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Looks like i am quitting? or not?(read please)

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MattyF's Avatar MattyF
Level 13 : Journeyman Skinner
hey friends,you may notice or not that I am kinda inactive these days cos i was at my grandmother house ^^
but theres something I want to talk, yeah you may hear this every time at any ''taking a break'' blogs or anything, but I will be busy with school
I will go to eighth grade and it is really hard too, the school were I am is not a easy school so i think I may be really busy with homeworks and personal life things, such things I need to improvise like my body and review some characteristics of mine It does not mean that I'm going to quit completely, I will not post as how I did posted before, as soon I will start a on review my re shadeing.
I will be trying to socializate more, trying to have friends because I went isolated since fifth grade, where I got bullied, excluded and they made fun of me
Everything of this happened on 2016 that you may figured out that year i got traumatized on too
so.. yeah my holidays ends in 4th February and I will miss it ;(
bye! :)

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01/25/2019 9:08 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Skinner
MattyF's Avatar
by the way!
I am brazilian
if you guys want to start a friendship with me add me on discord!
P.S I don't make calls!
01/25/2019 9:05 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Skinner
MattyF's Avatar
You don't need even to comment, just read for y'all know what's happening..
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