Minecraft Blogs / Interview

[[ρσρяєєℓ]] [[HOMEPAGE]] Interview with OreoVal!!

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TwistedOwl's Avatar TwistedOwl
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter



How did you find PMC?

I found PMC while looking for a cute, girly  texture pack/skin

Why did you choose to make skins?

I decided to start skinning, because when I was searching for a skin on
PMC, I didn't see the cute ones like Oblivion_Gamer or Sugarbun's, I
saw a load of unshaded, extremely generic and copied skins. Of corse,
mine were unshaded and unoriginal at first too.

  • How old were you when you started playing  mc?

 I was... em... 12?

What's your favorite thing about mc?

I love finding ravines in survival, then plotting to get down into them
without dying (woo-hoo, three cheers for waterfalls) then looting them,
setting up neat houses inside of them, and eventually setting up routes
to the surface - where the heck am I going to find food in a ravine if I
didn't even bring something to farm with?

What's your least favorite thing about minecraft?

 I really hate the
End tbh. The sky is weird, there are creepy purple particles everywhere,
enderman so close you can't hardly look up to walk without being
attacked, I never really liked obsidian, and that ender dragon tho

Who's your skinning inspiration?

My number-one skinning inspiration is Oblivion_Gamer. She's an amazing,
friendly, fun person, and her skins are absolutely the best. Go check
her out ^3^

What are some of your goals?

 My big, HUGE, never-gonna-happen
goal atm is 1000 subscribers, and I know it will take a while to
achieve.  I've also got some other goals such a Sugarbun or Jetra
subscribing, reaching level 50, and I want to make my own unique shading style that only I will be allowed to use.

Do you think you have improved a lot since your beginning

 I've definitely come a long way since my beginning, but I still have so, so far to go.

Favorite skin?

9. My favorite skin is my Neapolitan skin, I find it so cute ^o^

Favorite member of PMC?

10. It's hard to decide, there are so many. I'll give you a list:
  • Favorite "Popular" people

  1. Oblivion_Gamer
  2. RosiePlayz
  3. Sugarbun
  4. I always forget someone :/
  • Favorite not-nesicarily-popular friends

  1. TheRosieKitty123
  2. Kireblue
  3. Anime_luver12345
  4. SwiftN3S
  5. ISI_Swift
  6. Again, I always forget someone..
Check out OreoVal here!

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09/13/2014 3:58 pm
Level 29 : Expert Cowboy
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Interviews, interviews. *sighs*
06/01/2014 3:58 am
Level 26 : Expert Geek
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Good job
05/31/2014 5:26 pm
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05/31/2014 5:29 pm
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
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