Minecraft Blogs / Interview

Interview with Herobrine

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tinzin's Avatar tinzin
Level 42 : Master System
I decided to interview herobrine. I don't know what I was thinking. It took me about 3 days to find him, and then he stalked me for another 24 hours before I actually got to interview him. -_-

Herobrine (after 38th attempt at terrifying me): Why aren't you screaming in terror??
Me: Because I want to interview you. Didn't you know journalists are the bravest people in Minecraft?
Herobrine: ...fair enough. What did you want to ask me?
Me: Okay, first question: Why do you go around scaring people?
Herobrine: It's fun. I like seeing them scream in terror.
Me: I see. And, what do you do when you're NOT making people scream in terror?
Herobrine: Scare cows. They're so easily startled, so it's not that much fun, but it's still kinda funny.
Me: Do you have any other hobbies?
Herobrine: Not really, no.
Me: Hm. So, uhm, what exactly are you? Are you human? Are you immortal? Do you need to eat or sleep?
Herobrine: I really shouldn't tell you that...
Me: Why not?
Herobrine: That would ruin the suspense. I have to keep up an air of mystery in my reputation, you know?
Me: I guess that means you won't be answering any more questions?
Herobrine: Probably.
Me: Okay then. I'm off now.
Herobrine: Not before I kill you! *lunges at deli73*
Me: Haha, nice try. *Teleports away*
Herobrine: God, what are you, part enderman?
Me: *teleports back* yep. *teleports away again*

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08/01/2013 1:35 pm
Level 43 : Master Pixel Puncher
Nytroh's Avatar
08/01/2013 2:46 pm
Level 42 : Master System
tinzin's Avatar
That was indeed the intended reaction ^^
08/01/2013 11:22 pm
Level 43 : Master Pixel Puncher
Nytroh's Avatar
yeah.Im subbing!
08/02/2013 11:02 am
Level 42 : Master System
tinzin's Avatar
Thanks! ^^
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