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Interview with JadeFire170 ♡

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Winds_'s Avatar Winds_
Level 36 : Artisan Bunny Princess
Yellow Divider

Hello, and welcome to my interview with the lovely JadeFire170! ♥ She is a delightful person and a well-known member here on PMC, known not only for the lovely skins she makes, but also for her hosting of the annual PMC Prom event and her encouragement and involvement in the community. ♥ I hope you enjoy our interview!

My questions are in yellow; her replies are in light yellow. x

ICON: Scribbly Sun

1. What inspired you to start making Minecraft skins?

1. My brother! He used to make skins on an app called Minecraft Skin Studio ( MSS for short ) and I thought it was the coolest thing ever. That started the inspiration. A few years later when I joined the MSS community, I began posting skins and that’s when I officially started my journey and started to grow in my inspiration. :)

2. How did you discover PMC? What attracted you to the site, and what is one of your favourite early memories?

2. I discovered PMC before I left MSS. I had a lot of great friends on there who I’d miss dearly, so I made an account on here to stay in touch with them. To be honest, I didn’t plan on getting so involved in this community! It just… happened, honestly. I saw how cool the artists were and that made me really excited to share my works, heh. So I’d mainly say the people here attracted me.

One of my favorite early memories on here is discovering all the different features this site has! MSS didn't have a subscription feature or dms, so learning all the different attributes on here was definitely exciting!

3. Do you have a persona? If so, what inspired you to create them?

3. I do have a persona! She is a combination of two of my past personas. My very first persona was my main source of inspiration, and my second persona ( who was sadly short-lived ) helped me tie in all of my favorite styles/aesthetics to create my current one. :)

4. Do you have a favourite submission you've made? Your favourite that someone else has made?

4. I personally like this submission! When it comes to a favorite skin from another artist, I honestly don't have one. :)

5. Who would you say has influenced or inspired you the most on PMC?

5. Oh, goodness. The list would go on for quite some time if I were to list everyone, but to keep it rather short- jadeitee, ChatieTheDragon, eluusive, and Caromid were ( and still are <3 ) my biggest inspirations. chickenpants93 and Aurosilia are definitely two of my biggest influences as well.

6. If you could add one feature to PMC, what would it be? What already existing feature would you remove?

6. If not counting my accepted ticket for a dm confirmation feature, friend requests/lists would be pretty awesome! The site’s current features are fantastic, so I honestly don’t despise any of them and would leave all of them alone.

7. I see in your bio that you enjoy theatre arts! Do you have a favourite role or production you've done? A funny or interesting memory from theatre? :)

7. Goodness, these will be hard to answer since I have so many. x) Two of my favorite roles was Ms. Andrew from Mary Poppins Jr. and Romeo from Newsies, heh. Both roles were spectacular in their own way. Favorite production- definitely Newsies, Beauty and the Beast following very close behind.

An interesting memory of mine from theater is when I did the show The Fiddler on the Roof, and I got to wear a real vintage wedding dress and veil. It was absolutely beautiful. ♥ The woman who brought the dress, she said something about how the dress used to be someone else’s that she knew. When I discovered that, it humbled me greatly and I made sure I took great care wearing the dress.

8. What would you consider to be your greatest accomplishment here on PMC? In real life?

8. PMC Prom, for sure! Real life- becoming an aunt is definitely one of my greatest accomplishments. ♥

9. What advice would you give to a new PMC member?

9. If you’re going to peruse yourself in this community, remember to be kind not only to others, but to yourself as well. I’ve seen many people in this community lose track of their mental health, whether from real life issues or simply getting overworked/stressed over their content. Remember to take it easy, and remind yourself that this is all for fun. At the end of the day, we’re all people behind screens who have our own lives to deal with. Take care of yourself. ♥

10. Do you have a current goal for your content?

10. Working on shading. :)

11. How would you describe yourself in three words?

11. Kind

ICON: Scribbly Sun

[Divider 10] Witch Haze

Thank you again to JadeFire170 for being with us today! I hope you enjoyed our interview. ♥

. . .

Interviews are currently being posted every Saturday.
Stay tuned for next weekend, and I hope you have a lovely day/evening! x
CreditJadeFire170- For being interviewed, DA artists- All artwork

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Igor Tio
03/06/2022 1:45 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Button Pusher Birb
Igor Tio's Avatar
03/07/2022 7:53 am
They/Them • Level 36 : Artisan Bunny Princess
Winds_'s Avatar
Thank you!
03/05/2022 10:46 am
Level 44 : Master Botanist
dandelionss's Avatar
Really entertaining interview! <3 Loved it
03/05/2022 11:47 am
They/Them • Level 36 : Artisan Bunny Princess
Winds_'s Avatar
Thank you very much! :)
03/05/2022 9:59 am
Level 43 : Master Strawberry Sweetheart
JadeFire170's Avatar
Thank you so much for the interview! I had a lot of fun. ♥♥
03/05/2022 11:47 am
They/Them • Level 36 : Artisan Bunny Princess
Winds_'s Avatar
It was my pleasure; I’m glad you enjoyed the interview! :) ♥
03/05/2022 9:27 am
He/They • Level 64 : High Grandmaster Creeper Hugger
aquarine's Avatar
great interview! <3
03/05/2022 11:46 am
They/Them • Level 36 : Artisan Bunny Princess
Winds_'s Avatar
Thank you! :)
03/05/2022 9:26 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Birb Lad
chickenpants93's Avatar
Easily the best interview anyone has ever interviewed in the history of time, wonderful job to both of you lol
03/05/2022 11:46 am
They/Them • Level 36 : Artisan Bunny Princess
Winds_'s Avatar
Oh my, I doubt it, but thank you haha! ♥ x
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