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Leaving a Mark

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Orbiter's Avatar Orbiter
Level 49 : Master Fox

His name was Charles. Every day, he ran from death, and still took care of me like it was nothing. I felt important when he took care of me..

..and he did take care of me..

..until that day.

The day when death caught up.

Today was another drill. We had to be prepared-- there was no telling when, exactly, the enemy may strike. We were always on edge, even though it was sunny, clear, and strangely peaceful. Peace is always suspicious, more so in a time of war than any other time. On that sunny field, where the grass seemed to roll on forever.. that's where we spent our days, just training. Preparing for a strike which we thought would never come. The 'we' I'm talking about is a squadron that nobody even knew existed. We were so far off from anything that it was hard to know how the war was going.
Today's drill was to be a simple one: scout from the coastline up until the North Islands. A simple drill it was, too. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. No submarines, no enemy planes, no warships. Just a clear sea and a clear sky, stretching for miles, off to infinity. It was almost as if we were cut off from the rest of the world, isolated in some sort of lucid dream. Everything was just too calm and quiet. We always knew that good things never last, and nor could this strange and alien peace. We were right, of course, but make no mistake-- we were prepared.

We--or rather, I--woke up to the sound of sirens and loud engines, both from above, and roaring to life upon the ground. We had finally woken from our lucid dream-- the enemy was here. In no less than ten minutes, we were all in the air. Most of our base had been destroyed or was currently burning; that which was intact, I guessed, wouldn't last for very long. Suddenly, I was grateful for all those rigorous hours of training. After what seemed like weeks of fighting, but was in fact only hours, we managed to fend the enemy off. All of us were alive, but much less could be said for the base. We landed in the midst of smoldering ruins. The victory almost seemed empty. Everything we had known was gone.. photographs, plans, books, and memories. All burned. We all wished that we were still in that lucid dream.

Nearly a year later (and after several relocations and airfights), things only got worse.. The squadron was dramatically changed, as we had lost and gained members over the months. The most recent was a young man named Charles, originating from Silene Brook, which was barely an hour away. We were currently situated in South Berea, about 1,500 miles south of the North Islands. With all our relocations, it seemed like we were finally getting closer to the world, and to the war. Airfights had become more common, and we had a nightwatch and a daywatch, neither ever ending.

Every day, whether after an airfight or a simple drill, our newest recruit, Charles, would always come see me. He would smile brightly, and tell me what a good job I had done today. I could always hear him mumbling about how much he wanted to hear the history of our squadron. We were known as the Stranger Squadron, simply because no-one had ever known we had existed. After we started to relocate, publicity finally found us; soon, we were just as famous as any of the other squadrons. No matter what happened, though, Charles would always come visit.

After almost a month, Charles was finally assigned with me. I could feel his immense joy as he promised to take care of me. Through all of our airfights together, Charles always fought and soared with such ease. Though the airfights were long and hard, he still took care of me after all of them, making sure I was okay and ready for the next one. Throught the next few years, Charles and I became a part of each other. We fought side by side, like ice skaters dancing with grace. It almost seemed as though we had fell into another lucid dream, even through all the terror and tragedy around us.

One day, we were sent on a mission to Ouoran Lagoon, which was to the west of the North Islands. It would be a long flight, with many airfights along the way, but Charles and I were ready. Throughout the fog, the rain, and the countless airfights, we still held together. After a recorded two weeks, we finally reached Ouoran Lagoon. It was here that we would begin our first raid on an enemy base.

Not fifty minutes into the fight, we had already lost one comrade. The base was much more prepared than we had thought. I compared it to when we were first attacked, so many years ago. The air was filled with bullets and explosions, and the lagoon was being destroyed. Almost two hours later, something unexpected happened: Charles made a mistake. It had never happened before, so of course, I trusted him. Our leader had ordered us to focus our attack on the base, and not on the planes. Charles, however, decided to charge the planes, both for a surprise attack and to give the rest of his squadron cover. It almost seemed to be working, until his blunder finally got the best of him. His engine was shot and destroyed. Down he went.. no longer a magestic iron bird, showcasing the triumph of man over the air., instead, he was a smoking heap of metal, never destined to leave the ground on which he was born. I, of course, was forced to go with him, and we landed in a huge splash and a small explosion. We were both deemed dead.

