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Just Shut Up About Dating [Happy New Year]

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Whoever01's Avatar Whoever01
Level 47 : Master Princess
Ok, let's take a look at the blog section. PMC blog, ok bog, spam, more spam, something half decent, oh god, -sigh-, another blog about dating.

The Problem

Dating is the problem. People seem to hate it with dating, and it is just getting on my nerves. There are so many blogs about MC dating, and you just won't stop posting, will you? You can see that there's so much runour about it, and then you start flaming others.

There is nothing wrong with dating in Minecraft, as long as your partner knows you in real life, and you don't break server rules. Dating is a natural human thing, and therefore, it makes us human. Hating against it will just make it worse, just, get over it, find something else to complain about!

People act sexual on most servers all the time, in dating. I can see how this puts people off, and why people don't like it. There are more original things that you can express than just flooding PMC with dating stuff. It offends some people and it attracts predators.

How it Started

Dating blogs started, when people used to be obsessed with Ponies and Pokemon. One person wrote a blog on it, then 6 months later, another person decided to. Then all these people thought 'OMG! Ima be so cool one day, and I'm going to fit in with the crowd and make dating rants!'

No, taking about dating over and over again does NOT make you look cool, it is NOT original and it DOES put people off. We don't want to hear about it.

Sorry about the short repetative blog guys, but the thing is, I just wanted to get this point across and also because I don't want people thinking I'm a dead, inactive blogger!


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01/18/2015 6:56 am
Level 33 : Artisan Pixel Painter
RetroCityRampage's Avatar
Forums please.
02/17/2014 5:13 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Goblin
TudorOstrich's Avatar
Just another blog saying "Shut up!". Unoriginal too!
01/04/2014 1:02 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Dragon
LeopardPrints's Avatar
dat thumbnail.....
>:3 very smoshy, I must say!
01/01/2014 11:54 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
__cristinaaa__'s Avatar
Ugh, I honestly agree with all of the 'MC Dating' rants.
Im pretty sure that all the girls have experienced being asked out, or being shifted on.

I join servers and people are just like "Wnna date me?", "Come to spawn if you wnna date", "Date me I'll give your free money." etc.
What if the person your dating is actually a 50 year old and your like what, 15? 16? or even 6? People can pretend there age. -.-"

People just stop asking out anon players -.-.
01/01/2014 10:55 pm
Level 25 : Expert Hunter
bigf's Avatar
One day I had a skin of a blond girl, and a bunch of boys started twerking in my face. Then after a bit I changed my skin to a redhead girl and I got left alone. Then after a bit I changed my skin to a girl with light brown hair and a bunch of boys started twerking in my face. In conclusion: It all comes down to the hair.
01/01/2014 8:53 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Demolitionist
KawaiiMiku's Avatar
this. some anti-minecraft dating blogs were good, but others are just 'dont date it's gross diamond sub fave' . Personally, I started writing one aaagggesss ago before the spam started, but I never finished it.
01/01/2014 12:45 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
HkTV's Avatar
I liked it and hated it but I could not argue with it... except that the concept of dating is not "natural" and I found a few typos :/
12/31/2013 11:12 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Network
Adam's Avatar
This made me both cry in joy and erupt in rage. Thank you, Whoever, for addressing a problem that needed to be addressed and delivering it beautifully.
01/01/2014 12:45 am
Level 47 : Master Princess
Whoever01's Avatar
Just here to help!
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