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Losing Paradise

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GoggleD0GG's Avatar GoggleD0GG
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Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragon Necromancer
Minecraft is a game-wait no, a tool-that's not right either-an outlet, based entirely on creativity and freedom. A remedy. The shoulder you cry on, the dose that you die on. A painkiller. Paradise. There were times we almost lost this outlet. Let us look at them now.
1.9, Febuary 29, 2016, Doomsday- We are human. We started out wandering, killing animals and foraging. We tired of this life and built civilizations. Laws. Things stopped changing so rapidly. We adapted to this lifestyle. Living this life has it's benefits and drawbacks.
  • We had spare time to enjoy ourselves, develop our passions.
  • We could stop not dying, and start truely living.
  • We forgot what pain was.
  • We took things for granted.
  • And, most importantly, we lost our tolerance of change in an ever-changing world
The Mojang team went to Reddit for ideas for this update, it seems. The builders wanted a new combat system so that everyone would have to start anew and we could catch up. This I understand. Some people, like Bajan Canadian, devoted themselves to player-verses-player (PvP), going so far as to claim they never lost a hunger games and not posting any recording sessions where they are overpowered. These people, like all of us, hate change. Imagine this: you work as a banker, then, without you having a say in the word, the entire economy and law shifted. Would you not be upset? Imagine this: you've spent the past year and a half developing the game you always wanted to play, pouring your heart into it, then, suddenly, the enirety of the programming language you've been using is shifted. Tell me, how would you respond?

September 15, 2014, Tickets To Paradise Sold- As you know, Mojang was bought by Microsoft. Most of us share a deep, cold-blooded relationship with this company. They've force-updated computers (including my old laptop), produced arguably some of the worst updates possible, and overall have a bad rep. Markus Notch was being blamed for 'ruining Minecraft', and thanks to Minecraft didn't have time to work on smaller projects, and overall didn't want to carry the burden of owning Mojang. So he sold it along with Minecraft, although he now disagrees with some of their buisness desicions, which is revealed in a tweet.

"Since a lot of you are asking, my official opinion on the minecraft updates are:

I'm disappointed, but have moved on.
Maybe you should

Despite Notch himself saying that people should move on, many people haven't.

Life is like a lawnchair: some people place so they can see where they have been, some people place it so they can see where they're going, and some people place it where they can see where they are. Let us look at how, to this day, we are still losing paradise.
Skins-As previously stated, Minecraft is a outlet for creativity, and takes being this outlet to above and beyond. For example, we can make our own textures, add features via modding, and change our skins to whatever we like. What could go wrong? A lot, apparently. So much, that, in fact, we might as well be losing paradise. How, you may ask? Teenage skins. Many good skinners have turned to these devils. Why do I hate teenage skins so much? They all look the same. 2x2 eyes, same hairstyles, they're pretty much recolors of each other. Remember, Minecraft is an outlet of creativity.
Texture Packs-Minecraft is a perfect canidate for re-texturing: game files designed to be modified, the way 3D models are stored, the textures being simplistic. So, Mojang made it possible to make your own texture packs, and websites like PMC allow you to share these texture packs. Remember the segment from the 1.9 section about PvP. People take PvP so seriously that they started making texture packs designed for it: shorter swords, GUI changes, different health bars, so on and so forth. One or two of these packs would be fine, but there's a avalanche of them raining down on us on a daily basis. Similar to teenage skins, they all are pretty much re-colors of one another.
Servers-Minecraft is considered a video game, and almost all gamers are introverts. So, why not turn video games into an extrovert's paradise? Fliptastic idea! All jokes aside, most servers seem to be the same. We have skyblock servers, all of which work the same. We have minigame servers, all of which have the same minigames. We have SMPs, which you can't really customize much (making a unique SMP typically involves sculpting your own terrain, which I promise you is time consuming.). See what I'm getting at?

Overall, we are losing paradise, as we have been since paradise was found. We cannot stop letting this sand sift through our fingers, and that's okay.


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10/28/2017 3:36 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
BioPowered's Avatar
For all those people that are complaining about "Losing paradise"; Deal with it, it's the way life goes and nobody said that you need to update. If you don't like new updates, that fine. Just continue playing in 1.5 or something.
10/28/2017 7:48 am
He/Him • Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragon Necromancer
GoggleD0GG's Avatar
Exactly! Glad someone actually understood the message of this blog, it seems like I didn't make the message clear enough.
10/28/2017 8:15 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
BioPowered's Avatar
Glad I could help!
Prince Oceanus
10/28/2017 7:23 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Prince
Prince Oceanus's Avatar
Thank you! All these people saying that 1.2/Alpha/Beta were the best versions, when those were awfully buggy (all the different half-slabs, including wooden ones, could only be broken with a pickaxe if you placed them a certain way; boats were extremely broken; etc.)
10/28/2017 8:15 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
BioPowered's Avatar
Indeed, but that's always the case with Alpha and Beta versions, they're still in development. Still, if some ...(feel free to add a word)... think that it's the best version, they should use that. The last time I checked, it was still available from the launcher. Honestly, I've played since 1.5 and I usually download every update. I agree that I don't like certain stuff (some of those pink blocks...) but I have a simple solution: Ignore them and after a while, you will forget that the stuff you hate exists.
Prince Oceanus
10/27/2017 12:26 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Prince
Prince Oceanus's Avatar
First off, Microsoft has little to no input on what goes into Minecraft updates. They just own the rights to the brand. Second, Notch wanted to step down from being the project lead because it was too much to deal with, not because 'he was blamed for ruining Minecraft.' Third, where is this Reddit post that says that the builders wanted a new combat system so that everyone else would have to learn anew? I've been part of r/Minecraft for almost 3 years now and it's never come up at any point.

