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Limeridiculous - A Selection of Tasteless Limericks

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Torm's Avatar Torm
Retired Moderator
Level 34 : Artisan Scribe
What is this I don’t even? I’ve seen a lot of art blogs and stuff going around recently and I felt a sort of compilation of my own was in order. Unfortunately though, I have the artistic talent of a drowned goldfish so an art blog was out of the question. So behold, the fruit of my labours…

One of the most poorly compiled compilation blogs of all time…

My attempts, at limericks…


One day I was playing Minecraft
And I suddenly felt very daft
I built my home
Out of crap cobblestone
Now I live in my mineshaft

I once thought I saw Herobrine
When I was running around in my mine
His pupils were white
And I had a fright
When he was standing right there the whole time

We should send an email to Jeb
And ask if he thinks Minecraft is dead
Of course he’ll say no
But if Hell starts to snow
It’ll fall like a balloon made of lead

One day I was punching a pig
It made me feel really quite big
But now I’m a weeper
As out came a creeper
The explosion, my own grave it did dig

In the cave I had a shock
I found some shiny blue rock
But I started to cry
It’s lapis lazuli
Was this just put here for a mock?

Be sure not to run out of torches
As those monsters can be remorseless
To keep from being dead
You should sleep in a bed
Ideally in your blocky fortress

Farming this wheat is a bore
It should be against the law
I pull out my sword
But I can’t afford
A revolution so I’ll sit here some more

Seen so much ‘not budder, it’s gold’
That it’s really getting quite old
I no longer care
So I think it is fair
That we leave future complaints untold

I caught someone griefing my build
I said that I would have them killed
But he was the owner
And I was a loner
I was banned as soon as he willed

One thing that quite amuses me
Is when someone says “I’m from PMC”
They’re really not bright
As when I ask them outright
For their PMC name they abuse me

Why did Mojang call him Steve?
That name makes me quite want to grieve
Not because it’s offensive
‘Cause I’m apprehensive
That all the fans will want to leave

Be careful when out mining dirt
You might get some on your shirt
At least it won’t stain
That would be a pain
But those big blocks look like they hurt

Not everything in Minecraft makes sense
Much like the addition of fence
It’s great for some folk
But for me it’s a joke
I’ve been glitching on top since thence

If there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that never
Never go down to the Nether
There’s nothing to get
But you mustn’t forget
You’ll need much stronger armour than leather

I can’t figure out about glass
Why it always shatters so fast
You don’t get the item
So we should just smite ‘em
But then no more windows, aghast

Sometimes when one’s nearing the End
Through the stronghold one will rend
But out pops a creature
It’s not a nice feature
Against silverfish you can’t defend

Wonder if I really can write?
Or if reading these things is a plight
This ain’t MC related
So maybe belated
Creepers, there that’ll be a’ight


So yeah, that’s all folks. I can only hope these weren’t too embarrassingly bad, if you got a chuckle out of one or two of them then I’d call it a success. If people like these I may make more, if people hate these then we can always bury them in a faraway place and never speak of them again.

This is not a serious blog in any way.

Thanks for reading.

- Torm

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09/03/2014 12:39 pm
Level 42 : Master Dragon
CrafterDragon's Avatar
Couldn't stop laughing!
08/05/2014 8:04 am
Level 44 : Master Artist
Chimalus's Avatar
Hehehehe. My favorites are the first one and the one about fence.
08/06/2014 1:14 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Scribe
Torm's Avatar
Haha, thanks Chim. Glad you enjoyed. <3
Kinz Craft
08/03/2014 2:14 am
Level 22 : Expert Farmer
Kinz Craft's Avatar
I liked them. I would run out of ideas on how to make them minecraft related so I find it amazing that you were able to make so many :D
and I do belive thay deserve a diamond :3
08/03/2014 4:19 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Scribe
Torm's Avatar
Why thank you. =) Glad you enjoyed.
08/01/2014 10:31 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Steve
starrynight's Avatar
I've returned. Second feature. You have now received another diamond and a sub.

Oh, shoot!

*quickly clicks favorite*
08/02/2014 10:17 am
Level 34 : Artisan Scribe
Torm's Avatar
Haha, thanks. =D
I'm glad you enjoyed.
08/01/2014 11:37 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Taco
tbdunn10's Avatar
You are now my rival for funny blogs!!!
08/01/2014 7:05 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Artist
_Minestar_'s Avatar
08/01/2014 8:40 am
Level 34 : Artisan Scribe
Torm's Avatar
Thank you. =)
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