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LOAC: Chapter 7: The Secret of the pillar

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Elyrantha's Avatar Elyrantha
Level 34 : Artisan uwu Sweetheart
LOAC: Chapter 7: The secret of the pillar

I went down the steps. More entertaining than that is hard. Okay. One attempt. And so, I ventured into the dark tube leading to an unknown location, down the steps I went. I began counting the steps. Twenty. Forty. One hundred. That meant that I went down far. One step was 4cm thick, and the distance between each step was 45 centimeters.

Combine 45 and 4 and you have 49. Multiply that by 100 and you are at 4900 centimeters. That meant I was 490 meters underground. Then, after a few more steps, fifteen to be exact, I reached the ground. I was met by a small, dimly lit room. This was a good place to start calculating how far I exactly went down. There are 115 steps. I already calculated 100 of them. So the only thing I had to do was multiply 49 by 15. 40 times 15 is 600. So 6 meters. Now, 9 times 15. 10 times 9 is 90, and 5 times 9 is 45. And 45+90 is 135. So 1 meter 35 centimeters. Now I only had to put 490, 60, and 1.35 together, which is 551.35. That’s how far the steps went down.

But the non-additional math aside, I arrived. I looked around the room for a bit, it was empty aside from a door. So, I opened the door. I was met by a hallway. I switched out my left hand for a machine gun just in case. I slowly but carefully walked down the hallway. I was then greeted by a robot, who I quickly and swiftly took down with one bullet into a bunch of vital wires. The robot slumped down while having sparks and smoke emitting from the machine. It then shut down and it was silent.

“Hmm.. must be a hideout bunker..” I thought, as I walked down the hallway, until I saw a crossing. I could go left, or right. I chose left. I went down that hallway, and was greeted by two doors. One that had a sign on the door that said “OFFICE” and the other one that said “SECURITY”. I went inside the office. I was greeted by a room, with a large bookshelf, and an elf arranging the books. The elf looked at me and froze, just like me.

Elves should not have been in this world. Elves never existed in this world. But here is one. Right in front of me. Unmistakably an elf. The pointy ears and the beauty. The elf looked scared and ran to the desk where she hid under. I stood still in the doorway. I then spoke up with a soft voice. “Uhm.. hey there, I won’t hurt you, I promise. I’m not here to hurt you.”

The elf then peeked out from behind the desk, and asked in a shaky voice “R..Really? Y..You won’t hurt me and my family and all the others like master said? I’m not going to get beaten and killed? I’m not going to be abused?” I shook my head.

“I’m not abusing you. You are already being abused. The person who you call “Master” is abusing you. He’s only been telling you those lies so you can stay under his power.” The elf now stood up. “Really?” She asked. I nodded. It made her insecure, I saw. I extended my hand. “Friends?” I asked. Without hesitation, she took my hand. “Friends.” She exclaimed.

“Now, can you tell me,” I said. “How did you, an elf, get into this world? Elves have always been fantasy creatures, but now they are here? What even is this place?” She thought about it, and then spoke. “Master is using atomic machines to build up creatures. Master has built me with the atomic machine. He built our DNA, and used it to make an egg, like the eggs in human women. He then used a breeder to get the egg to grow and develop into an elf. When the egg was done and a baby, Master placed the baby in a machine that speeds up the growth process and aging process, which got me into this age, of 19 years old when I am really just alive for 7 months now.”

I paused. That’s some advanced technology. I should have Dr. Quinn come here one day. I then asked the elf another question. “Who is your Master?” “Lyrian.” The elf answered. “Lyrian Yarnblena.” I realized who that was. With just a quick search in my internal system, I had met this person. He caught me knocking on the pillar yesterday. He was none other than the head butler.

“I know him. He’s the head butler of the mansion that is above here.” The elf nodded.

“You are correct.” She said. “I didn’t think it would be important to tell, so my apologies for that.” I shrugged.

“It’s okay, you probably have a lot of stress, don’t you? Judging by the scars and bruises, he abuses and hits you. Am I correct?” She looked down and nodded, and then spoke softly. “Yes.. and he hurts everyone else too…” Everyone else. That means there are more fantasy creatures. “How many of you fantasy creatures are there?” I asked. She paused, and then thought for a while, before answering.

“Well.. you’ve got me, Eljari.. another two elves, Mink and Monk, and a minotaur called Milo, Werm the centaur, the human hellhound Pupp, Missi the catgirl, Elyrantha, a half elf and half demon, and the only person who isn’t made, but came by a dimensional teleportation thing…” She paused and then continued. “You’ve also got Jori, he’s a orc, and then you also have Harpina, the mix between demon and harpy, and lastly there’s Angelica. She’s a mix of demon and angel.”

I let that sink in. A lot of fantasy creatures. “Three elves.. a minotaur, a centaur, a human hellhound, a catgirl.. a half elf half demon from another dimension.. a orc, a demon harpy, and a demon angel. Eleven.” Eljari nodded.

“Do you wish to see them? Master is in his creation room, creating yet another creature, so he is busy, you should be able to go meet everyone without problems” She said. “Okay then. Let’s go.” I said. Eljari then grabbed my hand, and then opened the door with her other hand. She pulled me in silence, through halls. After a while, she stopped, and then whispered. “Master’s creation room is close, be quiet.” I nodded. Eljari then began to sneak, and I followed. We eventually passed a big door. The sign on it said: >{CREATION ROOM}<. We snuck by, and eventually came by a T-crossway. We went left, and eventually came by a door which she pushed open. I saw rows and rows of tiny spaces. All were 2 by 2 by 3 meters. It was depressing to see the fantasy creatures be abused like this. There was glass in front of the rooms, which gave easy access to see who or what was inside. To my right, was the minotaur in the first.. room, and to the left was the catgirl. The catgirl was asleep while the minotaur was staring at me. I looked at the minotaur. I then spoke to Eljari without breaking eye contact with the minotaur. “What was his name again?” I asked. She replied with a simple “Milo.” I then spoke to the minotaur.