The raid was unsuccesful, and the Stranger Squadron was forced to retreat, having only five members left. The news exploded, and soon our failiure was heard around the world. I couldn't hear a word of it, though. I was underwater.

Through the years, I watched as people searched for me and Charles. They found Charles' body, but never mine. I didn't expect them to. After all, Charles' beloved Kaydet was a plane. When questioned about his faithful partner in battle, our squadron leader just chuckled sadly, saying, "Kaydet now lives at the bottom of the lagoon. It is her home now. Do not disturb her. She deserves a rest."

Even after the war ended, I, Kaydet, still watched. Resting. Waiting for Charles to come back. Of course, I knew he wouldn't. I knew he wouldn't abandon his beloved Kaydet other than for death. Having no other choice, I settled down in my watery home, spread my wings for one last time, and finally rested.

"Wheels which do not turn, society moved on.
Machines which mourn, for men long gone."
-Requiem of Humanity
Leaving a Mark

Okay, so this will probably come as unexpected to the lot of you, but I'm leaving PMC. Not permanently, but for a long time. If you haven't noticed already, I haven't been online very much. This is because I've got a ton of schoolwork right now and a ton that I'm going through. The simple fact is, I've just become too busy for PMC. I estimate I'll be back by Christmas, AT THE EARLIEST. THIS WILL PROBABLY NOT HAPPEN. My most accurate guess right now is Summer of 2017, when school is out and my schedule finally clears.
Now, thank you all for making my stay here awesome. Seriously. It's been amazing.
I'll see you all later.
Stay awesome.
Oooh, special shoutouts! owo
Senpaifever, or MatchKittyPro
Okay, you're awesome. Like legit, one of the coolest people I've ever met. You've pretty much been by my side through thick and thin, and stayed a good friend through it all. I can't remember a time in which I couldn't turn to you for advice. Your art is amazing, and you're even more amazing. You've helped me develop my creativity, my characters, and really, myself. I can't thank you enough for being such an awesome friend.
So all I can say is thank you. A whole, freaking, lot.
I remember when I first met you. It was kinda like friendship at first sight if I'm being honest. Ever since we met, you've just kept growing and growing. Even though you're not online much, you haven't posted recently, and we barely talk, I still consider you one of my closest friends here.
Thank you for that, and keep growing.
I met you through your freaking AMAZING parkour course, High Gardens. I've played through it so many times, I've lost count. It just doesn't get old. You are AMAZING at redstone, and you've build several.. ah.. interesting contraptions. :P
kungfue is an amazing friend, and even if he hasn't been on in a while, he's still like legit amazing.
Imma just start by saying you're awesome. No, like AWESOME. I can't really explain it effectively here, but you're AWESOME. Your stories are just baemazing, and so are your skins. You're just such a wonderful person, and one of my first friends on the site. Your art, man, I can't even get over it, it's so amazing. You're just too cool for this school ;w;
I don't even know how to begin with you. You're just.. aghhh.. I know this'll probably be seen as redundant, but you're amazing. You've been such a good friend, and I can't begin to explain to you how good your skins are. Everything about you is just plain awesome.
So like legit
don't change
except for the better ;w;
Beverly ♥
I think I've said everything that there is to be said about you. Amazing.. awesome.. cool.. and so much more. You've been such a kind person to me, and so understanding while I've been gone. I'm sorry I have to leave, but I'll be back. Be patient, and let God carry out His plan. Everything will be okay. ♥
Okay, how is this guy not more well-known?! HE IS LEGIT BUILDING SSBB IN MINECRAFT
Okay, yeah. You're super, super, super cool for doing this. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw your project. It was just like.. "Wow.. :o"
I was speechless. Pretty much tfw you see something so amazing that you don't wanna talk about it, lest you degrade it's awesome-ness
like seriously
go support him
Stella, or AngelFox
Master G, or ElectroSeptic
Wow, look at that. It's one of my first friends. Heck, I remember watching him grow from level 30.. to 40.. and now he's at level 50. It's crazy. You're a really cool dood with some awesome submissions, Electro. You share my taste in music, too. Cheers.
You know what? You will never, ever, ever find people as cool as my subscribers and my friends. But this dood? He's pretty much the coolest cool of the cool cats. He is so cool that not even the arctic could be cooler. Your mixtape could never melt him, he's so cool.
Gray (or as I call you, Grey, lol), you were my first subscriber, and my first friend. When I first started out, I had pretty much no idea what I was doing, or if I was doing it right. So when I got that diamond from you, that comment from you, and that sub from you, I was overjoyed. I got confidence from you, ideas from you, and a freaking awesome friendship from you. I don't really know why you've stopped posting, but I hope you continue soon. Because you're cool.
Wow. It's been a while. You were the first person on PMC that I ever had a legit conversation with. I was extremely cringeworthy back then, but you put up with me. After a year, I finally contacted you again. I'm not sure if I'm still cringeworthy, but you're not. You're cool, and your submissions are cool. You're just cool as a whole.
Awesome skins
Sassy lassy
Extremely good friend
Highly friendly
what more could you want?
Like, wow. You have helped me with my skins more than you know. My skins used to (and probably still do) suck. Like, they probably came outta the swamp with The Creature. But you helped me, and I finally started to improve. Best part is, you were an amazing friend through all of it. So thank you, and thank you a lot.

