Minecraft Blogs / Interview

LeStrific Interview #1 - RamGilamar

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LeStr11's Avatar LeStr11
Level 32 : Artisan Artist
So for my first interview I decided to interview RamGilamar.

1.Why did you start playing Minecraft?

I started it years ago (Version 1.2.4) because of the demo. I had fun playing the free version so I decided to buy the full game. I had a lot of fun and am still playing it today.

2.What does your nickname mean?

It comes from my time when I was a big Star Wars fan. There was the Soldier "Ram" and the clan "Skirata" so I mixed it up. and that's what came out.

3.What is you favourite thing to do for PMC (example: Skinning, bloging,...)

Sure making skins, even though they're not good. Making maps is cool too but I only have limited time. Skins are fast and I can be creative.

4.Have any suggestions for future contests?

I'm not a contest guy, but if it would be something retro-stylish probably.

5.What are your plans for the future of your account?

When I'm finished with my tests for this year I will add more big stuff and invest more time making my account entertaining for more people.

If you want to get interviewed just message me.
Have a nice day.

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