This Blog is an entry in the completed "Mystery in the Mansion" - Blog Contest.

Minecraft Blogs / Story

The Black Forest

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GoggleD0GG's Avatar GoggleD0GG
Site Moderator
Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragon Necromancer

Before you read this, allow me to explain to you how to read this. {/} Signifies a link leading to audio (none of which I own) Each line represents a new chunk. Each chunk contains one event. During the first few chunks, each line represents a switch between the two main places. If you aren't familiar with the mobs added in 1.11, don't worry. There are links to their pages on Minepedia or whatever it's called. Also, it's not all darkness, some humor as well.

{/}intro{/} A black, desolate forest lay between the humble villages of Tekkara and Minecraftia. Cold and unforgiving, not one dared to venture into it’s twisting vines and gnarled roots. In the forest lay a entire mythology of creatures, humanoids and undeads, beasts and other dark critters. This forest made trade an impossibility, weakening both Tekkara and Minecraftia. Tekkara was rich in golds and silvers, while Minecraftia was wealthy in livestock and flora. The chair with two legs always falls, with time. They have four legs for a reason, as your mother told you.
Image result for creepy dark forest in minecraft

In Tekkara, miners and blacksmiths ran abundant, relying on one another for a living. Whole families took up these professions, mastering the art of ore recognition and foraging. Routine kept them safe. Once a boy tired of this routine and ventured out to the forest his elders had warned him of, sneaking out in the dead of a moonless night. You could hear his cries a thousand miles away, amidst the cackling of foul creatures. With this fear now re-enforced, a select few miners were sent to construct a barrier around the village using a mixture of iron and stone. With a now heightened demand for blocks of solid iron, blacksmiths were now working overtime. Without pay. Reality sucks.
Image result for minecraft wall

Whilst such events occurred in Tekkara, Minecraftia was faring far differently. Vast fields of corn and grain stretched as far as one could see, and the tang of manure aging in sheds could be noticed anywhere, anytime. On the same moonless night, a farmer heard a sharp crack, like a thousand trees splitting at once. One glance out his window demolished his theory: not a single cloud in the sky. The farmer returned to his slumber, assuming that he was hearing things. Dawn announced itself the next morning via rooster, and the farmer rose from his sleep to get back to work. When he stepped outside, not a sheep was in sight. The residents of Minecraftia searched near and far for the sheep, making a point to avoid the Black Forest, their efforts in vain.
Image result for minecraft wheat fields

{/}downhill{/} The wall was never built. Each sunrise a miner disappeared, leaving nothing but his boots, a strange symbol etched into the soles of them. The first vanishing was thought to be a suicide, the second a murder, the third a mystery, the fourth a warning. The village was put on lockdown. The founder of Tekkara, Mastiff Bern, inspected each building and those residing in it. When he could find not a soul to be guilty, he was forced to enter the Black Forest for answers. “For honor and glory!”, he told his people before turning his back to them. Roberto, a child who had been abandoned by his mother, started screaming and rampaged through town, destroying as much as thought possible. Darn it, Roberto!
Image result for Boots

The farmer grew desperate. He no longer had any place in Minecraftia without his sheep. His small flock of chickens couldn’t sustain him, neither his milking cow. His family was gone, lost in the sands of time. He had not the muscles of a sower and reaper, nor the fame and riches of a librarian. He saw what happened to farmers who lost their stock: those who grew flora were drafted to become warriors, whilst the others succumbed to starvation. Refusing this fate, the farmer gathered what little he had left and left silently, heading to the Black Forest for answers. Image result for Minecraft villager traveling

May it be fate, may it be destiny. May it be luck, may it be coincidence. May this be humanity trying to label nature with their silly terms for what happens. The two villagers had a perilous journey, but survived none the less. Relief washed over them when they spotted the mansion. It appeared to be in disrepair, a strange creaking and groaning emanating from the within. Neither of the two had experienced the luxury of sleeping with four walls and a roof in quite some time, so they counted their blessings and circled the mansion. There was only one door, so nature would have them run into one another. Mastiff Bern tripped on a rock just as the farmer rounded a corner, causing him to fall directly onto him.
”Whoah-hey...hey there.” Mastiff said, surprise radiating from his body.
”That could’ve ended badly.” The farmer said, making the pair of them chuckle.
They both decided without words that two is better than one, for if one fall the other may aid their fellow being, and entered the mansion.Image result for Minecraft creepy woodland mansion

