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Lightning Kitten: The Beginnings of Disaster

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leopard_paw's Avatar leopard_paw
Level 26 : Expert Toast
On a dark stormy night a little white kitten looked out the window, as a storm passed by. The sky was streaked with lightning as thunder split through the air. She was not yet named and was born only a few months ago, still a kitten she was curious and leaned on the window, the window flipped over and she fell onto the grass. But, the grass was pulsing with electricity and she was electrocuted when she hit the ground. Her mind was filled with the memories of life... she was about to die. But something wasn't right, she was still alive. She wasn't dying, she was being energized with a large amount of power that she could not hold in one body. She completely passed out, dreaming of fire and humans running in fear with lightning running through the sky, baby humans looking at her, frighted, but leaving her behind...
She woke. But, everything was not the same. Everything was burned with fire. Nothing left but charred wood and broken buildings. She was alone, an unnatural silence held the land around her. She unsteadily got to her paws, and took a few paw-steps, feeling odd energy flowing through her paws, but ignored it, ready to get out of this place as soon as possible without any trouble she padded away from her waking spot.
As she stepped trough the remains of houses, and walked across dead grass, she encountered a small patch of trees. Cautiously she walked into the brush, curiously sniffing at the grass. She did smell other cats, but it was to odd for her to recognize, and her sense of smell wasn't working correctly. She again ignored her odd surroundings and padded across the forest floor, realizing that it wasn't just a small patch of trees, but a whole forest!
The kitten realized she was really hungry, and that she must of been passed out for a long time while the storm went by. She saw a small pigeon pecking at the grass, and excitedly, she pounced at it, hoping for a good meal. But it flew away just as she thumped on the ground. Angrily, she pounced at a small bush, but something even odder than her surroundings happened. A wave of electricity flowed from her paws as she hit the ground and it hit a few mice on the way... as a kitten, she didn't really care as long as she got a small meal doing whatever just happened. She hungrily nibbled at the mice, and in a few moments, they were completely devoured by the small kitten. Happy, and full of mice, she patted down some grass and lied down on it, comfortably. She took a small catnap... or so it seemed...


Time passed so fast that she woke up the next morning, but still unsatisfied. Mainly because she didn't wake up peacefully, but woke up to the sound of rustling in the fronds, and heard paw-steps. A few moments later, a large, striped cat walked out of the bush. Was it true... that... this was a... TIGER! She slowly looked up at the massive, muscular creature. "You coming with me, kit." It said in a deep, hoarse voice. It almost sounded sick. She mewled as the large cat scooped her up by the scruff and took her through the under-growth. She widened her eyes as the slowly walked through a large canopy, and into a small clearing, almost completely filled with other tigers. They slowly backed to the side and dipped their heads respectfully as she, and the massive tiger, padded into the small clearing. He put her down.
"Stripedstar, I have a kitten for you to examine. You might find something interesting on its pelt." The large tiger said confidently. "Oh I see, Tigerpelt, it has the mark of lightning... this must mean one thing-" she said, stepping onto a large boulder sticking out of the ground. "We have found the chosen one, the one which shall help us through danger!" she yowled loudly, for all to hear. The kitten said the first words they heard from it. "What do you mean?" everybody laughed. She wondered why they all laughed at her. Then she heard why, because of what they said. "Hah! You expect us to respect that little scrap of fur? Its voice is as high pitched as a sparrow about to be eaten!" Then more voices rung out in disgust.
"That thing wont help us!"
"Look, the poor thing is SHAKING!"
"Get rid of it! Its just another petty mouth to feed!"
Then the most hurtful of all voices was heard.
"That thing has a collar! Its a stupid little kittypet, we don't need that useless kit around here causing trouble!"
That crossed the line for her. She didn't care weather she killed all the cats in the clearing of not, she was gonna do it. She leaped out of the tigers range, and stepped hard on the ground, making a shock wave of electricity to electrocute all the tigers. But it didn't, only the one she focused on. The one who mocked her. The one who made her feel useless. The tiger yowled in pain, collapsing on the ground. It was still alive, but it wasn't doing to good. All the tigers in the clearing were shocked, they all stared at the the on the ground, then at the kitten.
A tiger with a mouthful of herbs as grasses ran towards the tiger. she stuffed the herbs in its mouth, then lied the grasses on the ground, getting some cobwebs and wrapping the tigers leg, and putting grass in it to, then she mewed and other tigers came to help her carry the tiger into a small dark hole in the wall surrounding the clearing. the little kitten was surprised on how the tigers here worked together to help one another. She looked at Stripedstar, and saw something amazing. She had the mane of a lion, and the stripes of a tiger, with the ears and tail design of a lynx. This was one weird place, but it was even more dangerous than weird....


View the next blog HERE!!!

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Team Creations
06/13/2013 3:54 am
Level 30 : Artisan Mage
Team Creations's Avatar
desu is what you put at the end of a jap sentence
02/28/2013 9:45 pm
Level 25 : Expert Artist
SilentAero's Avatar
02/28/2013 9:46 pm
Level 26 : Expert Toast
leopard_paw's Avatar
Lol, what does 'desu' mean?
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