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LEGO Ninjago Five Things That Never Happened To Garmadon (part 5 / finale) Lloyd and Garmadon

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HarumiQuietOne4's Avatar HarumiQuietOne4
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Princess
LEGO Ninjago Five Things That Never Happened To Garmadon (part 5 / finale) Lloyd and Garmadon

Please Note: The following fanfic is set in an alternate universe and was entirely made for fun. Additionally, this fanfic utilizes the fanfiction writing form/structure of “Five Things...”. Meaning though this story is written in five parts, they do not need to be read in order as they are each their own contained story.


“You wouldn't hurt me. Your son.” Lloyd said, staring pleadingly at Garmadon who was holding him up by the neck.
“I have no son,” Garmadon replied.

Before long Garmadon threw Lloyd through the walls sending him flying before crashing onto the ground below. All the while, the rest of Ninjago City watched helplessly as the Green Ninja was crawling and gasped for air.
“Ha! The streets are in fear. Everyone saw Lord Garmadon defeat his son.” Ultra Violet said, twirling out of excitement.
“Let him live to see his father's reign. Gather everyone-” Harumi said.
“Not yet,” Garmadon said, his eyes narrowing as he focused on Lloyd.

Harumi and the Sons of Garmadon stared confused at Garmadon, waiting for an explanation. Without saying a word, Garmadon took a large leap into the air and landed just behind where the Green Ninja was crawling. As Garmadon landed, the figure ahead of him froze, causing Garmadon to smile seeing him helpless.
"Remember you asked me to show myself and I did warn you it was foolish to come here," Garmadon said, walking towards the Green Ninja.

As Garmadon walked in front of the Green Ninja, he noticed that the Green Ninja was barely able to keep his eyes open. Lloyd looked at Garmadon and slowly pulled out a picture.
“Father,” Lloyd said, gasping for air.

Lloyd extended the picture towards Garmadon. As Lloyd's eyes closed, the grip on the picture loosened. Garmadon caught a glimpse of the picture as it was blowing off in the wind. It was of the Green Ninja and someone he recognized but couldn't put a name to. He then looked back at the Sons of Garmadon, who were all staring at him expectingly.
“We're not letting him escape," Garmadon said, giving a slight kick to the unresponsive Green Ninja.
“Grab vengstone cuffs and put them on the Green Ninja. It looks like he'll be our prisoner once more, only this time we have plenty more cells to choose from.” Harumi said, smiled at Garmadon.

As a few Sons of Garmadon headed to retrieve the vengstone cuffs, the rest looked up to notice the Destiny's Bounty coming towards the Green Ninja and Garmadon. Without hesitation, Garmadon began blasting toward the Bounty, with every shot hitting its intended target. Before long, the Bounty came crashing nearby, causing the Ninja to abandon the ship and land in the sand below. At this, Garmadon chuckled. Kai was the first to get up.
“Is everyone okay?” Kai asked, helping Nya up.
“I think so, but we need to get Ll…” Nya replied before making direct eye contact with Garmadon.
“Everyone get up! This battle isn't over yet.” Kai said as the other Ninja and Pixal stood beside him.

Kai looked towards Krptarium prison and noticed more Sons of Garmadon on their way with vengstone cuffs. This caused Kai to charge at Garmadon, with the others following suit.
“Ninja go!” The ninja shouted, using spinjitzu.

All at once, the ninja spun towards Garmadon, while Pixal decided to hold off the Sons of Garmadon. When Garmadon dodged their attack, did he realize the ninja's plan. All in unison, their spinjitzu stopped around Lloyd, creating a wall between Garmadon and Lloyd. At this, Garmadon grinned. As Garmadon was about to charge toward the ninja, a figure flew passed him, hitting the ground.
“Pixal!” Zane yelled, running towards her.
“Zane! Watch out!” Kai shouted.

At a moment's notice, Ultra Violet who was wearing the Oni mask of hatred came charging at him. Zane used his powers to create an ice shield just in time. Ultra Violet slammed into the shield, visibly cracking but holding its ground. Zane helped Pixal to her feet and slowly retreated to where the other ninja were. Upon retreating, Zane's eyes widened as he realized they were all surrounded by Sons of Garmadon.

Lloyd's eyes opened slowly, as he tried to access his surroundings. It didn't take long for him to realize where he was. If the cuffs on his wrists and feet, the bars, and the uncomfortable bed weren't a giveaway, the girl staring through the bars at him was.
“I was beginning to wonder if you were ever going to wake up,” Harumi said.

When Lloyd gave no reply, Harumi took a step closer to his cell.
“What's wrong Lloyd? Didn't you come all this way to see me or were you so foolish to think your father would join your side?”
“I…I.” Lloyd muttered, adjusting himself in an upright position.
“Your father may not have sided with you, but the Sons of Garmadon could always use one more,”
“Never! I'm a ninja.”
“If you're choosing to be a ninja then let it be known that you're the last.”
“The others came to save you. However, little did they know they were vastly outnumbered.”

Lloyd's mind raced as he tried imagining what the ninja had to deal with while he was unconscious, all because he let his anger get the better of him. He looked at the other cells, half expecting the others to be in separate cells, but quickly realized he was their only prisoner. His eyes widened at this revelation but then began to relax as a conclusion came to his mind.
“They may have been outnumbered, but it wouldn't be the first time. They escaped, didn't they?” Lloyd asked, taking a step closer to Harumi.
“Garmadon took care of you easily, without the Sons of Garmadon no less. Do you really think the ninja escaped?” Harumi asked.

When Lloyd did not answer, Harumi began to pass back and forth in front of Lloyd's cell with her hands behind her back.
“If you're so sure they escaped, then answer this. If they came all this way to save you, why would they leave without you?” Harumi asked, grinning as Lloyd stepped back in horror.

Skins used in the story:

Fun fact: Part 5 was me fixing something that always confused me in the show. Why did they let Lloyd get away at the end of Season 8 (Sons of Garmadon) and then spend all of Season 9 (Hunted) trying to catch him? I personally think Harumi may have had something to do with it since she is the one who says to let him live but who knows.

Anyway with all that said I want to ask you a question. Do you think Harumi was telling the truth when she said Lloyd was the last ninja or do you think the ninja escaped? I wrote the story to be either or, so I’ll leave it up to you!

Do you have questions about the story? Be free to check out my Q&A:

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