Thank you, to all of those who subscribed to me, who have been friendly with me, and who have made my stay here awesome. I couldn't ask for more from you guys.
I'll be back, though, so don't worry. I'm not leaving for good.
I'll see you all later! \o


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01/22/2017 12:38 pm
Level 29 : Expert Narwhal
Thunderscott's Avatar
I hope you can be back on soon! I really love your work and I hope to see more when you get back online
12/25/2016 9:47 am
Level 46 : Master Turtle
kungfue's Avatar
Dude, legit just came on PMC for the first time in a long while... Saw this and was like shit... Dude, much love goes out too you! That shout out made me feel extra special, i'm glad i could have entertained you! :) Going to miss you, its hard to explain, i haven't spoke to you in ages but you not being here feels kind of weird, like your just gone... :o I get school work dude, just push through we will be all good!

If i don't get to speak to you again i guess this is goodbye, thanks for being there and I'm sorry I wasn't for you.

Catch you later dude!

or not... :(
11/25/2016 11:22 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
Myra_'s Avatar
hdjdjkskfjd i feel like a horrible person because i only just saw this
And if you could go with that first option and be back around Christmas, that would be excellent ;v;
11/01/2016 9:04 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Vampire
Beverly's Avatar
Match and I will both miss you very much. ;-; Thank you for loving me and giving me the best ten months of my life. I love you. ♥ I hope life eases up on you and that your own wings will take you to heights you never saw before.
10/31/2016 4:24 am
Level 32 : Artisan Mountaineer
Creatizkit's Avatar
Welp, Bye I guess ;-;

Btw Nice story :D
10/30/2016 11:43 pm
Level 42 : Master Dragonborn
spookysoph's Avatar
I will miss you so dearly Monii ;;

i hope you come back soon, and your schedule clears up ;n;
trust me I know how that feels :u

I remember the day I first met you, and you will forever be part of the spooky fam <3 I'll miss you so very much ;;;;;

good luck and best wishes,
soph ♥

aka smollest bean on planet earth
10/30/2016 8:29 pm
Level 26 : Expert Cowboy
loverboy's Avatar
Daw, I'm going to really miss you; you're such a wonderful, unique person and a joy to have around! I hope things go well for you during your absence. ;w;
10/30/2016 8:24 pm
Level 48 : Master Architect
Anakiiin's Avatar
Ugh, so many people are leaving / taking breaks from here! Can't say that I haven't done the same, but it hurts each time one of you leave. Thanks for being a great friend in the past, Monii. I know we haven't spoken too much as of late, but that doesn't hide the fact that you were one of the few people who genuinely supported me since the days when I first started.

Remember to take care of yourself before you get back here -- whatever is going on in your personal life (i.e. school, personal agendas, etc.) are far more valuable than being active on this silly ol' website. Besides, we'll be waiting until you return! ;p

Hasta la vista, senor Monii!

pls just make sure that it doesn't take 7 years or i'll have to make you pay 7 dollars. :l
10/30/2016 7:20 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Vampire
nostalgia_'s Avatar
aw Monii!

you will be missed
there'll be a lot less random quotes poured out in PMC without you
and i will miss you and Beverly both

i will cherish the over-abundant amount of dog with fox pictures ;)
i hope you will come back some day
you and Beverly both
Suilimea Roswell
10/30/2016 6:49 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Goblin
Suilimea Roswell's Avatar
Great story! (Awww I'll miss you :C)
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