There are plenty of other texture packs out there that aren't PvP-oriented; you're just looking at the Pop Reel and making a hasty judgement. There are also Skinners who make actually original content that doesn't look exactly the same as someone else's. SMP servers aren't all like that, either. Heck, the one I play on the most is probably one that has the least sculpting for the spawn area, which actually looks both impressive and like it was actually hand-built properly.

You clearly don't understand how programming works, either. Whole programming languages don't just change out of the blue. Most programming languages are set in stone at this point, and hardly ever change. When have you ever heard of C# or Java code syntax ever changing how they work completely? I've heard of them adding new features, but that doesn't mean they completely overhaul the syntax system.

I doubt that YouTubers like BajanCanadian are really that concerned about the reputations they get from fans just because they lose every once in a while. That's how life freaking works!!

Maybe they want to give everyone a fair chance by not being overpowered, since being overpowered is boring and cliché? What's the point in playing if you have every advantage?

In conclusion, there's nothing here that hasn't been said before. Also, without factual evidence, there's a likely chance that some of the 'facts' are just hearsay from questionable online sources.
10/28/2017 3:33 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
BioPowered's Avatar
Well said!
10/27/2017 1:26 pm
He/Him • Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragon Necromancer
GoggleD0GG's Avatar
Alright, allow me to break your agruements apart to make it easier to respond to.

"First off, Microsoft has little to no input on what goes into Minecraft updates. They just own the rights to the brand."
Exactly. I was talking about people throwing a hissy fit over nothing, and deciding to leave the game because of it.
"Second, Notch wanted to step down from being the project lead because it was too much to deal with, not because 'he was blamed for ruining Minecraft.'"
He was being blamed for ruining Minecraft by some people, although that was not the only factor.
"Third, where is this Reddit post that says that the builders wanted a new combat system so that everyone else would have to learn anew? I've been part of r/Minecraft for almost 3 years now and it's never come up at any point."
I said that it seemed as though Mojang went to reddit for ideas, since people on r/Minecraft seem to mainly do building (at least with my experiences). And I have seen a few people say that as their reasoning for wanting a new combat system, although it was mainly something the developers wanted.

"There are plenty of other texture packs out there that aren't PvP-oriented; you're just looking at the Pop Reel and making a hasty judgement. There are also Skinners who make actually original content that doesn't look exactly the same as someone else's. SMP servers aren't all like that, either. Heck, the one I play on the most is probably one that has the least sculpting for the spawn area, which actually looks both impressive and like it was actually hand-built properly."
I wasn't talking about any of these categories as a whole: I was talking spefically about how, no matter where you look, something's going wrong and that's okay.

"You clearly don't understand how programming works, either. Whole programming languages don't just change out of the blue. Most programming languages are set in stone at this point, and hardly ever change. When have you ever heard of C# or Java code syntax ever changing how they work completely? I've heard of them adding new features, but that doesn't mean they completely overhaul the syntax system."
I know that's not how programming languages work: in fact, I've had my fair share of experience with them. It was just giving a scenario that people could relate to, since I imagine most PMC members have messed around with programming a little.

"I doubt that YouTubers like BajanCanadian are really that concerned about the reputations they get from fans just because they lose every once in a while. That's how life freaking works!!"
Trust me, some of them are. I wasn't talking about BajanCanadian in particular.

"Maybe they want to give everyone a fair chance by not being overpowered, since being overpowered is boring and cliché? What's the point in playing if you have every advantage?

In conclusion, there's nothing here that hasn't been said before. Also, without factual evidence, there's a likely chance that some of the 'facts' are just hearsay from questionable online sources."
Nothing in this blog is too factual: it's just my viewpoint on how we are losing creativity. And yes, none of this hasn't been said before, this is a topic often discussed.

It seems as though you didn't get the message, which I hold myself partially responsible for, as I obviously didn't make the message clear enough. Thanks for some feedback!
10/26/2017 3:17 pm
He/Him • Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragon Necromancer
GoggleD0GG's Avatar
*posts blog*
*instant popreel*
11/24/2017 2:48 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Magical Girl
TakoTako's Avatar
same tho
Planet Minecraft


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