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Life as Herobrine 2 (Worst then a Creeper)

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Elspongebobmine's Avatar Elspongebobmine
Level 6 : Apprentice Warrior
Dear Diary,
After that day I ran back home. I kept teleporting for some reason. I turned invisible! Flashed with colors! On the side of my eyes i saw skulls flying around. Everything through my vision was black and yellowish green. Whats going on? People ran away from me in fear. I cried! Whats wrong with me? I died so i would stop doing bad things to people and this is what i get? I risked my life!!! I suddendly relieased that i didnt have to help humans! There nothing but Selfish Destroying Organisms. The world didnt deserve Humans. No! They didnt! They worship God and say they will do the right things and be nice to his creations! But they lied! THEY LIED! When i got home my little sister came up to me. She said "Whats wrong brother?" I kicked her in the face and she fell to the ground. All i felt was anger. All i could hear was screams and crying. My heart was broken! I would attack anything i saw. I stepped on the carpet and its color went away and it crumbled up. I stepped on the staircase and the wood broke. I couldnt see where i was going, Water was in my eyes from my tears. I looked back and saw the ground wet and the mats soggy. Whatever i walked near would get hurt. I walked past a bunch of flowers in vases. The vase would lose color and the flower would die with a tear falling off it. I looked at my bed and when i touched it the wood on the bottom broke and the covers starting ripping themself. The feathers flew out of the pillow. I looked out the window and water turned into ice. All the plants,grass and trees died. I could see visions of people getting hurt with blood flying out of them with no Bloodcell to cover there bleeding hole. I didnt understand what was happening. All i did understand was i was meant to destroy all humans and save the world.

1 Update Logs

Realised! : by Elspongebobmine 01/31/2012 8:18:03 pmJan 31st, 2012

Yay!!!! It was realised!

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12/27/2012 5:01 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Hunter
n7869's Avatar
This is why Im very scared of herobrine
02/04/2012 9:59 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Dragonborn
Pixelated_88's Avatar
Jesus, that was depressing.
02/05/2012 12:23 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Warrior
Elspongebobmine's Avatar
What was depressing?
02/04/2012 11:21 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
deletethisaccount23's Avatar
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