice, like she wanted to help me like she cared, she was on my side of the fire holding a small peace of meat out now. The large humans where inside there box. She was crouching down with the meat. No, I reminded myself as I stopped I cant trust humans. My stomach growled, Just this time I thought, I'll trust this one just this time. I got closer, and closer, until I was finally about half a foot away, close enough to lean and get the meat. But she was so nice looking, I looked up into her eyes as they sparkled. She took a step closer, kind of waddling closer because she was crouched down, but she did it so slowly and gracefully she smiled down at me and I stared at the meat, should I take it and run? I grabbed the meat and ran about two yards torwards the forest, I turned around and looked at her, she was frowning. I just stared at her for a moment, I felt terrible. But I ran anyways, there was no way I was going to trust her. I ran into the woods as fast as I could. The next day.

I started going south again, but I couldnt stop thinking about that girl, are there actually nice humans? There cant be.I kept heading south east-ish.

⟨Chapter four⟩
two months later.

I found a city again, but it wasn't as bad, and the people were not as bad either they looked at me warmer, they looked nicer. They didn't throw food at me, they set it down and left to let me eat it, I want to give humans a second chance, and I will They said I am in north Carolina now. I wish I could find that pup again though, she was extremely nice. I kept going though, hoping I would find her. People seemed less scared now though, like I was normal. They even named me "Hope" everything started to be OK but I didn't get to live anywhere, I just sat under a table at the [ark and slept there, some of the squirrels would toss nuts at my head and actually hit me sometimes, so it wasn't perfect like I wanted it to be. I dont think it will ever be perfect.The pups would come and play with me now. I saved one from falling in the small pond, I caught him just a moment before he hit the water then his mother fed me, for my good deeds I get things I guess. There was a fountain in the pond, and trees everywhere around. There was a small canopy around thirty feet away from the pond. There where some things that the pups would play on, they would climb up some steps then slide down a swirly cliff, sometimes I would wait for them at the bottom and they would come and chase me around.I didnt know humans were so nice.

Two weeks later.

It was just a normal day in the park, some of the pups were running around, they brought me a small house just for me with my name "Hope" on top of it. I was laying inside my new house watching the pups when I saw that pup that I had seen before and given me meat. I got up and walked over to the pup and she stared at me and smiled she leaned down and put her hand out for me to sniff and said. "I heard about you. I didnt know it was you though." I got closer to her and looked up. I dont want to go home with her I want her to come here, and feed me here. And she did, she came back the next day and fed me meat, and pet me, and played with me. She brought me toys and played a game called 'tag' with me, she would chase me around her and her other friends and when they touched me I would go chase them. My life was perfect, besides some of the humans who tried to shoo me away, the squirrels who threw nuts at me. Everything was OK now, its all OK now. The girl with bright green eyes, dark brown hair, she was short and amazing , and I loved her, more than I will ever love anyone else.
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