Greeted by a red velvety rug and a groaning staircase, the villagers silently agreed to explore this strange mansion. After all, who would both venture into the Black Forest and build a mansion within? Tekkara had a history of banishing criminals to the forest, but the cries heard the following night meant that things had unfolded as planned. Right? Could one assume a place so unpredictable? Neither had seen a structure as grand. Surely a outlaw couldn’t create such a thing? The two ascended the stairs, the light fading to a cruel wasteland of dark, moist, heavy air abundant with mobs. After the creatures they had faced in the Black Forest, the typical creeper of zombie didn’t seem so bad. Once the area had been cleared, they addressed the problem of the multiple doors in the corridor.Image result for Minecraft hall in woodland mansion

Tekkara and Minecraftia shared one aspect, and that was their building style. This simple fact caused both the men to be taken aback by what they saw. A chicken, built of wool. A table, with a cloth spread across it. A cat, the wool made to create it softer then true cat fur. Hurriedly they closed the doors and raced up the next flight.Image result for Minecraft hall in woodland mansion

In Tekkara, there was a notorious serial killer named Mcgaw, known as Slit. The unmarried and fatherless women of Tekkara were treated poorly by all, despised by some, brutally murdered by one. One day Tekkara awoke to an eruption of panicked cries as every fatherless unmarried women had her throat slit. The medics rushed across town, but not one could be saved. Each had been killed dead. Mastiff Bern was the man who’d tracked Slit down. Here he was, different now. A Vindicator, as Mastiff discovered after opening a door. The farmer was quick to introduce Mcgaw to his butcher knife, Mcgaw retaliating, dealing a blow to the farmer’s shoulder with his ax. The farmer let out a slight groan before jabbing Slit again, killing him dead. An average day in the life of Mastiff Bern.Image result for Minecraft vindicator being killed by a villager

The farmer then turned on his heel and raced down the corridor, Mastiff chasing after him. Strange noises sourced themselves in a room, and the farmer opened the door, revealing two Vindicators. The farmer recognized this threat and slashed at one of their necks with his butcher knife, a sickly maroon chasing the knife through the air. Mastiff, however, hesitated, recognizing the two Vindicators as Boulder and Tree, the first two miners to go missing.
“No-w-wait!” Bern exclaimed, a corner of his consciousness believing they could be saved.
The farmer raised his eyebrows and turned to face Bern, Boulder hacking his shoulder with a iron ax. The farmer groaned and spun on his heel, the knife slicing cleanly through Boulder’s throat, making both Vindicators killed dead. He then raced down the hall after grabbing Boulder’s ax. Mastiff was in shock, even more so when another Vindicator appeared. He also recognized this Vindicator. Johnny! Swooping up Tree’s ax he beheaded Johnny, the third miner to vanish. Once the deadly deed had been done he turned and flew down the hall, like a sparrow who felt the wind rush of an arrow.Image result for Minecraft vindicators

{/}fade{/} The farmer was sitting on the fourth step when Mastiff arrived, short of breath.
”Sometimes I wonder why we’d rather live than die. We look up to the skies for answers to our lives. We may get some solutions, but most just pass us by.”
Mastiff remained silent for a long minute before the two ascended the creaking, complaining staircase. Without second thought the farmer swung open the door, revealing two Vindicators and a Evoker. Mastiff Bern recognized one of the Vindicators as Barn, the fourth and last miner to vanish. A wave of horror splashed over him when he saw the Evoker, who he recognized as the young boy who ran into the forest without looking back. A life cut short by the horrors of the Black Forest. Or was it? The two villagers were swift to behead the Vindicators, but halfway through the bloodied process fangs shot out of the ground, snagging both Mastiff and the farmer. All the other fangs dissipated back into the floor but strangely the ones holding the villagers remained.
”You came here for answers, did you not? The sheep have been saved from your corrupted minds, the miners freed of the chains of being a villager. He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man!”
The fangs vanished and a wave of Vexes equivalent to a seven nation army rushed the villagers. The farmer recognized them as his sheep, although at this point he could care less about who he was killing. Mastiff Bern stood in shock, staring at the Evoker before he shifted his gaze to the wall. Oh. Wait a second, IS THAT OUR WOO-Image result for Minecraft graveyard

{/}return{/} Some of us cannot accept what happens. Grief is n inescapable sadness that stems from missing your last chance to be there for someone. The farmer was hardly missed: there were plenty to rush in to replace him. Mastiff Bern, however, was hailed as a being equal to a God by the villagers of Tekkara. The three surviving miners, Coal, Dust, and Trunk, set out into the Black Forest. "For freedom and peace!" they yelled as they turned their backs to their village.Image result for minecraft mega village seed

