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Kora and the souls | Chapter 2

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TheAnimeGirls's Avatar TheAnimeGirls
Level 21 : Expert Pokemon

Saving Marona | TOM'S POV

"You're not really leaving, are you?" I questioned Kora. "I have to. Very few people have this power, and we need every person that does. The souls are more powerful than ever before, which is why it'll be harder to kill them this time. I looked up at her. "Take me with you." I said confidently. I knew my sister believed in me. I could be her sidekick. She rustled my hair and giggled. "Maybe ask Mama. She might let you." She smiled as she went upstairs to pack. I turned to Mama. "Can I pleeeeeeeeeease go with her? She'll make sure I don't get hurt!" I pleaded to Mama. She smiled and said, "It's up to her. As I said, Marona is our home, and I know Kora is strong enough to handle this. I just don't know wether you'd weigh Kora down or be a great sidekick. It's her choice." Mama smiled kindly and kissed me on the head, then I ran upstairs. "Kora! Mama said that if it's fine with you, she's fine with me being your sidekick!" I said excitedly. Kora turned around and smiled. "Then you better start packing!" She giggled. I ran to my room and grabbed everything I thought I would need.

Wow. I can't believe I'm really gonna be Kora's sidekick!! I thought to my self. We're gonna save save Marona!!!

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