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Interview With Master G

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Sardonyx's Avatar Sardonyx
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Today I interviewed Master G.  Hope you enjoy!

1. What are your top 3 favorite video games, overall?
Hmm tough question I guess they would have to be:
3. Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX)

2. How did you decide on the name Master G? 
Long Story:I came up with the name Master G from the Song  Apache Jump on it and in the song I have a Nintendo Wii so I had that song on Just Dance and it was my favourite song and in the song in says: Like Kemosabi 'course it's me better known as the Master G. And then I decided to change the G into Gamer so Master Gamer but Master G for short. 

3. How did you find out about Minecraft, and why did you decide to purchase it? 
Actually it was my cousin who told me about Minecraft and then when I started playing it I never stopped :P Oh and I have cracked Minecraft. :P

4. Are there any members on PMC that inspire you? 
Yeah there are a lot of members but the one that I have been inspired by before I joined was Tommist. Before I even joined PMC I was still searching for maps and stuff and Tommist inspired me ever since.

5. What is your favorite Minecraft server? How often do you play on it? 
I honestly don't play on Minecraft servers due to me having cracked Minecraft but also because I don't like the hassle of putting up with trolls and noobs :P

6. How long does it take you to make a skin, map or blog? (Whichever you want to answer.) 
Well it depends on what the skin/map/blog is but heres a mini chart.

Longest7 months1hr 18mins7 days
4 days15mins40mins
Shortest20mins 1min 20secs2 mins

7. Do you have any suggestions for people who are new to PMC? 
Read the Rules, Read guides to level up like this one.

8. What is your favorite Minecraft version, and why? 
I don't know why but it would have to be 1.7.10 I guess it's because I always use MC Forge 1.7.10 and I don't want to use Forge 1.8 because I won't find all the mods I had for 1.7.10.

9. What is your favorite thing that you posted on PMC, and what is your favorite thing that someone else posted? 
My favourite thing would have to be my Lego Ninjago Jungle Raider
Something that someone else created? Not so sure due to there being many builds out there but one of them would be Imperial City.

10. What is your favorite thing about PMC? 
Mainly the Levels because there are 2 (kinda 3) things I live for and PMC is one of them ;)

Thanks for reading!  Make sure to go and subscribe Master G, since he's a great person! 
Master G's Page

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01/01/2016 3:53 pm
Level 27 : Expert Blacksmith
Nebulabeee's Avatar
Ooh, may I be interviewed?
01/01/2016 3:53 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Sardonyx's Avatar
Yes, after Lukatura+  :)
01/01/2016 3:57 pm
Level 27 : Expert Blacksmith
Nebulabeee's Avatar
awesome! ^^
01/01/2016 7:02 am
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Architect
Xoyjaz's Avatar
This interview was awesome tbh. Quick pace and got right to the point
01/01/2016 10:08 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Sardonyx's Avatar
Thanks! :D
12/31/2015 3:18 pm
Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
Shquaz's Avatar
Can you interview me?
12/31/2015 7:13 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Sardonyx's Avatar
Sure! :D  I'll PM you once I have some questions ready! :)
01/01/2016 2:48 am
Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
Shquaz's Avatar
12/30/2015 11:40 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Sardonyx's Avatar
Both of my interviews made main page popreel, somehow XD
01/01/2016 3:23 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Sardonyx's Avatar
How does this keep getting popreel???  It's popreel again!!  :D  XD
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