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LEGO Ninjago Lilly’s libber (part 5 / finale ) Jay

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HarumiQuietOne4's Avatar HarumiQuietOne4
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Princess
LEGO Ninjago Lilly’s libber (part 5 / finale ) Jay

Please Note: The following fanfic was written before the events of season 15 (Seabound). If anything happens in the show afterwards that contradicts this story, it should just be accepted as an alternate universe.

Chapter 8: Friendship through generations

“Cole! Give it back, I just baked those! “Jay said as he chased Cole around the monastery.
“You left it unattended, I figure I was allowed to grab one.” Cole said, shoving a cookie in his mouth.
“Yeah one, not the whole batch!” Jay protested.
“You two! That’s enough!” Misako said firmly.

As a response, both boys stopped. Then without being asked, Cole handed the plate of cookies back to Jay. Misako nodded her head and walked back to her room.
“What was that about?” Cole asked, staring at Jay.
“Oh yeah like I’m supposed to know, cookie thief.” Jay scoffed, counting to see how many cookies were on the plate.
“I’m going to go check on her.” Cole said walking towards where Misako left.

Cole approached Misako’s room and heard the shuffling of papers from the other side of the door, along with what he guessed were drawers being opened and closed hastily. Taking a breath, Cole knocked on the door.
“Come in.” Misako said.

When Cole walked in, he realized what all the ruckus was about. On Misako’s desk, there were several maps and scrolls scattered about. Then Cole noticed Misako staring outside the window. Cole went to tap her shoulder before Misako turned around.
“Your father should be coming soon Cole.” Misako said.
“Wait, what?” Cole said, taken aback.
“I’ll explain once Lou shows up.” Misako said.

Once Lou arrived all he had was a pile of what appeared to be notes. Cole just stared confused. Misako also called Jay to where Cole and Lou were sitting. Lou began to explain what the notes were, and who started the idea.
“So, this Libber started making a song for mom?” Cole said staring at the pieces of paper on the table.
“I don’t get it. Why am I here? This is sweet and all, but this seems like a family thing. Not something I should be involved in.” Jay said.
“You belong here just as much as Cole does. Do you know who Libber is Jay?” Misako asked, although she already knew his answer.
“Not a clue.” Jay said.
“Libber is your mother, the previous master of lightning. Along with Lilly’s best friend.” Misako said, grabbing a picture of both of them.

At this, Jay looked at Lou. When Lou didn’t protest, Jay stared in shock. He didn’t remember anything of his birth parents, except Ed and Edna telling him how a man dropped him off on their doorstep.
“So, what! I have no idea who she is.” Jay shouted.
“Jay! Lou found these last two verses just this morning in his mailbox.” Misako said, handing Jay a small piece of paper.

I’ll keep my promise till the end of time
Making sure to keep up the fight
I’ve helped them from afar
And seen them both come so far

Yours can lift a car
Mine sparks just like a star
They became friends just like you guessed
I hope you’ve been well at rest

Jay read the paper and then looked at Misako, trying to figure out where she was going with this.
“Cliff never told us anything after she disappeared, so we assumed the worst. Wu sent search parties for her but to no success. Then several years later, Lou receives this note.” Misako said.
“I knew exactly what it was when I read it. Not to mention I have a feeling this is the end of the song. Just by what she did at the bottom.” Lou said pointing at the paper.
“She’s been helping us. How? I never noticed anything.” Cole said staring at his father.
“Perhaps that was the point, son. Libber prided herself in the achievement of others not her own. She maybe did help you but never made it obvious she did so.” Lou said.

Jay and Cole began to think of different times when they could have been helped yet came up empty-handed. Then, Jay had a thought occur to him that caused him to rush toward the nearest window.
“What is it, Jay?” Cole asked, confused at the sudden burst from his friend.
“What if she’s here? She said she watched us from afar, right?” Jay said, scanning the view from the window.

Cole joined in to look but after several minutes, Jay grew defeated and headed to his room. Upon doing so he noticed an unmarked envelope on the center of his bed. He opened the envelope and read the letter:

To my little spark,

I’m guessing you heard the story of me. I still find it funny how much you and Cole are like Lilly and I. Seriously, what are the odds! Anyways I didn’t write this for that, I’m writing to you because I know you have questions for me. Like why I was gone for so long, why I didn’t take you with me. For now, all I can say is if I had known your father would give you up, I would have taken you with me.

I’m not sure how to approach you now after so long. You’ve lived a happy life without me, and I didn’t want to ruin it. If you want to meet me, I’m happy to talk to you, if not I don’t blame you. I’ll be home at 2:00 PM.

Hope to see you then.



Only after Jay finished reading the note did he feel the warm tears on his face. He was tempted to believe it was a joke, that was until he read the sentence “I’ll be home at 2:00 PM.” Then came the task of deciding whether to meet her or not. On one hand, she left him, and his father gave him up. On the other, she wrote to him and just wanted the chance to answer his questions. Jay walked back out to where Lou, Cole, and Misako were sitting all looking at the notes, taking one more glance at the different verses placed in order, he made his decision.

Fun fact: This story was published today for my mother’s birthday! She’s been my beta reader from the very beginning. When the pandemic started my mom was running out of material to read and isn’t the biggest fan of audiobooks. I showed her Secrets Left Written and explained I wasn’t the greatest writer but it was something she could read. Ever since then she’s always been interested to see what I write next. She’s only ever watched Ninjago in passing, but says she’s able to enjoy the story without knowing the show. Her favourite one to date out of all I’ve written is this one.Happy Birthday!

Do you have questions about the story? Be free to check out my Q&A: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/harumiquietone4-q-amp-a/

Want to know the songs that inspired certain scenes in the story? Check out the Scratch project “Lilly's Libber inspiration (Lilly and Libber Ninjago)” : https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/868066618/

Skin used in story:
Jay: https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/lego-ninjago-casual-jay-hd/
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