They followed in the footsteps of their great leader; more so the bloodstains. They encountered the same foul critters that Bern had, the trio using their iron swords to offend and chain-link armor to defend. Two is better than one. Three is better than two. Four is where arguments start, five's the death of you. Dust got a long gash on his side, Trunk a broken arm that healed before they stumbled across the mansion, Coal a heightened sense of awareness, now acting much like a frightened deer.Related image

When they laid eyes on the mansion, their hopes were restored. Perhaps Mastiff had simply decided to take a break from his perilous journey and rest at this fine place? They circled until they found the very door Bern had walked through to die, a gate to a wolf in sheep's clothing. Once again there were creepers and other creatures, but they no longer frightened the trio. They ascended the same staircase as the unfortunate souls before them, deciding to split up to explore the mansion and find Bern. Mistakes have been made!Image result for Wolf in sheep's clothing

Coal and Trunk went along there way, killing a few mobs, discovering a few rooms. Coal, on the other hand, had a rather...ahem interesting journey. You see, Bern and the farmer cleared most of the illagers, but they couldn't finish the job of discovering them all. One illager, exiled by even the other illagers, remained, known as the Illusioner. Coal opened a door that he was strangely drawn to, expecting to maybe find Bern. He nearly bolted with surprise.
Image result for minecraft door opening

"D-do you by any chance know where Mastiff Bern may be?" Coal asked nervously, thinking that the creature before him was just a sickly villager.
"Yes. Would you like to join him?" The Illusioner said, a most devious plan in his mind.
"Y-y-yes!!" Coal almost screamed.
"Well, allow me to teleport you. It may feel strange, but do not fret. The nausea is common in novices." The Illusioner said smoothly.
Coal was mystified. He had heard tales of teleporters and was excited to try it out. A strike of electric blue and white struck Coal in the chest, turning him to a Vindicator, mind, not body. He raced off with a new mindset.
Image result for Minecraft illusioner

Coal opened his measly bag to find enough tools for what he had planned. An hour of searching led to him finding those he once associated with. More specifically Trunk, the dimwit of the bunch.
"Trunk, does this rag smell like chloroform to you?"
"Not sure, hand it here."
"I heard it takes about five minutes for the real scent to kick through, would you do that favor for me?"
"Sure, ol' pal!"
Trunk fell to the ground minutes later. What an idiot. Coal beheaded him for absolution. Remembering Dust's protectiveness and loyalty he called out, hysterically screaming that Trunk had been murdered. Dust came at a sprint, stopping short at the sight of Trunk.
"Oh my..."
Grabbing the rope from his bag, Coal tied a noose.
"What are you-"
Coal quickly hung the noose on a protruding rusty nail.
"Take a guess, Dust. I'll see you on the other side, dear fighter."
"It's not worth it!" Dust screamed hysterically, lunging at Coal. Coal lazily nudged the noose slightly so Dust's neck got caught in it. Coal pulled it tight and walked away.Image result for Chloroform

Not one was seen by Minecraftia nor Tekkara again.
CreditThe internet.

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by GoggleD0GG 11/20/2017 9:33:46 pmNov 20th, 2017

Alright, here are ALL updates since release.
-Added background music
-Added images
-Fixed formatting problems
-Fixed grammatical mistakes
-Added a dash of humor so this isn't a die-hard cliche low-budget horror film that was probably would've been made by Disney if more parents died.
You were expecting more?

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11/22/2017 6:20 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Hunter
Autumn-Rose's Avatar
umm i think it is Minecraft Wiki
11/22/2017 7:06 pm
He/Him • Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragon Necromancer
GoggleD0GG's Avatar
Too lazy to change it.
11/22/2017 6:19 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Hunter
Autumn-Rose's Avatar
11/22/2017 7:07 pm
He/Him • Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragon Necromancer
GoggleD0GG's Avatar
Thanks! If you like it consider giving it a diamond to increase it's chances of getting Finalist.
11/11/2017 9:47 am
He/Him • Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragon Necromancer
GoggleD0GG's Avatar
Since this story is somewhat creepy I thought I’d just say I literally just coughed up blood. To be fair it was a like ten minute coughing fit.
12/03/2017 6:20 pm
Level 24 : Expert Artist
raisa's Avatar
12/03/2017 6:29 pm
He/Him • Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragon Necromancer
GoggleD0GG's Avatar
11/10/2017 10:49 pm
He/Him • Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragon Necromancer
GoggleD0GG's Avatar
ILLUMINAUTI demands that you favorite and diamond while chopping off your neighbors arm and gluing it to yourself so you can also subscribe.
12/03/2017 6:20 pm
Level 24 : Expert Artist
raisa's Avatar
12/03/2017 6:29 pm
He/Him • Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragon Necromancer
GoggleD0GG's Avatar
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