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Interview with Lipse!~ (Popreel!!)

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Sundara's Avatar Sundara
Level 13 : Journeyman Dragon

Interview with Lipse!~ (Popreel!!)

1. Hello! First off, how are you?
 Hi! I'm good. I've had a pretty uneventful day, lol ^^
Thanks for interviewing me c:
You're very welcome!! How could I resist? xD

Interview with Lipse!~ (Popreel!!)

2. Tell us about yourself. Hobbies? Likes? Dislikes?
 Well, I like skinning (duh), drawing, writing, reading, acting, and singing. My favourite food is
mashed potatoes, and my favourite colour is yellow. I don't like homophobic people, or people
who dislike people. Jk xD I don't really like people who support Trump, I REALLY don't
understand that... lol.
Ikr... I really don't get it either. (No offense to people who support Trump :p)

Interview with Lipse!~ (Popreel!!)

3. I see you like space / sci-fi. Why is that?
Well it's probably because of all the amazing wonders of it. The beautiful colours, and the
curiosity of if there are any living creatures besides us. It's so interesting and makes me want
more. :3
I agree. Space is really cool :)

4. Why are foxes your favourite animal?
Because my friend and I play this role play called fox magic, where you play as a kitsune from
Japanese Shinto. It's really fun, and I love the idea of powers and fantasy ^^
I'm going to have to try that out! Sounds fun.

5. Do you like Role Playing? If so, what do you like to play?
I sort of answered this in my last question, but yeah, I LOVE roleplays. I find I have a really
good imagination, and when I'm doing a roleplay, it's like I'm there and everything is happening
around me. The same thing happens when I'm reading and writing :)
Sorry lol I just love reading <3

6. Why do you make skins?
 I really like drawing, so this is a kind of art that I find really fun and enjoyable. I also like making
skins for people, because I find the default skins really ugly xD
Ik when I saw the alex skin I was like -.- reaaally

7. What are your favourite things to do on your free time?
I love to read, but I'm usually playing video games like Minecraft, SWTOR, Spore, and Sims 4. :)
I also take my dog for walks on my free time. She really likes to be outside and always get's so
excited xD It's adorable c:
Awww I wish I wad a dog. They're so cute and friendly c: But my mom is allergic to them ;-;

8. Is there anything that you're very passionate about?
 I'm really passionate about one's sexuality and gender. I feel people should be able to express
themselves in any way, or use any label they want to make themselves comfortable in their own
body :)
I completely agree with that being a transgirl. I'm glad that's what you believe in <3

9. Are you planning on doing anything big / fun in the near future (In PMC or in RL)?
I might go on an exchange to france, because I want to learn more french. I'd go for three
months and I'm so excited if I get to go xD (It's a lot of money, so my parents are kind of iffy
about it.)
Yeah, I've seen the price of those exchanges, lol REALLY EXPENSIVE!!! But I guess it's worth it in the end ;)

10. And finally, what's your favourite post ever on PMC? Why?
I'd say this one because It's gotten me where I am today with my skinning. Thank you SO
MUCH KnobleKnives. cx
I've seen that blog!! It's helped me a lot as well. :)

Thank you so much to Lipse for letting me interview her! It's really been a pleasure <3


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