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LEGO Ninjago Born Bitten (part 4) Lloyd and Misako

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HarumiQuietOne4's Avatar HarumiQuietOne4
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Princess
LEGO Ninjago Born Bitten (part 4) Lloyd and Misako

Please Note: The following fanfic is set before the events of season 10 (March of the Oni). If anything happens in the show afterwards that contradicts this story, it should just be accepted as an alternate universe.

Chapter 4: Tainted memory

Misako and Lloyd sat in silence for a few minutes. Lloyds eyes darted around the room, trying to see if something could calm him down, but soon became frantic when he came up empty-handed. Misako noticed and decided to act.
“What’s your favourite memory?” Misako asked, causing Lloyd to snap out of his frantic search.
“W-what?” Lloyd asked, taken aback by the unexpected question.
“What’s your favourite memory?” Misako repeated.
“I-I’m not sure. Maybe when dad…” Lloyd said before stopping when his eyes fell on the picture of him and his father.

If anything was going to be his favourite memory, it would be the moment he ran to his dad, realizing he was alive and free from all evil. In a flash, he remembered his father holding him by the neck and tossing him through a wall. He shook his head. Misako caught on to Lloyd's sudden gesture, only trying to guess what must have been going through his mind.
“Lloyd, what’s wrong?” Misako asked.
“I… I just miss Dad.” Lloyd said, avoiding staring at the picture.
“You’re not the only one. I’d give anything to see him… the real him, that is.” Misako said.

Misako looked over only to notice Lloyd was now laying down with his eyes slightly open. Realizing the signs, she combed his hair and kissed him on the forehead.
“I’ll let you get some sleep,” Misako said.
“No… no, I’m awa (yawn). Okay, maybe I’m a bit tired.” Lloyd said with a faint smile.
“Goodnight Lloyd, love you,”
“Goodnight mom, love you too,”

Misako exited Lloyd’s room, turning off the light and closing the door behind her. She returned to the main area only to find it empty. It seemed all the other ninja and Pixal had gone to bed, so she started walking around to see if she could find Wu. Her first instinct was to go to the study room, however, the whistling of a kettle told her exactly where Wu was.
“How did it go with Lloyd?” Wu asked, taking a sip of his tea.
“Better than expected. He was worried about what he might do if the venom corrupts him, however, we came up with a plan.” Misako said, pouring herself a cup of tea.
“What did you two come up with?”
“Well, we hope that perhaps he could think of his favourite memory to help with his anger.”
“Are you going to tell the others about what you discovered?”
“I’m not. I believe that’s a choice Lloyd should make.”

Misako and Wu spoke for a while before a glance at the clock told them they should head to bed. The following morning, Misako got up bright and early. Figuring she could grab a snack. Upon entering the kitchen, she noticed a tired form grabbing a banana from a fruit bowl.
“You’re up early,” Misako said, causing Lloyd to turn around.
“Yeah, I couldn’t sleep,” Lloyd said barely awake.
“I was up pretty late, why didn’t you come and see me?”
“I did, but I heard you talking to Uncle Wu and decided to head back to my room."
“Why, you could have joined us?”

Lloyd said nothing but took a seat at the dining room table. Misako sat beside him, wondering why Lloyd wouldn’t have joined them. Their conversation wasn’t anything private, it was about hi…
“Oh…” Misako whispered to herself.
“Are you upset that Wu knows? Lloyd, I told him before I told you.” Misako continued.
“I’m not upset that Uncle Wu knows… just worried,” Lloyd said.
“Worried?” Misako said confused.
“You said Uncle Wu and Dad got into fights a lot, right? Well, what if because he knows I have the venom in me, what if… what if he’s afraid of me like how he was with Dad.”
“What if he tells the others, and they all think I’ll turn against them in our next battle? What if-”

Misako knew Lloyd was once again becoming frantic and decided to interfere before it became worse.
“Lloyd!” Misako said in a louder tone than her usual, but not quite shouting.
Upon realizing she got Lloyd’s attention, she continued:
“What if, you're wrong? What if your uncle knows you and isn’t afraid of you? What if your team realizes your struggles and looks for ways to help you instead of fearing the worst?”

Lloyd sat in silence, taking Misako’s words to heart. She could tell he was calming down, but the fears were still present. Wasting no time, she spoke:
“What if our plan to control your anger works?”
“We tried thinking of my favourite memory, and it didn’t seem like a good idea,” Lloyd replied.
“What about the first time you did spinjitzu?”
“It’s not my favourite memory. “
“Perhaps not, but your favourite memory doesn’t seem to make you happy anymore, does it?”
“No… I guess not.”
“I’m sure you must have been so happy when you first learned spinjitzu.”
“I was, even if it was just a little spin. What was it like when you first learned spinjitzu?”
“For starters, Wu came out in full battle armour when he came to teach me. Only after I accidentally spun him into a wall did I realize why he wore all that.” Misako said, giving a faint chuckle.

Misako simply nodded her head, smiling as she remembered herself dizzy beyond belief and Wu on the ground clearly in pain but laughing, nonetheless. Then she heard a sound she hadn’t heard in a while; her son was laughing.

Fun fact: Lloyd's “What ifs” is based off of something I and I’m sure many others are guilty of. I refer to it as “What ifs” but it can also be called downward spiraling.

Part 5 / finale : https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/lego-ninjago-born-bitten-part-5-finale-lloyd-and-misako/

Skins used in the story:
Misako: https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/lego-ninjago-misako-the-island-season-14-hd/
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