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Is Minecraft Dying? Updated.

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Electricdarkness's Avatar Electricdarkness
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Is Minecraft Dying? The question has resurfaced Since Minecraft EULA has been reinforced by Mojang. Yes Minecraft is Dying. After Reinforcing The EULA Several Servers Have Gone down Including Powercraft and Many others. My reasoning Is The Good Times of Minecraft. We Can all Remember (some of us) The Good Times of minecraft The Ol' Days Back in 1.7 and lower. After 1.7 Notch Resigned and Jeb took over. If you have noticed since then Unneeded Updates (my opinion) Where added Now of Course There a few things we got from These updates that are useful but Not Really. Rabbit , Sponge, More food , Slime Blocks, and others are useful But stuff in 1.9I Is not needed. As of right now a new problem has arise with 1.9. Crashing. Whenever certain Players (Including Me) Open there Minecraft in 1.9 It crashes and does it every time you try to join a server or make a world in single player.
Now Back to EULA. Pay-to-win has been around forever so why start caring now? Mojang Simply Wants the game to end as well. The #1 Reason notch left was because the game had become to Big and Not what he wanted. Jman Stated " All the loyal players are leaving and Unloyal players are coming and leaving even quicker." But That is how games work. There will always be More players coming and going. Back to EULA again. Servers Run off money from players who Buy ranks But now they can't because that is Pay-To-Win. On Powercraft The Ranks had to be removed and so did buying In game currency for Real Life Currency. Because it was to much of pay to win. But once again Mojang didn't care about this until now .I will add In the owner Of Powercrafts Opinion But I will Sum up The rest. Mojang Simply is Tired of the Popular Game. They are trying to end it which is why servers our going down across the Minecraft Grid. They Get all Their money from the Ranks and other things. Now My last Reason is Why is Hypixel still up with ranks which Give an Ingame Advantage to players but Yet other servers are blacklisted. The answer Is Mojang is Trying to end it in stages they don't want to make 50 thousand people mad on Hypixel and Same on Mineplex. But I want to tell you something else This is there game and they do what they want with it. Here Is the opinion of Johandrex:
I'm sorry to announce that the network is shutting down completely by 29th of May. We are shutting down because we are not allowed to sell commands, items or ranks in our webstore that violates Mojangs EULA (End Of User License). We'll be unable to pay our bills on 1200 USD each month because of this. Even if we completely stops with advertising on google adwords and project wonderful we would still have to pay around 800 USD each month. I thought that we would survive this at first. But after the blacklist we lost a lot of unique players online a day as you can see on the image covering the player statistic for the last 30 days - https://gyazo.com/a32436a8d9b8eea83a98cdb1faf4992c

Minecraft is dying anyway. I don't know if you have noticed but other big servers like Badlion, Minetime, Menoxia and lots of other servers have shut down due to the EULA. Server owner over Arkham Network have quit due to EULA as well. I'm honestly a bit relieved to quit Minecraft. Because I have ran Minecraft servers for 4 years (Powercraft, Raidcraft, Raidnation, Minecrave and Powercraft Network) and I have played Minecraft for nearly 6 years (since November 2011 when Minecraft 1.0 released). Minecraft was literally my first computer game. It may sound stupid but I've wanted to play other games like Fallout, Far Cry, Bioshock and other games for a long time but I never have time for that except under summer and winter break.


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06/11/2016 2:32 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
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https://www.badlion.net/forum/thread/10824 Badlion is EULA compliant...
06/11/2016 2:32 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
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