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Life after starting a Minecraft server

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thephonatic22's Avatar thephonatic22
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
At first when starting my Minecraft server I thought it was going to be pretty cool, well I was right, but wrong at the same time. It is fun to own a Minecraft server in many ways, for example you get to meet new Minecraft players and talk to them, you get to interview for op status, you get to discover new things about vanilla minecraft that you didn't know before. You get to build the server with your friends and you get to host the server with your friends, but then comes the fun part, watching for griefers and people that claim to be nice and then op a griefer, or the people that spam chat with swear words that are spelled wrong but you still know what they mean. These are just some joys of hosting a server, but let me share my personal experiences with you.

About a week or two ago I had a visit from a new Grief Nation UK Minecraft player, he didn't do much except ban me and my co-owner, then i stopped the server right after that, the video didn't make it to youtube or anything, but that is why I'm glad to have the sever computer right next to me.

Just yesterday I oped somebody because they seemed nice and they had good admin qualities, but then their friend came on and griefed the server so bad I couldn't even log in because it couldn't process my login information because it was so overloaded. I checked what the world looked like with MCedit and there was lava everywhere, columns of different types of blocks. large areas of pressure plates and spawning squids and slimes everywhere.

What I've been doing to help bounce back from attacks like this is I make sure to use save-all command and copy the world files to another folder before I leave the server after inspecting it. I do it manually because a program would still back up griefer attacks if I'm not there to stop it.

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07/31/2013 11:54 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Procrastinator
p05's Avatar
don't op just anybody then only op people you know and you trust or this happens and also about the running the server from your own pc well they can crash the server just with the ip you give out to let people join most people only use that type of server for there friends and some small fun
08/01/2013 12:28 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
thephonatic22's Avatar
Ya, I've realized that, the problem is I need people to manage the server so I can have a life too, it's a lot of work but there are some people you can trust.
08/01/2013 1:13 am
Level 36 : Artisan Procrastinator
p05's Avatar
yes true only hard part about running a server is updating the plugins xD
08/01/2013 8:01 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
thephonatic22's Avatar
That is why my server uses no plugins at all, it's a lot more work but it also means that we are one of the first PVP servers to update, because we don't have to wait for plugins to update, and we don't have to install them.
07/31/2013 11:02 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Nerd
Conan_mc's Avatar
nice blog
08/01/2013 12:29 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
thephonatic22's Avatar
Thanks, I appreciate the feedback! :)
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