Minecraft Blogs / Interview

Interview with: Nananah!

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ImJustAPineapple's Avatar ImJustAPineapple
Level 28 : Expert Unicorn
Hello guys! Today I am interviewing a skinner on PMC, known as Nananah.
Me: So Nananah, when you started PMC, what were your first thoughts? Were you nervous or anxious about being viewed, or were you a bundle of hyperness?
Nananah: At first, I thought it had a really clean layout and everything was easy to find, I didn't really care much about doing anything on this site on the first few months that I joined.
M: Same here, I mainly looked at cool skins and projects. Next, how did you discover Minecraft?
N: JX23's videos, they just popped up in my reccomended videos one day, he got banned because of something he did while drunk.
M: Inspired by Youtube, I see! Do you play or make skins more? I've mainly seen skins posted by you.
N: I barely play the game itself anymore, maybe sometimes when my friends want me to. And also, I'm not the kind of person that uploads skins every day.
M: I see. Were you inspired by anyone to begin PMC or skin making? If so, state who.
N: I was really interested in how skins are made, halucid's and DinowCookie's really made me want to make skins like theirs.M: I'll be sure to check them out! Almost done with the interview. Do you prefer multiplayer or singleplayer? Creative or survival?
N: When I do play, I preffer multiplayer minigames. I haven't played survival in like 8 months, so I'll go with Creative.
M: I'm a creative dweller as well. Last question! State a fact someone may not know about you-for example, you have a youtube or deviantart, or a crazy experience.
N: I have a deviantart for some reason, I made it because there was always a deviantart icon on my channel that redirected the person to just deviantart. I also had a youtube channel, my friends and I uploaded short videos there. I'm also platinum on LoL because everyone wants to know that.
M: Interesting! Well, thanks for the opportunity to do an interview.

Wanna check out Nananah? Click the link here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/nananah/

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