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Interview with Noodle ♡

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Winds_'s Avatar Winds_
Level 36 : Artisan Bunny Princess
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Hello, and welcome to my interview with Noodle! She's been around PMC since way back in 2013, but is still an active and talented part of the community. :) I hope you enjoy our interview!

My questions are in dark purple; her replies are in lavender.

Crystal Ball

1. What inspired you to start making Minecraft skins?

My main inspiration to start making skins was through my inherent love of fashion and individuality. As soon as I got MC, I did not want to look like steve so I discovered skins I think on minersneedcoolshoes and started to edit some creations to make my own! From there- I learnt not to copy people lol and started forming my own sorts of style. That was all the way back in 2014 so suffice to say I've been doing this for a long time with the exact same purpose LMAO.

2. Do you have a persona? If so, what inspired you to create them?

Besides my online persona of Nudle/Noodle which everyone has, I guess my OCs count, and my most prominent one is Ramona. She was inspired by Ramona Flowers from Scott Pilgrim- and although she's my most prominent character I wouldn't call her my persona because her personality is a lot more grunge and yet fantastical than I am LMAO. She's still a cutie tho.

3. What is your favourite submission (that you have made)? Your favourite that someone else has made?

My favourite submission based on it being a meme but also technical goes to Montero LMAO. I had so much fun creating the wings as well as the hair and tatts. In terms of technicality and skin I would say malware persephone which was a commission.

My favourite submission by another person would have to go to Fire Queen by Crescendo for recreating a drawing I made. I was not only really touched by it, but I loved how she manipulated the general design to create an AMAZING dress as well as beautiful colours. A recent fav is bluetatu's Dean inspired skin!! I love their technical skills and they're a super nice person too!!

4. What would you consider to be your greatest accomplishment (either IRL or on PMC)?

4. My greatest accomplishment on PMC i would say has been to inspire and create skins to enjoy! I'm always so touched when I see others wear my skins and that being able to inspire people to create their own is probably one of my greatest achievements. IRL wise, it's 1000% getting to law school, although it's a pain in the ass I did manage to beat the odds and achieve a dream I had since I was 16!

5. What hobbies do you enjoy IRL?

IRL i love videogames (mainly multiplayer, I play Dead by Daylight and sometimes Apex Legends) as well as painting and makeup/fashion. I am quite adventurous and always strive to try new things- for example I am going to try dye a wig for the first time!

6. Do you have an inspiration (either for making skins or in real life)? If so, what do you like about them?

6. Although my inspirations points change over time, I was always inspired by whatever caught my eye. One of my favourite series that I did based off artwork by VinneArt was of the branded samurais- not only for the artists technical ability for the aesthetically bright style and sharp Akira style lines. I'm very much inspired by the fashion of the character- and the aesthetics they hold rather than I guess a colour, or a song I listen to. To me at least- it needs to pop!

7. If you could change one feature about PMC, what would it be?

I personally feel that the wallpost way of chatting is a bit reminiscent of old-school Facebook for some reason HAHA. I personally find it difficult to communicate on it- i haven't really done wall posts expressing how I feel since I cried about my friend tagging me in a 1D post on Facebook BAHAHA. At the same time tho- I wouldn't exactly know how to change it.

8. What advice would you give to a new PMC member?

8. Practice, Practice, Practice! And don't be afraid to say hi and introduce yourself to community members- not only can they help you give constructive feedback but also inspire you in new ways and ofc- the power of friendship!

9. Do you have a current goal for your content? If so, what is it?

I am currently working on re-doing the samurai series- just because I felt that the particular artist deserves justice!! Otherwise- I plan to watch a ton of Netflix shows while I enjoy my winter break so there might be room for a new series! I've also been experimenting with HD skins and hope to show more soon- although I've personally yet to top my Lady Gaga one- who was my first attempt .-.

10. How would you describe yourself in three words?

Business, Bold, Queen >:)

. . .

Thank you so much for the opportunity! and if I can give a shoutout- I would give it to minzy for being my best friend in the 2021 PMC journey I've had thus far!

Crystal Ball

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Thank you again to Noodle for being with us today! I hope you enjoyed the interview. :)
. . .

Interviews are currently being posted every Saturday.
Stay tuned for next weekend, and I hope you have a lovely day/night! ♥
CreditNoodle- For being interviewed, DA artists- All artwork

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08/03/2021 7:57 am
Level 82 : Elite Witch
Crescendo's Avatar
omg I remember making that skin Noodle !! nice to see you again as well :-) !
08/04/2021 9:28 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Ladybug
Noodle's Avatar
oh wow!!! that's so cool- i was OBSESSED with it for MONTHS when I got that skin HAHAHA
but ty ty!!
07/31/2021 8:23 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Ladybug
Noodle's Avatar
Ahh ty for having me!!
08/04/2021 8:08 am
They/Them • Level 36 : Artisan Bunny Princess
Winds_'s Avatar
It was my pleasure! I’m glad you enjoyed the interview. :)
07/31/2021 8:10 am
He/They • Level 64 : High Grandmaster Creeper Hugger
aquarine's Avatar
love the purple theme! :)
08/04/2021 8:08 am
They/Them • Level 36 : Artisan Bunny Princess
Winds_'s Avatar
Thank you! :)
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