“Hello Milo.” The minotaur spoke back. “Hello.” Milo had a very low, and dark voice. I looked at him. He looked back at me. His eyes were pleading. “Please help me and the others out of here..” I smiled. I will. Don’t worry.” He smiled back softly and then pointed to a small device on the wall. “That’s where the controls of the cells are.” He said. I nodded. “If you don’t mind, I want to meet everyone else first, okay?” He nodded. “That’s fine.” He said. He then sat down and waited. I turned around to the cell across, there the centaur was. I must’ve looked over the cell, and then noticed the catgirl who I’ve seen just yet was in the cell next to the centaur. The centaur looked at me with a slight amount of curiosity but overall he seemed respectful. “Greetings, Werm.” I said. He responded with a low and rumbling voice. “Greetings back to you…” I told him my name. “Daurine.” He repeated it. As if he tasted the name. “Daurine…” He paused. “Nice to meet you, Daurine.” I nodded and smiled. “Nice to meet you too.” He bowed respectfully. I bowed back, and then walked over to the cell next to him. By this time, practically everyone who had been locked up was looking at me. Except for one person. At one cell, no person showed up at the glass door and i haven’t seen her yet. I didn’t mind at the moment. I did see the catgirl woke up and was looking at me with her soft cat tail slightly wagging. I smiled at her.

“Hello Missi!” I said, and she replied while purring. “Hello Daurine!” Her tail wagged behind her excitedly. “I will get you out of there, don’t worry.” I said. She didn’t look like she worried, she was more excited than worried. I smiled and then turned around.

Across from the catgirl, was the human hellhound. She looked human, but had a big flaming tail, dog ears, and sharp teeth. She also looked excited, her tail was also wagging. She greeted me first. “Hello Daurine!” She smiled at me and I smiled back. “Hello Pupp! Nice to meet you.” She looked overwhelmed by happiness and started chasing her tail because of it. It looked funny, and I let out a tiny chuckle. She then looked at me and the fire on her ears and tail turned blue, as she looked angry. “Don’t you dare think I’m cute!” I chuckled. “I wouldn’t dare to..”

She calmed down, and the blue fire turned back to normal. I then walked past her cell and came to the cell of the two elves, Mink and Monk, who were both at the glass, looking at me with nervousness. I smiled at them. “Hello Mink and Monk!” I said and waved. They nervously waved back. It was obvious that they were introverted. So, I just let them be, and turned around to the cell across.

In there, there’s the orc. “Hello Jori.” I said. He smiled at me. For an orc, he looked quite handsome. He had smooth skin, messy hair, brown eyes, the fangs sticking out of his mouth, the green skin and the pointed ears. “Hello Daurine.” He said. His voice, although sounding raspy, sounded gentle and pleasant. I smiled at him. He smiled back.

I then turned to the cell next to him. It was Elyrantha. The half elf and half demon from another dimension. She glared at me with a cold and distant look. Behind the coldness in her eyes that shined like emerald, I saw curiosity. “What are you?” She asked. Her voice sounded soft, harsh, feminine and masculine at the same time.

“I’m a cyborg,” I said. “I’m a human that is part robot, but in my case, only my brain is human, but also enhanced to be capable of doing things that are humanly impossible.” She scoffed. “Sounds like a weapon to me.” She said. I shrugged. “I protect a very important person.” Her lips curled up in a little smile. “Who?” She asked.

“A little girl who is in danger. Her father wants to sell her brain to a cyborg company.” Elyrantha looked disgusted.

“Basic human behavior. Doing everything to get money. Even in the dimension I come from, humans try to get their filthy little hands on others property. Because of them, did I end up getting transported to this world. In my world, they were getting rid of everything that has a soul and isn’t at least part human.”

I looked at Elyrantha with sympathy. “I hope you will be accepted into this world.. and if not, know that I accept you how you are. Okay?” Elyrantha, who had still remained her cold composure, became less cold, and nodded. She sat down on the ground. I then turned to the cell next to her. There was the harpy demon. She had demon horns, red demon skin, a demon tail, yellow eyes with a black sclera. She had harpy wings sprouting out her back. They were a dark gray color. She looked at me with a animalistic expression. She tilted her head slightly and looked at me. I smiled at her. “Hello Harpina.” I said. She let out a small shriek and then replied with a screeching voice. “Hello Daurine..” I smiled at her again and she smiled back. I then turned around to the final fantasy creature. The demon angel, Angelica. She looked interesting. She had a pale white skin instead of red, bright blue eyes, long black hair, a white demon tail, and white demon wings. Instead of the usual black horns, she had white horns. She smiled at me. Although her eyes looked at me full of malice, I could see kindness lingering behind it. “Hi there Daurine.” She said. I smiled back. “Hello Angelica.” She looked at me with a sadistic looking smile, which also showed kindness. I guess that’s a trait of hers, malice and kindness combined.

Then, I heard a scream and turned around to see Eljari being held at gunpoint, by none other than the head butler. He looked at me with an evil expression. “You shouldn’t have come here, idiot.”

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