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Interview with my Friend

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Coal is a hoe's Avatar Coal is a hoe
Level 12 : Journeyman Narwhal
So this is my friend CommanderDragon5. He is a friend on Minecraft. So I asked him a series of questions while we were playing sky block. Anyways these are what he typed. When I put in the parenthesis that just means that's what I think. I hope you enjoy them.

1) What is you favorite color?
Him: Green

2)What's your favorite food?
Him: Pizza

3) Do you like Pineapple on Pizza?
Him: No

4)Do you play any sports? If so what sport?
Him: I do. Soccer

5) Do you have a favorite toy?
Him: No

6) Do you have any pets? If so which ones?
Him: 3 Cats. I wish I had dogs though

7) Do you believe in Unicorns because I do.

8) How do you think the world will end?
Him: I think aliens will zap us all... (I thought that was brilliant)

9) What's you favorite animal?
Him: Narwhales.... (Cool)

10) What ended in 2000
Him: 1999

11) Since bread is square, then why is sandwich meat round?
Him: Oh um.. Because it tastes better?


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10/28/2017 2:13 pm
Level 24 : Expert Artist
raisa's Avatar
hey dear, just wanted to let you know there's a section for interviews.
might want to move this post over there?
Coal is a hoe
10/28/2017 5:29 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Narwhal
Coal is a hoe's Avatar
Oh your right. I will for my next one. If I do one. Thanks though.
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